Ankyra Sound holding out for a hero
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
All Welcome 
tags for reference :) all welcome!

Eljay hadn't done well in the past month. He'd come up with many ideas of things he could do for Drageda so that he may please @Thuringwethil, but at the end of the day none of them seemed good and Eljay just didn't know what to do with himself. He wanted to badly to live with @Wildfire and he wanted to prove himself, but he was no good without a pack, he realised. It was a struggle to survive each day and he grew thinner by the day because he just couldn't provide for himself and try to be a good aspiring pack mate to Drageda. Most of all, Eljay really missed mommy and daddy and he wished he'd never left Redhawk Caldera. Eljay was beginning to fear he might not make it into Drageda at all because he hadn't proven anything and considering his weakening health, he was probably not going to get much impressing done either in the near future because his energy was waning. It seemed like a downward spiral that he just couldn't break.

He remembered @Tytonidae's offer and considered that he should make it further south along the beach. She'd pointed in the direction opposing Drageda from the Sound, but Eljay was stopped each time that he wanted to make his way there. He wanted so bad to prove himself to Wildfire and he also didn't want to look like a loser who'd up and leave when things got tough in the eyes of the Heda. He kept telling himself that maybe if he kept going for a bit longer, a bit more, maybe she'd see he was worth it.

Eljay hadn't eaten in days and though he had hunted he felt his energy waning. He curled up on the beach that day and watched as the water came and went, his bony ribcage moving slowly up and down while his stomach churned and he wished he had something to eat, so that he could get healthy again and maybe then he would get the chance to become better. Eljay didn't have any gods to turn to, but he still prayed for someone to do anything; for something to happen; for a miracle that would get him back on his feet again.
416 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Tytonidae's following was growing, albeit slowly, and she felt more and more confident as the days went on that things were going to be just fine. She found herself north again, knowing that the plateau would be there when she got back. There were, as far as she knew, no other packs seeking it out as a possible home. She needn't worry about keeping it locked down every hour of every day. As long as she returned every few days and marked what she could, she did not think it would be a problem.

She had caught a rabbit, and she was about to find somewhere secluded to eat it, when she spotted the thin, scraggly-looking figure on the beach. It took her a moment, but she soon recognized him. Sorrow struck her, and she felt compassion for the poor guy. It did not look as though he had gotten into the pack he sought. Knowing that he needed food more than she did, she plopped the rabbit right in front of him.

"You gotta eat, Eljay," she said, her face full of concern.
avatar by Magdalyn
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
As if sent from the heavens food suddenly arrived in front of him. Eljay blinked, though his first gut reaction was to simply go and grab it without pause. The only thing that gave him pause was the familiar voice that came with it and an ear turned towards it before he looked up to see Ty there. He didn't remember the rest of her name, but he remembered she was named Ty and that maybe he should've just gone with her to start with... Eljay wasn't sure what was up in Drageda but he hadn't seen Wildfire in quite a while and was worried for that, as well as starting to think he might never get into the pack anyway.

Normally he would've rejected such offerings but Eljay realised how poorly he was doing and he wanted nothing more than to survive. Many months ago he had almost welcomed death, when he had spared food from his mouth during and after the famine while mommy was gone, but now he was not helping anyone by not eating. He was just... really bad at hunting small game, and he got worse every day he didn't eat. "Thank you," Eljay said, shame resonating in his voice that he couldn't even care for himself properly but he didn't deny the food. He grabbed the rabbit between his front paws and started to eat it quickly, glad he had something to focus on except his own failure for now.
416 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
She stepped back, letting Eljay eat. Tytonidae sighed, a pensive look mottling her usual optimistic expression. She knew she couldn't force Eljay to come live with her, but she was worried about him. She also couldn't continue to hunt for him or look after him if he wasn't part of Bhediyon. Being a lone wolf was not something wolves were supposed to do. They needed the camaraderie of a pack in order to survive, and Eljay's current condition was a testament to that fact.

When he finished his meal, Ty turned back toward him. "No luck with that pack, huh?" she asked, already knowing the answer. "Why don't you come stay with us on the plateau? I have a few others pledged to the cause. And once you're in better shape, you can try that pack again." So long as Eljay got better and helped the pack while he was around, she had no qualms with him leaving for another pack whenever he felt like it.
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what do i do after all this survival?
1,834 Posts
Ooc — Kermy
Master Guardian
Master Ambassador
Mostly a cameo -- tag if interaction is needed? <3

It’s been a few days since Wildfire left for Redhawk Caldera with Arlo, leaving her to be the primary caregiver for the three of their children. They’re mostly self-sufficient these days, able to get the other adults if they need something in her absence, but the missing of Wildfire certain has exhausted her more than she expected. She’d been following the scent of her daughter to the borders where, by the time she reaches the sound, she loses Blixen’s scent. Thuringwethil does not worry much in that moment as something else is enough to distract her.

