Ocean's Breath Plateau Army of One
Daddy Moonglow
1,013 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
All Welcome 
Anyone may join. OPB gang or any possible recruits?

[Image: downloadfile-2.jpg]

Aiolos felt, that deep within his heart, this had all fallen apart. His cconquest to find a suitable home near the ocean to take pride in, while had been found, had been left forgotten. As he, too, had been left forgotten. Not only by the woman to be his future lead, but by the woman which had currently been. Olo could be left to wonder if perhaps both Andraste and Kalika were lost together. Had been left to wonder if Kalika would ever return to claim and prize which Aiolos had bestowed upon her. 

He was settled bow upon such a gift, the long grasses giving way as spring fought against winter. At the edges of the plateau he gazed upon the open sea out before him and the bright afternoon skies above. Would @Ovid reunite with him? Would @Elektra meet him here as she so promised? Even with them, no pack could be formed with but three. Still, at the moment, Aiolos was but an army of one.
moonglow daddy
203 Posts
Ooc — Tori
She wasn't entirely sure how she had gotten here, but now that she could smell salt air, she didn't see herself wanting to leave.
The fae padded through the light snow, relatively unbothered by the cold wind.
Her efforts to crest the plateau were rewarded,  as a lone male sat pensively overlooking the softly cresting sea. Her hunger and exhaustion forgotten, a new bodily urge took her over- the soft edge of an incoming heat. She had been alone nearly all of winter, somehow surviving on carrion and human refuse. 
She paused a moment to straighten her fur,  using a paw to smooth the fur over the bare skin on her neck- the mark of a long ago broken collar. 
She put on her sweetest smile,  and swayed her hips suggestively she approached. "Lonely up here. Stay too long and you start to feel like the only wolf in the world."
Daddy Moonglow
1,013 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
He was still as a statue, watching the beautiful calm ocean out before him. A single ginger ear turned backward, listening to the soft crunch of footing over the icy floor. His paws shifted, bracing, as though ready should he be attacked from behind. But the voice which came from behind him was delicate, her approach easy. Aiolos could not help the upturn of his lips to her words and as his head turns, he catches her sway and her pleasant smile. A forward woman, flirty, woman and as he looks to her deep sapphire eyes he takes in a deep breath. Her eyes reminded him of Kalika, now long gone. The woman which he had founded this place for. 

Actually, my intentions are to stay. He spoke, shifting as he sat along the cliffside so that he may see her figure properly. I plan on making this place my home.
moonglow daddy
203 Posts
Ooc — Tori
She smiled as he turned and noticed her, feeling his eyes fall over her. It was an odd feeling, one she hadn't experienced before but that wasn't necessarily unpleasant. 
" I can see the Appeal- I've been wandering for months and this is the first time I just feel...right."  She answered softly, lowering her haunches a few feet away from him. The wind picked at her pelt, carrying her perfume in swirling eddies. "I am Aphrodite....and what might I call you?" She inqured gently.
Daddy Moonglow
1,013 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
To her words about this land, he smiles. When he had found it some weeks ago he had felt the same and although it was not directly on the beach, it was right in his front yard, so to speak. One could decent down the plateau, run through the small area of rolling emerald greens and onto the beach. It also meant that not being directly on the beach and being at a higher point the wolves which lived here did not have ti worry about their home flooding. 

