Redtail Rise Rally
951 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Tracker
Pack Activity 
It wasn’t like them to meddle in the pack’s political affairs, yet if Masquerade could not bring their mother home, then it was their duty to make certain the pups were provided as much stability as possible. The Caru intended to assume the role of their primary caretaker—along with @New Snow’s help—but that left the problem of the other role Avicus had left behind.

She’d handpicked Relic to stand beside her, causing all sorts of tension. But perhaps that could be put to rights today. Masquerade fidgeted and paced around the rendezvous site before making up their mind and calling out to the rise.

@Relic and @Redd for Wealda! @Lilia for Berserkr! @Augur for Ulfheddin!”

Would the rest of the pack agree? What would they think of the Caru calling the shots? Masque’s insides quivered nervously as they fell silent and dropped their eyes to @Redsky, @Fifth, @Mulherin and “Pupper.” They were Avicus’s legacy and the future of Redtail Rise. Everything Masque did now was for them.
MATURE CONTENT WARNING: Graphic violence is a common theme in this character's threads. Reader discretion is advised.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
437 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Redd heard the call and this one she came to, her step sure despite the unease that rippled through her at its contents.  In an ideal world, Wealda would have chosen one to take on her role, or there would have been a challenge similar to Berserker.  There was neither, but she and Relic would not serve.  Not now.

Redd growled softly for her sibling to stop the pronouncement, her tail and bearing kept low so that no mistakes would be understood.  Now was not the moment for this, and if someone was to bring them together, it would be with the blessing of Augur and Lilia.  She would not insert herself as Relic had, and would prevent him doing the same if need be.

Redd obeyed a law older, one that told her pack above all else.  She needed no title to serve this.
Bearclaw Valley
Regina *
1,085 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian

Lilia turned slowly, having been patrolling when Masquerade's unexpected howl went up, explaining names at ranks to whoever was within earshot. She tried to figure out why Masquerade would seek to broadcast her suggestions via howl, rather than simply calling them together to speak and assumed perhaps that Masquerade too had spent long hours trying to figure out how the pack would hold together through this, and could bear to keep it silent no longer. The three of them, they'd lost a mother. Lilia couldn't help but think- welcome to the club. 

To Lilia, the suggestions were unwelcome if they came from anyone but Augur. The Caru vouched for their siblings, and Lilia interpreted it as a feeble attempt to keep their bloodline in the running through the leadership. Relic had made himself scarce, and Redd had always shown true loyalty, but seemed content to be a part of the pack so long as it was led well. Lilia had been present when Relic had snarled, and had not only abdicated his role, but had receded into shadows and isolation. The last thing they needed was another likely deserter. Perhaps Masque was yet uninformed of Relic's abdication and subsequent avoidance; the Caru had been off searching for Avicus, after all. 

She issued a short call for Ancelin, knowing that their moment was approaching and she wanted to have him by her side. But rather than make a path for Masque, she instead sought out Augur, bristling with an adrenaline rush. He was their leader now and she trusted not only him, but his judgements as well. 

Now, her time had come- and she chose to rise to the occasion like an answered prayer.
Bearclaw Valley
Rex *
595 Posts
Ooc — ebony

the pack was quiet and tense. the searches went on, ancelin joining more than once, though he kept up the hunt. the kids would need to keep fed as well as the leader's mate.
but when masque's call went out, ancelin was dumbfounded. 
such was the nature of a pack in flux, but ancelin didn't like it, and especially the idea of his cousin who'd fucked right off now offered the highest role in the pack.
and redd hadn't ever seemed interested.
lilia's summons caught him at once, and he followed the tip of her hackles until she found the broad man patrolling where the children had been moved.
he said nothing, only stood alongside her, and would move when she did.
712 Posts
Ooc — ebony
wife & puppy tags for ref/join! <3

the rise heaved.

he had given red woman's children silent names of his own, spending time at the rendezvous with them as well as his daughters. @Redsky was blackfang. @Mulherin was night eye. fifth held the moniker of earth paw, and the lastpup would be called roundstone. he had told these names to @New Snow, @Saturdays Sunrise, and @Saturdays Sunset in their own quiet language, and once the pups were covered in his scent and that of their den, accepted them as easily as if they had come from her.

