Sun Mote Copse The disco hot spots hold no charm for you
gubraithian fire
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Ooc — Kat
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All Welcome 
She made it back to the copse unscathed. Wildfire immediately went to ground, hiding herself among The Nest's roots as she thought of how to handle the next three to seven days. Her heats had always been poorly timed but this one probably took the cake. She needed to isolate herself somewhere safe, maybe ask the girls to help guard her. She couldn't have the males in the pack come sniffing around in her business...

Her harsh breathing slowed and then hitched. She was an Alpha female now. She didn't have a mate to direct her actions anymore. Did she really need to run and hide? If she wanted, she could take her pick of the pack's bachelors. Unlike in past years, she had totally free reign over her own body. It was a heady realization. It made her hunker even closer to the cold dirt, feeling overwhelmed by the possibilities.

Even if she did have a mate—if she was back at Drageda, still standing by the commander's side—she hadn't planned on any more pups. She thought not only of Antler, Falcon and Hawk, but also of Bat and her estranged children back at the cliffs. Wildfire swallowed thickly. No, she didn't intend to bring any more children into the world. She couldn't let her instincts overrule her good senses.

But then her own words echoed back at her: "The reward is worth every risk." She thought of @Eljay, who wanted so badly to be a father. Despite herself, she groaned under her breath. She peeked up over the gnarled roots, as if expecting to see him. But there was no one there. Was it bad that she was disappointed? She pressed herself down again and resolved to quash her urges. She really shouldn't make any life-altering decisions under the influence of hormones...
Do No Harm
56 Posts
Ooc —
Having made the pack official and sponged up a few more members from the Redhawks, the pack had grown beyond Fluke’s expectations- but he was quite pleased nonetheless. He busied himself with getting to know the territory and his packmates better and did border patrols as necessary and thus far, he hadn’t come up against anyone unpleasant. This could be OK, he thought. 

But Fluke didn’t really know what to think when he came across Wildfire’s scent mixed with the smell of anxiety and something that made his insides boil and squirm. He followed her tracks toward the large opening in the earth, but the closer he got the more the scent of her made the hackles on the back of his neck raise. 

Nevertheless, he was alarmed by his own response and moved forward, having scented no one else in the area and stuck his head tentatively inside the Nest’s opening. ”Heya, Wifi?” He called, and something drove him to take a step in, though the tangible anxiety in the air made him reel. ”It’s Fluke...You Okay in here?” He asked, squinting against the darkness.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Okay, talking to mommy had (probably) made him feel a little more organised about all of this, but there were still a lot of weird emotions going around that Eljay couldn't quite place. It didn't help that a few days after the confusing moment and its aftermath something changed. Eljay found a trace of something weird and Wiffley on the borders and he wasn't too sure what to make of it. Unsure what this meant and a little worried -- and still confused and feeling awkward about when he cried because Wiffle was crying and all that followed, not sure it things'd be weird if they saw each other or not -- Eljay followed the scent into the pack territories.

His hackles raised a little when he saw another guy standing there, calling something to -- presumably -- Wiffle. Hey - What's going on? he asked, though his voice came out a lot more defensive and protective than he had intended it. Eljay didn't really understand why but he just felt the fierce need to protect Wiffle from this guy, even though when he looked at it rationally, there wasn't any danger going on and this guy was probably just a pack mate. But what if he was more? What if he loved Wiffle? What if she loved him too? What if he was going to hurt Wiffle? All these thoughts seemed super irrational and at the same time they were the only thing on his mind as he stepped forward, his body posture insecure and far from the confidence he wanted to show in this situation.
gubraithian fire
3,000 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Trapper
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
When she heard footsteps approaching, Wildfire peeked out from behind the roots. Her heart leaped in her chest as she thought, Eljay? But it was Finbar. Her heart sunk a little, then began to beat quickly. She bit back another groan as her instincts attempted to take the steering wheel and swerve right into him simply because he was nearby and male.

He peeked inside the nearby burrow. Wildfire watched him from her hiding spot among the exposed roots near the tree's base, biting her lip. Surely she could master herself. She had gone into heat once at a particularly horrible time and the commander had refused her a male's attentions. Wildfire knew she had toughed it out reasonably well, though the memory came with another and unexpected emotion: anger. Years later, that denial still stung her. She buzzed with sudden indignation, marinated in her more recent resentments toward Thuringwethil.