He wondered, perhaps, if by her words she had interest in finding a home. A home here, of course. But he was not going to jump the gun just yet. Aphrodite... He repeated her name with a smooth whisper. I'm Aiolos. His nose twitches to the salty wind and her scent which it carries. How much longer do you plan to travel, or are you in search for a pack? He wonders, fiery eyes overlooking the woman settled at his side.
moonglow daddy
203 Posts
Ooc — Tori
He was extremely handsome, his entire pelt lit with copper. The intensity he gazed at her with made her chest quiver in a way it never had before- as though she wanted to roll on her back and simultaneously dance about. She managed to retain her composure, releasing the pent energy with a thump of her tail. She formed her lips around his name- it hummed across her tongue like the warm honey she had once snacked on as a pup. "If it's not too much bother...I don't mind making a home of this place. Especially if it's with you." She blushed madly as the confession fell free.
Daddy Moonglow
1,013 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
She would not falter, keeping herself together before him to allow him to think that she was only ever just a flirty woman naturally. That he wasnt something of any serious interest, despite the breeding season constantly tugging at their better judgement. Her tail thumps against the hardened grown and snow and dead long grasses. His name was a humm over her lips, taking it to memory in the same manner which he had to her name. Not a bother at all, ma'am... He cooed, shifting himself further so he no longer faced the sea side, but her instead. We are still small, just the few of us, but we keep each other safe. It was all he could at least hope for, to have a group that could protect each other through trying times. I think you'd find this place to your liking...Women are reserved for the most highest regard. They took rule above all men and he but their humble servant.
moonglow daddy
203 Posts
Ooc — Tori
With his attention fully on her she slipped forward, hesitantly. It was half instinct, half clumbsy puplike attraction that pulled her towards him. She caressed his cheek with her own, inhaling his musky, earthy scent. There was an ache in her core for him to throw a paw over her back and- 
she blushed harder at the thought. 
She stepped backwards, tilting her head slightly and pouting up at him alluringly. 
"I've been so lonely... it's nice to have a proper home. A proper pack. A proper..." She left the word hanging. He didn't smell like another female, but she didn't want to go there. Better to stay unattached.
Daddy Moonglow
1,013 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Aphrodite came forward, brushing her muzzle along the length of his creamy cheeks. It was a most unexpected gesture. He didnt know if she was just naturally a more touchy wold or if she meant for something more, a desire which stirred up this time of year. After being given a much harsher touch by women the majority of the time, he could only expect this is what she wanted of him, but he wouldn't jump the gun. He could restrain himself as he had time and time before until he knew for sure... 

As she breathed in his musky, salted scent, his nose too made work of her, taking in the smell of the sea salt, rosemary and of course, her heat. His legs tense as though to hold himself in place and then she steps back, breaking the spell if only to look at him longingly. And her words offer her longing and the happiness to have a place called 'home'. The Sirensong was far from "proper" just yet, but he would roll along with it. They would be in time and with more members willing to devote themselves to the Sea. 

I.... He stammers a moment, shaking his head as though to break through the intoxicating scents. I can show you around? There is still much unexplored...
moonglow daddy
203 Posts
Ooc — Tori
She frowned slightly, noticing him stiffen. Was he indeed taken then? But he didn't turn her away...so he was either unfaithful or there was no other. The unfaithfulness didn't  bother her, as she didn't believe any one wolf was only meant to love one other. She wondered what that would mean, were they to couple...The thought made her pelt itch. 
He akwardly asked her to accompany him and again she resisted the urge to dance about, though her tail waved a bit more exhuberantly than usual. 
"I would be delighted," she replies, the excitement lighting her features.
Daddy Moonglow
1,013 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
The woman's excitement was obvious in her lighthearted tones and he lifted from his sit and pressed on, only pausing to insure the woman was joining him. 

From a distance the plateau looked flat and open, and although much of the space was open, it was not just any old flat open plain or field. The landscape held rolling slopes and dips, a labyrinth of rabbit trails even showing off in the snows to allow predators life still very much remained here. Short and stout conifer trees and shrubs meant a shelter could be found yet still for the wolves of Sirensong when they weren't laying beneath the stars or near the edges of the territory staring out at their beloved sea. 

Moving the dips and crevices of the land, he side glances to the woman at his side. Maybe we can find us something to eat? You've traveled far, surely your hungry? It was obvious she was hungry for one thing... but food too, perhaps?
moonglow daddy
203 Posts
Ooc — Tori
The land was beautiful. Wide open, but in the distance she could see cliffs, beaches, even an Island. 
she followed him, delicate pawsteps trailing behind his, and smiled when he paused, looking back to make sure she followed. I want to follow him anywhere. The thought startled her. She barely knew this wolf! How could it be she felt so safe, so comforted already? And yet she couldn't deny her thoughts or emotions. But did he feel the same? Could he feel the same? 
He inquired about her appetite and she inclined her head, nodding. "Thank you. I've had nothing larger than a rabbit in months. I stopped eating the humans food, after it made me ill once. And roadkill is dangerous." 
She let him lead her, happy to be by his side, happy to have a home. 
"When will I meet the others? Of your pack, I mean. And do we have a proper name?"
Daddy Moonglow
1,013 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
He breaths in deep, eyes scanning the edges of the plateau, the views here beautiful, to say the least, without the jagged rocks, landslides and constant snow like up in the mountains. The plateau slopes were more accessible yet the height meant seeing trespassers as they came near if one were to have the proper guards and scouts to do so. 