he brought more food for his mate noting that the caru had been off on a search of their own for red woman.

this he did not fault. each of the yearlings must accept in their own way that she was gone.

thorn caller's howl disturbed his intentions of announcing their changes. 

he rose carefully as not to leave any pups tumbling, and licked his jaws, exchanging a look with new snow before he moved to answer. wolverine and skin tooth joined him next, and seeing the agitation of the young wolves kept him close to them, exchanging a rumble or headbutt as augur attempted to dispel the tension.

the huntleader found thorn caller and blood star in quiet, though the latter's body suggested she did not care for the summons or suggestions.

augur growled to them all, a low crooning note of affection and firm dominance.

there would be no wealda until red woman's daughters came of age. to him, the only one in the pack who held the right to be wealda was new snow, who was able to deliver children in defense of her claim.

but augur meant to give the young ones their own chance in the spring. 

sun jaw had given up his position, which meant in augur's mind the role of berserkr belonged to wolverine.

he crossed the small clearing to crown her with a swing of his plume and a nudge to her forehead.

sun jaw would be demoted. he thought the boy might see fit to disperse then, but the rise must go on and it would do with two in leadership.

still, augur waited for discontent, glancing at each of their faces in turn.
Young Hunter
79 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Redsky was interested when the beckoning growl came from the man called Auger, one whom Sky was told was a leader of the Rise. He wasn't sure if the call included him, but he wanted to see what was up, with all this stuff happening these days, so he tentatively approached.
951 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Tracker
When Redd approached, Masquerade resisted the impulse to submit to their sister. Their ears fell back at the sound of her growl. The Ulfr said nothing but her body language expressed her rejection of Masque’s nomination. The Caru wasn’t entirely surprised, though their jaw set and their ears swept backward.

Augur strode imperiously onto the scene, others alongside him. Masquerade had truly hoped this solution would make everyone happy, yet clearly it had had the opposite effect. Redd refused them, Relic hadn’t shown (yet…) and the Ulfhedinn clearly didn’t appreciate the Caru’s attempt to mediate.

Masque stood very still as the Ulfhedinn took over the rally, making appointments in his silent way, officially stripping Relic of his title and giving it to Lilia. But Augur made it clear Relic could not be Wealda and Redd didn’t want it. So where did that leave the Redtails in Redtail Rise?

Mother would want a Redtail in leadership, they said quietly, talking almost as if to themself. If Redd refuses and you won’t have Relic, would you consider… Masque gazed to the pups, gathering courage. Would you accept a Caru in leadership?

The question was put to Augur but their marigold eyes sought the others’ gazes. They did not aspire to power. They wanted stability for what was left of Avicus’s family, particularly the young pups she’d left behind. Masque liked to think they could offer that, serving as an advisor and peacekeeper of sorts, but they had no idea if anyone else in the rise would find merit in them.

Part of the Caru hoped they wouldn’t, truthfully, as they weren’t certain they were up to the task. But Masquerade could not live with themself if they did not try to step up and do what they thought was best.
MATURE CONTENT WARNING: Graphic violence is a common theme in this character's threads. Reader discretion is advised.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
78 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Relic was slow to answer the call. But answer it he did. He was surprised that the announcement came from Masquerade, who seemed to keep the most level head of the youth. Like some may have suspected, he did not abandon his home. Over the days he had made himself scarce. To sulk and think. To try and get his bearings straight. 

It was bad enough that their Wealda was still missing. The Caru's choice in announcement surprised him. He had handed over the rank of Beserker to Lilia, boldly stating his lack of desire for such a role. But now, the proposition to fill Wealda's shoes? He didn't know what to think. 

When he arrived at the congregation, it was not with his usual swagger or bristling hackles. He was measured. Quiet. But not downtrodden. He waited until Masquerade had finished speaking, suggesting their potential for Wealda. 