A common scent she’s kept near the sound is that of Eljay but today is something different. Her nose wrinkles, feeling the fur on the back of her neck flare as if she’d just seen Dennis Nedry.

Thuringwethil does not try to hide her appearance but she keeps her distance from Eljay and his friend further down the sand. She cannot hear the words, drowned out by the ocean roar, but she watches the pair with just as much intent.
Trigedasleng · Common
all that wanting, all that aching, all that capacity for love:
it never belonged to you in the first place
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay ate while Ty spoke. His ears flattened in silent apology to an unpresent force while she spoke, feeling guilty already at the thought of departing from Drageda when he had really wished to make it work. But if he wouldn't get better and die then he would also hurt Wildfire, so maybe he should just... give up, for now.

It was then that he noticed Thuringwethil in the distance and he froze. Eyes grew large, guilty and filled with emotion as he stared into the distance and licked his lips in subconscious sign of submission. Should he come with Ty? Should he stay here, or ask the Heda how much longer? But there was more than waiting involved here, and he was afraid that if he'd stay here, he wouldn't make it.

"I... I don't know what to do," he said as he looked at Ty, feeling miserable and not sure why she was even supporting him so. "I don't think they'll let me try again ever if I leave now." And that meant that he wouldn't get to see Wildfire, probably, if he ever wanted it so. What if he'd never see her again, so soon after he had gotten her back? "My cousin Wiffle is there, I... I wanted to be with her. But maybe it'd be better to..." He looked back at the Heda and bit his lip, wishing he could make a choice that would be to stay in Drageda and to be healthy. He didn't want to die because he made the wrong decision, and he didn't want to not-repay Ty for everything she'd done for him, for dragging him from the edge of death by offering him food in a completely selfless gesture.
416 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Ty frowned when Eljay explained that they weren't going to give him a second chance. What kind of über-strict pack would do that? She looked at the looming figure in the distance, wondering if Eljay would even like living there. The other wolf didn't approach, and Ty squinted at her, wondering why she was being so aloof. If she wanted Eljay in her pack, why was she making him do this? If she didn't want him, why didn't she just tell him so? Ty looked back to Eljay, then spoke.

"Do you think she wants you there? Not your cousin, but the leader. Because let me tell you something Eljay, I do want you to come to the plateau, get stronger, and help us with whatever skills are your best." She couldn't make the decision for him—that wasn't her place—but she could make her thoughts known. Even if he decided to join this other pack and it didn't work out, she'd take him in, no questions asked. She had a soft heart that had seen rejection too many times to do it herself.
avatar by Magdalyn
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay felt his throat tighten and he wanted so badly that he could choose for both those things. He wanted to get to know Ty and her pack, but he also really wanted this to work, because somehow, getting into Drageda was a metaphor for everything that he needed to go right in his life. He needed this to work because it might mean that he'd see everyone in Redhawk Caldera again some day. But he also needed to survive, and he wasn't too sure if he would do so here. If he could manage...

"I'm..." He didn't really want to make any decision at all, and it was clear from the emotion that Eljay battled from coming to the surface. He tried to steady his breathing but it still came out in small short breaths as he tried to make a decision. "I'm gonna — I'll ask her i-if I can get in and if I... If she doesn't let me in now, I'll come with you. Is that... okay?" Eljay looked guiltily at Ty, clearly feeling bad about something; he felt that Ty deserved a lot more and he wanted to give her everything she deserved. But was that he coming with her? Or would she just need a bit more time to realise what a no-good loser he was? What if she'd get mad because he wanted to see if Drageda worked out before coming with her? She deserved so much better. "Or do you think I should just come with you?" The words were hastily added not long after he initially spoke, because he was afraid she would get mad from his initial words and he hoped to temper whatever she might feel by suggesting she could choose for him and make it all go away now.
416 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
"Of course," Tytonidae replied. She knew how strong family ties could be, and if he wanted to live with his cousin, that made perfect sense. "It can't hurt to ask her, eh?" she added when he asked if he should go with her instead. While she thought he should, Tytonidae knew she was biased, and it was up to him to make the decision. Somehow, though, Ty didn't have high hopes for Eljay getting into that other pack. He was weak, and she'd had to bring him a rabbit to survive. Based solely on this one far-away interaction with their leader (not to mention the way Eljay had talked about her), Ty got the feeling he wasn't cut out for life there.