Moving further into the heart of the territory now that he knew Aphrodite was at his side, he began to search for food. He had mostly fed on smaller prey too of vole, weasel, rabbit and river fish even while in a pack due to the famine and he was glad, as surely as every predator, that this was finally coming to an end. 

He had no idea what she was talking about. 

Humans? Roadkill? 

He held his tongue but a moment on this if only to answer her questions. They will come around, I'm sure. The lot of us are seafolk and spend much of our hours on the coast. We go by 'Sirensong'. Although this "we" he spoke of seemed very few right now, as they traversed the lands to themselves. We probably have the land to ourselves right now... He spoke, his fiery eyes cutting to the side to gauge her expression.
moonglow daddy
203 Posts
Ooc — Tori
She was enraptured by every word. 
"I can't wait to meet them."  She purred. Sirensong. It was a lovely name, a name that had potential to be something great one day. A name that made her feel part of something wonderful. "I am a siren, of sorts. Or, at least I can be...." At his suggestive comment she curled her tail and stepped closer, cautiously, her eyes and voice lowered. "Is that so?" She crooned. "Well...I suppose just about anything could happen then, couldn't it?" His fiery gaze lit her belly on fire, and this time she didn't bother to resist it, their muzzles almost touching. She circled around him, tail brushing his flanks as she passed. "We could stumble across a den...and who knows what trouble two wolves such as ourselves could get into....were such a thing to happen...." 
She was in front of him again, her own sapphires darkened with desire. "But I must ask you...if we were to...get into trouble.... would I be the only one?" She had to know.
Daddy Moonglow
1,013 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
She spoke that she couldnt wait to meet them, that she was like a siren herself, or hoped to be.

This place... it's for those who used to live on an island where the Nereides ruled. Woman of the Sea, which are siren. We are far from home for one reason or another and are trying to pick up the pieces and bring ourselves together again. He, of course, was no siren, so he explained. The men within the ranks serve their sirens, dedicated to their safety and wellbeing. He left out all the abusive parts for hopefully, this land would be a bit different then the island.

He would have continued, but she came close, pressing herself upon him.  Anything could happen, she cooed and in turn he fought the pleasant quiver. They were nose to nose then, causing him to pause his walk through the lands. She danced around him, tail brushing his flanks, her scent swirling around him. He gulps, still, eyes following her, his paws digging into the earth. An excitement fills him, fuels him... She made it so hard to resist, and why should he? 

She stopped before him,  asking, wondering, if there were others... Not now, not anymore... Kalika had left him and yet it wouldn't have mattered. There were no bounds to breeding, desire and even love amongst the Sea Sirens. They all took what they wanted, when they wanted and Aiolos too willingly obeyed. And I only ask ... why do we need a den to, 'have a little trouble'? His voice is low, darkened with a possessive growl. He steps closer, breathing her in deeply. He couldnt be a good boy any longer, she had pushed him too far. He wanted her now just give hhim the word...
moonglow daddy
203 Posts
Ooc — Tori
As he spoke of the Neriedes, an echo rang through her. Stories from puphood echoed in her mind, stories her mother used to whisper to her, curled in the den, to forget the hunger and the stench of the dilapidated zoo. Stories of gods and goddesses, of spirits and wars and magic. Stories that reminded her of home. "I know that word. That name...are you...were your people the same as mine? I was born in Volos! The city by the sea!" Her distraction from the amorous was brief however, when he confirmed that he did not, however, have another. It was good, then. No complications. No angry, possibly pregnant shewolves to accuse her of wrecking some ridiculous pact. The rest of her inclinations could be discussed later, when the air wasn't so perfumed with lust, when her nethers weren't throbbing painfully, when there wasn't a heat in her belly that made her want to... His low, heady voice sent electric shocks through her, and she had to stifle a whimper at the intensity of it, at the inclinations of his words. 
she again rubbed her body against his, playfully nipping and licking his jaw, his neck, his shoulder. "Make me yours, Aiolos. Claim me as yours. Fill my belly with what is yours." The words came out as a low moan, her body practically trembling.
Daddy Moonglow
1,013 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Aiolos heard her words, heard the name of her homeland by the sea. He had not heard of it before, would have talked to her, asked further, but his attention had been lost elsewhere, unable to pull himself out from it. 