He sucked in a long breath, letting it out slowly. Burnt eyes falling onto each face. "Let's all try to be adults about this." He stated calmly, doing his damn best not to focus on Ancelin just a little more. "I am laying this out now. I am not leaving the Rise. But, that being said, I have no desire for the role of Beserker or Wealda. I only accepted Wealda's proposition because I felt it was she wanted. I felt obligated." He clenched his jaw, firm. "But, given the circumstances, I will do what is best for the Rise. Masque, I would support you if you feel you must take the role as Wealda."
437 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
The gathering grew.  Redd stepped silently into the background, though she noted the way Ancelin and Lilia stood in solidarity.  Would she be pleased in the role of Berserker?  Or would the fondness of the others, her seeming closeness with all, propel her to Avicus’ place?

Redd did not know how this felt and did not want to dwell on it.  She wished the role for herself, but she would not set the pack into chaos to claim it.  Their stability and their future was more important than ambition.

We should wait.  She said quietly, though did not step forward, choosing instead to keep her bearing low and her voice lowered.  There was no need for a Wealda now with two leaders to carry them for the near future.  Let things settle first.
Bearclaw Valley
Regina *
1,085 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
She yielded with her posture only to Ancelin, who commanded her heart and was warm and welcome at her side, and to Augur who commanded the pack and was regarded as a sage and worthy leader. When Lilia looked to the others who gathered, it was without the same deference, but with a level, calm gaze. After all, she expected to be announced as Berserkr yet again- and hoped that this time, all would know and accept it. 

It seemed that the Ulfhedinn denied the proposal of having Redd and Relic lead, and Lilia felt a wave of relief. She'd pondered what she might do, if Masquerade's suggestion carried- but it would have been a choice that could have had a great cost. When Augur turned to her, she drew in a breath and braced. She blinked her eyes shut at the gentle nudge to her temple, and when she opened them again, she maintained the posture she'd taken. 

Berserkr, at last. 

She felt as though she was beaming, though her features allowed very little of the delight to show. She could see Ancelin in the corner of her eye and her heart thrummed. In spite of the feeling of being abandoned once again, she could see light in her future, and it made her a bit more hopeful that Wealda would come back. They could keep looking- and with two leaders, the pack would be a little bit more stable. 

But as earlier, Masque spoke up with what was an unwelcome suggestion to Lilia- one that sat particularly poorly with the orphaned girl, who took the suggestion of prioritizing Redtail blood over all others for the sake of the bloodline as a slight. Currently, the bloodline Masque seemed to want to boost consisted of two wolves who wanted nothing to do with leadership, and the one who did want it, only wanted it in order to preserve the sovereignty of her bloodline. 

A bloodline shared by neither the Berserkr nor the Ulfhedinn. Ancelin, too, seemed overlooked, which she did not appreciate.

She listened to Relic, and then to Redd. Her ears turned back slightly, and she shook her head. 

"No." She spoke directly to Masque, who seemed yet too green to take on the role, especially if they wanted it simply to keep the title in her bloodline. She glanced to Augur, thinking of New Snow, but if the snowy Ulfr had no desire to lead, then she felt the pack would be stable enough, with the two of them managing pack affairs.
712 Posts
Ooc — ebony
wow sorry text wall smh

he did not see support in the lines of wolf-bodies for the caru but augur's affection remained.

red woman had gone. two times she had given children to the rise. now they grew in strength and would hold the territory she had founded no matter their role.

in this, each of them maintained their own importance. and when spring came again, one of them might be wealda.

sun jaw spoke and the ulfhedinn listened. the tone of his words were for thorn caller. augur watched him for any signs he too meant to fight, but saw none at this moment, and none from skin tooth.

wolverine denied thorn caller with a simple sound, and the huntleader stepped forward with his tail waving, scenting the air between them to ensure it did not turn sharp.

he gestured to the little blackfang who had come to join their convocation, for he too was a part of the future which red woman had created.

all redtail.

all blooded to the land.

yet blood meant nothing without tooth to hold it, and wolverine had proved herself for the role multiple times despite the fact her birth had been outside the rise.