"Go on; I'll wait here." Ty nudged him toward the looming figure. If he left with her, she'd know the decision was made.
avatar by Magdalyn
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay nodded when Ty confirmed that he should go and ask the Heda about getting into Drageda. He took a deep breath, turned away from Ty and then trotted slowly over to the Heda. He felt nauseous from eating the rabbit and wobbly on his feet from the lack of nutrients he'd had recently. The food he had gotten the day he'd retrieved Bobbin was nice, but he hadn't had much luck otherwise. He didn't know the lay of the lands and so hunting small game hadn't been a lucky experience for him.

Once he had approached @Thuringwethil, posture submissive and nerves running wild in his head, Eljay began to talk. "I... Do you have a — a judgement yet? Can I stay in Wildfire's pack, or..." He trailed off and swallowed thickly. "I mean, I — I'd like to stay with Bobbin, and Arlo, and uhm, you, in Drageda, I really do. I just would like to know how much longer, if..." He trailed off again, not sure how to proceed, his voice trembling from the nerves. Eljay looked to the dirt underneath the Heda's paws, waiting until she would respond in some form so that he'd know his future.
what do i do after all this survival?
1,834 Posts
Ooc — Kermy
Master Guardian
Master Ambassador
Their exchange goes on a little longer. Muffled words and voices are all she can hear from where she stands against the roar of the ocean and she doesn't make an effort to try and listen. After several moments, she considers taking a step back and returning home but they both look in her general direction, causing her to freeze in place. One ear twitches but both remain cupped forward, her tail curved high above her spine, and eventually Eljay retreats away from the dark stranger. Her steel eyes remain focused on the unknown in the distance even as the scrawny male submissively draws forward.

Eventually, she pulls her gaze away as Eljay comes in close. The prompting of questions makes her wonder what they have been talking about but she anxiously licks her lips and drops the thoughts on the exchange entirely.

"Wildfire has gone to Redhawk Caldera for a few days," she tells him and leaves a brief pause. "I'm sure she'll tell them you're here with Drageda." Thuringwethil remains stiff, occasionally flicking her gaze to the distance where the other remains. "You should have a little meat on your bones when she returns, I think it'll make her happy," she adds after a moment, lifting a single paw and taking a step, opening up the way to return. "And I'm sure Robin would like to help you get settled."
Trigedasleng · Common
all that wanting, all that aching, all that capacity for love:
it never belonged to you in the first place
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
There was a knot at the pit of his stomach as he glanced backwards to Ty one more time before turning his full attention on the Heda. After she mentioned that Wildfire had been gone from the Caldera for a few days he felt nervous, wondering if without Wildfire his chances of joining would drop down entirely — and wondering what Wildfire would tell her family about him (and if she'd tell them about how miserably he was failing out here trying to get by on his own to prove his worth to the pack). He licked his lips nervously as he waited for the Heda to continue speaking, afraid that what might come next might be a rejection and telling him he should leave now.

When the Heda spoke again it took a little while for it to sink into Eljay's mind, for him to realise what she had said. She'll tell them you're here with Drageda. His tail began to wag a little as it hung low at his hocks but he was afraid to get too enthusiastic. Further words were positive and though Eljay felt very needy for a literal confirmation of his joining, he was 99% sure that her words meant he was in. "Oh!" he said, unsure what to say for a short moment before saying, "Thank you! Thank you so much, I... I don't know what to say — I'll do my very best and I'll prove that you made the right decision!" Eljay felt a bit uneasy making such a heavy promise because he knew he wasn't the best wolf at wolfing, but he would try his very best to show that he was worth living in Drageda.

He hadn't forgotten all about Ty though, and looked over his shoulder, feeling a bit guilty. He wanted so badly to go tell Ty the good news, but he also didn't want to ruin his opening into Drageda by asking to leave now. He left it with the look over the shoulder and a few wags of his tail before he turned to follow the Heda who had opened up the way back to Drageda territory, feeling over the moon that he was accepted into Drageda which, up until a few minutes ago, had seemed a faraway dream he couldn't accomplish. Eljay told himself when he was feeling better, he would go and find Ty in her home on the plateau by the sea and he would thank her for everything and make up for joining Wildfire's pack over hers... somehow.
416 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
She could not make out the words from here, but she knew soon enough that the decision had been made. Eljay gave her one final look and wag of his tail, and then he was off to his new home. A part of her was saddened, but she did not blame Eljay for his choice. She only hoped that he had found a place suitable for him to learn and grow.
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