She whimpers, and he growls. He knew he could get in trouble for this. No ceremony had been made. No Siren Queen had blessed the reunion and she was not a Nereides blooded woman of their island. But they were not on the island were they? Since Kalika had abandoned them, their wasnt any Siren Queen for their Sirensong? The only thing that was left for the pawful of islanders that remained was memories of a past long behind them, of shadows that were faded by the light of a new day...

She rubbed against him, nipping and nuzzling along his jawline and nap. His tail rose high like a banner, waving dominantly, an act which he had never before displayed before a woman. He had lost his good boy behavior. Aphrodite, Goddess of love and pleasure, with the pur of her words caused Aiolos to be lost to her this day. 

His fiery coat presses himself into her quivering form. His muzzle burrowing itself into the rusty brown and black furs of her nape until he finds hold to her flesh, biting down and tugging playfully. His creamy sides heavy in and out, his breath heightened as he lifted over her, gripping her roughtly with his forelimbs on either side of her. His tail tucks down then, as though in another means to secure his hold of her.

And he pauses there, stopping a moment before going further. He would preen the soft furs at the base of her ears, reach to lick at her cheek. And then, when he was certain she could not wait any longer, when she was quivering with drive, Aiolos would take the plunge. 

AAANNNNDD .... Fade into all the dirty wolf breeding actions.
moonglow daddy
203 Posts
Ooc — Tori
she lay beneath him, exhausted and spent, her haunches slick from grooming herself, from his own ministrations, and from the "trouble" they had gotten into over the course of twenty four hours. 
Her eyes were glassy with pleasure. With a moan she rolled onto her back, the soft Tufts of her belly exposed to the air. "I am yours, as much as you are mine. I give you myself, my womb, my loyalty. I pledge myself to you, your pack, your life." It was all she could remember from the coupling ritual her mother had taught her. There were no official vows in a Greek wedding, of course, but when an alpha chose an Alphaess, there was an honor to it. She rolled to her paws, bowing her head and pressing it to his chest. "Take me as your bride, and your equal. As two pillars standing proudly support a building, so too Alphas shall support a pack." 
Daddy Moonglow
1,013 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
She grooms herself, tending to her hairs as he lazily lays on the cold grasses of the field. Whatever happened to hunting, he wonders? Fiery eyes stare at the stars above as he lay on his side, daylight long having past. The Moon was bright, watching over them. There was a sense of peace, of ease... And then the beautiful daunting woman spoke. 

He gulps, her words taking him by surprise. He hadn't at all expected that she would think of him in such a manner. He didnt know what to do, so say! He had only had such attentions as these for one purpose and one purpose only - breeding. To strengthen the Nereides blood and bring on a new generation to praise and serve Mother Sea and Mother Moon. He had not been chosen on the island, though Kalika had built him up high, only to abandon him. Now Aphrodite came him so suddenly, to willingly and longingly, it almost seemed like it was some sort of destiny... He could have never imagined this to be! 

When she lifts, pressing her head against his chest, his chin falls over her nape, a sigh escaping him. Surely not the response she had been hoping for and his honesty now may make or break him. I cannot be your equal, Aphrodite. Not now, not ever... Nor can I claim this land as my own as Alpha, nor take a mate... If all she heard from him was 'NO, NO, NO!' then so be it. He winced as though to brace for the smack to the face. If she had hoped for a fairytale he simply could not provide. But he wouldn't leave her lost in question...

Please, let me explain... He shifts, lifting up onto his paws. Would you hear me out? Or would her wrath not allow it?
moonglow daddy
203 Posts
Ooc — Tori
She pinned her ears, hurt crossing her features. She wasn't entirely angry- casual coupling was fine and she was young and clumbsy. She had no intention to be his only, nor he hers...but to be nothing at all! 
She cursed herself and her foolishness. Aspirations set too high. "I...I'm sorry. That was too bold of me to assume. I..." She was lost for words as he promised to explain himself. "Speak, and explain to me what this was, what it meant! If I am to be just a broodbitch then send me on my way, for your muzzle is full of lies! Because...I don't understand...."
Daddy Moonglow
1,013 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Some might have did just that, sent her on her way. Like a call girl which had come to his doorstep, filling his needs and now that it was over...? But Aiolos didnt think like that, probably couldnt think like that, when it came to a woman. After all, he took them in a higher regard then his own gender. This union had not at all been expected and perhaps she was right that she had expected too much from a male she barely knew though she seemed a determined type, knowing what she wanted right then and there without thinking of consequence and as Olo was, he did as everything she asked, greedily and hungrily. He barely knew her, couldn't imagine taking a woman he barely knew as a mate, for to him having a mate was one-on-one, none else. Something he thought intangible for someone like him. 