augur looked to thorn caller, wondering if a challenge would come forth all the same now that sun jaw had given his support.

but if blood star would not fight again, it must be new snow who accepted this test, for only the ulfr held the rights and ability of breeding as the pack's now sole mother.

these conflicts could not continue. if they continued to vie, the tension in the rise would fracture them. 

they needed an alpha female, as was the organized structure of any wolf-group. red woman's absence had now left a key vacancy that in augur's mind could only be held by birthing new blood  into the land. it was his natural right to place his mate there at once, but he felt he had aptly and already preserved his own lineage, that he and she had bound themselves intrinsically to the pack.

therefore he was willing to wait more seasons, in honor of red woman and the line she had begun. she would want it made formal with grandchildren to carry her genetic stamp.

yearling females often shouldered their way against one another more than once. young males tested both the older wolves and their peers. augur could only envision more tension were he to place a young wolf there, for the position would not be secured in the way that red woman had done.

if the continued gap in the top of their ranks continued to stress his young, he would appoint new snow, for he felt her kind loyalty would settle the redtail wolves and remind the young of their place inside the hierarchy as yearlings who must earn what their mother had earned through tooth and maternity.
Young Hunter
79 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Redsky knew his opinion didn't matter so he just sat there, wide eyed and listening. Personally, the young boy wouldn't be opposed to his older sibling being leader at all but the pack seemed to maybe think otherwise? He still didn't fully understand that mom was gone, but he knew she wasn't here right now and to him it made sense for Masque to take over. It was in the bloodline anyway
951 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Tracker
Not Wealda— was all Masquerade managed to say before they were roundly denied by both Augur and Lilia.

They didn’t bother attempting to clarify further or make their case. It was painfully clear the pack didn’t back them, aside from Relic. They felt a queer range of emotions: dejection, frustration, relief. They’d tried but they’d been put in their place. There would be no Redtails in the leadership and Masque had no choice but to accept that outcome, even if it grieved them.

The Caru moved toward the pups, lingering a moment before slinking to the other side of the rendezvous site. They felt jittery and wrongfooted. Masque just wanted to be alone.
MATURE CONTENT WARNING: Graphic violence is a common theme in this character's threads. Reader discretion is advised.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
349 Posts
Ooc — April

If hope was dead, this was its funeral.

He refused to accept their Wealda had gone. She had gone off many times before, and she would return again.

Yet, still, he knew that their searches would be unfruitful.

If she were to come back, it would be on her own accord—head held high. Steadfast with confidence, an accident needed no apology.

That was just how she was.

Throughout the ordeal, he remained next to Redsky. Orange eyes sat vacant as he lost himself in vivid memories of his mother’s warmth. 

Words buzzed by his ears like mosquitoes on a hot summer night. He could hear, but did not listen.
[Image: VpR1P5E.png]
331 Posts
Ooc — ???
New Snow watched in silence. 

Her ears were pricked as she stood among the packs youngest, minding them and making sure the rest did as well. There was a missing piece to the Rise that New Snow was cognizant of, and she would not let any bids for leadership end in the genocide of any bloodline. 

She would protect Red Woman’s cubs like her own.

Many words, some understood but more not; she could understand best of all what was not said, however. New Snow padded over toward the Caru and huffed a warm, affectionate breath upon her cheek. She hoped to dispel some of that tension with a gentle nudge before moving toward the cubs. 

To Night Eye she went, sensing his unspoken discontent, and moved to nose his cheek as well. She stood over him, moving to groom the furs made unkempt by the Summers breeze. New Snow would not have Red Woman return to see her cubs not cared for; the Caru and herself would see to their care and wellbeing. 

New Snow looked among the crowd, the eyes lingering upon Wolverine—her other daughter—bright with pride. New Snow herself made no move for the role of Wealda, though should dissent occur she would do what she must to keep the peace to keep the cubs of the Rise safe. This was more instinct than ambition, New Snow was content with her role. 

Peering now at Mountain Boulder, there was only love in her eyes. 

He led them all well.