She was so lost in her own head that she missed Eljay's appearance. Only when she heard his familiar voice did Wildfire react. Her head popped up again. Her jaw—which she had been clenching without realizing—relaxed and her lips parted. "Eljay! Could you come here, please?" Her chestnut eyes drifted sideways to Finbar. Wildfire wanted him to go, yet she didn't. She also didn't want to be rude. "Hey, Fluke. I'm absolutely fine. I just—" She flushed a little. He must know; surely they both knew.
Do No Harm
56 Posts
Ooc —
Fluke had been educated enough to know what was going on- but he’d never been in a situation in which he could have gotten this close to a woman who was ready to mate. He felt flustered and confused and conflicted; as much as her pheromones made him want her, he was still an old fashioned wolf and morally, couldn’t have done anything unless asked to. Eljay showed up and he too looked ruffled and confused- and definitely defensive. Subserviently, Fluke stepped back, to make it clear he wasn’t submitting a bid for breeding rights. Wildfire called him in and reassured him, but he still felt like he should hang around her. He wasn’t quite ready to leave her just yet. ”Do you uhm. Do you want or need anything?” He asked, his voice cracking lightly. Part of him was jealous that Eljay had been summoned, not him. But he disregarded that as much as he could- but refused to leave his place just outside the cavern’s entrance.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Wiffle called out his name, causing Eljay to feel relieved. She sounded like she was fine. Her scent was still weird and a little alluring, but Eljay couldn't quite place it. He'd smelled it before, but it was different then and not on Wiffle, which confused him greatly. It was like a memory that he just couldn't access entirely. Eljay glanced at the other guy, feeling like chasing him away, but it seemed he was harmless for the moment.

Eljay made his way to the burrow. He nearly sent a warning to the other guy not to get too close, but just in time managed to calm himself with a mental reprimand of 'Eljay, he's not doing anything wrong'! The guy was clearly a little disappointed, but he stepped back nonetheless. Uh, hi, Eljay said super awkwardly as he looked at the dude he didn't know well yet. He poked his nose into the burrow to see if Wiffle was alright, the scent intensifying as he did.
gubraithian fire
3,000 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Trapper
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
Well, whether or not they were fully aware of what was happening, Wildfire realized she needed to take control of the situation. "No, I don't need anything. Thanks though." She paused, then said, "I would like some privacy with Eljay, if you don't mind." She felt her entire body flush as she said the words.

But when she turned to Eljay (his face now looming in the little niche where she lay tucked among the roots), she only whispered, "Could you please stay with me? Just keep me company?" Wildfire had always had Thuringwethil and their chosen donor nearby during her heats, so it made sense that she abruptly wanted a chaperone.

Did she want more than that, though? No! she firmly told herself. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. You definitely should not, the Sovereign told herself right before she glanced at Eljay, whose soft, sweet features immediately began crumbling her resolve.
Do No Harm
56 Posts
Ooc —
Fluke, confused and aggravated somehow, gave Eljay a slightly odd look as he moved to go into the den with Wildfire. He felt strangely jealous, but Fluke wasn't the sort of wolf to get all possessive over someone like that, especially when Wildfire had already made it fairly clear that she wanted Eljay with her rather than Fluke. Still, he wasn't sure how to feel when Eljay moved past him, so the look he likely gave the grey male was one of confusion, envy and...Well, more confusion. In fact, it matched Eljay's reaction pretty well, so it seemed that they'd avoid conflict simply based ont he fact that neither of them really seemed to understand why they felt the way they did. 

"Oh, Okay," He said, when Wildfire said she didn't need anything from him. "I guess I'll just...I'll just go then..." He said, but still, his instincts told him to stay there, and hopefully get invited in too. "Unless you want me to stay here? 'Cause I totally don't mind," He said hopefully, yet again offering his presence because he couldn't quite make himself leave the location just yet. Her request for privacy was one thing; but his instincts still told him to stay, which really made him confused. He didn't like going against her request, but he really, really hoped he'd get to stay- and just wanted to kindly offer his presence once more. Fluke would never normally go against his sovereign's wishes; and he didn't force himself inside the den- but he couldn't force himself to leave just yet either.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
There was something awkward and strange and new about Wiffle saying she just wanted to be alone with him. Eljay glanced back at Fluke, almost a little apologetically so, before he entered the den upon Wifi's invitation. Of course, he agreed with a soft smile. He stayed near the entrance of the den. Fluke didn't seem very threatening, but something in Eljay still made him feel like he needed to be wary, even though Eljay didn't understand entirely what or how or why.

Fluke said he would go but then said he could also stay, even though to Eljay it seemed pretty clear Wiffle didn't want him there. He contemplated saying this but then decided to just stay quiet as he stayed in the barrow between Wifi and the outside -- and Fluke. His position was safe enough that he didn't need to tell Fluke off so long as he didn't get too close, as he couldn't easily reach Wifi anyway.
gubraithian fire
3,000 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Trapper
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
Eljay agreed readily and Wildfire felt a weird amalgamation of relief and need, which she would have to parse out later, because Finbar was still lingering awkwardly. The Sovereign mustered patience she didn't actually feel.

"I'd prefer if you left us alone," she said to Finbar, her words clear as she threw him an almost pained look. She understood his reluctance; there was part of her that did want to invite him closer. Yes, there was part of her that wanted to go wild with every male in the pack.

But—decorum. "We'll see you later, Finbar."
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
i guess i'll fade this since finbar is no longer active? :)

Wiffle told Finbar to go away -- nicely, of course, as was the way she was -- and Eljay looked at her briefly, then said a soft, Bye in the direction of Finbar. He smiled awkwardly at Wiffle then, not sure what she wanted him to do except for just.. watch over her, he supposed, protect her and make sure she didn't get hurt. He could do that. Eljay made ready to stay alert and make sure that nobody would bother Wiffle for the coming days.