That's not true... He grumbles under his lips. Its not! He wasn't any liar and held the growl which threatened to seep from his lips which instead clenched. He shifts his paws, half turning away from her and out over the rocky dips of his home. This place... It was meant to be a sanctuary for those whom call themselves Nereides, from that island I stood you about. A woman named Kalika sent me on a mission to find a suitable spot for the sirens. I reunited with two others from the island along the way but when I went to find Kalika and tell her about this place, she was gone. And what was a forming pack without its queen? I returned here, hoping the others would meet back up with me, knowing they wouldn't have strayed from the coast... But they were straggling behind, it seemed, much as they had done when it came to getting to the Teekon Wilds in the first place. But Sirensong cannot be without a Nereides Siren Queen at the helm. I cannot lead. Our culture, where I come from, is very different. Women rule all. Men are lessers, consorts. Even our highest rank is only equal in comparison to the woman youth. Woman do not take a single man as a mate, to be with he and he only. Each year they choose a consort for themselves. An honor, but once the season is over, that is it. Men dont even have say in the lives of their pups... 

Offering Aphrodite a side glance, maybe she could understand why he had been so taken aback by her desire to be his Queen at his side. For he had no position to offer her, no realm to give. He was not the King she was looking for.
moonglow daddy
203 Posts
Ooc — Tori
She listened to him, confused and hurt. "You invite me into a culture I have no way to be a part of, clinging to dead tradition." She retorted back angrily. Her lofty goals were being scattered on the ground like feathers after a hawk attack. "I'll remain here through the rest of winter. Once it's warm enough to travel, I will take my leave." There was nothing for her here. He was not the only buck she had, and would, mate with, and so if she did swell with life the pups may not be entirely his. "At least we can agree on one thing. Taking a singular mate is pointless. Now I know why I was warned against it. And I will never again approach you, not any other man." 
Daddy Moonglow
1,013 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
And just like that, she was gone, far from his reach. Just moments ago all which she had pledged to him - herself, her loyalty, his bride all washed away with the tides because he could not promise her a place at his side in these lands as Queen. She could have been a part of this culture, as a Siren, to take and to have everything that she wanted, even claim him, if she wanted... but he couldnt be the mate, couldnt be the King that she wanted of him. It was, well, selfish. 

His ginger ears fell back, her voice grown hateful when moments before it was but a coo. His lips twitched and his jaw tightened once more. If she were to stay until the end of winter she would at least be around here long enough for him to know by her scent if she bore children. At this point, for the better of the pups, he hoped not. Do whatever you please, as I'm sure you will. He grumbled, turning and stalking away from her. He would stay clear as best he could, giving the plateau he enjoyed something sour about it. Maybe if he were lucky, Elektra would choo her out soon enough if she didnt plan to join them.
moonglow daddy
203 Posts
Ooc — Tori
Once again she doubted herself, as the hurt and anger crossed his features. She didn't understand....she didn't understand his Culture, his way of being, this attachment to a pack that seemed to no longer exist. Perhaps she was too harsh. Perhaps she was selfish, childish, spiteful. He turned to stalk away from her and her ears flattened, doubt and remorse in her eyes. 
"Aiolos..." She spoke his name, voice soft again, full of confusion and hurt. 
She took a hesitant step. "I'm sorry. I don't understand your ways. I don't understand how you can cling to a way of life that is falling apart in front of you. I don't understand how..." Words failed her for a moment. "Being queen doesn't matter...I just assumed... because it was just you here, that we could move your traditions and Ideas into the future. A blending of both our worlds." It wasn't her place to do so, and she was beginning to realize that now. "Come with me. Abandon the beach. Abandon this dead pact. We can raise the pups together- if there are any." She waited, heart hammering in her chest. She was a fool and she knew it, though a part of her obstinately insisted that he was, too.
Daddy Moonglow
1,013 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Sorry for the wait, needed time to write this biggie.

Soft again was her voice. She was a whirlwind of emotions, bi-polar in a sense with her highs and lows. He couldnt possibly keep up! When she called for him he instantly stopped. It came automatically, to stand ready and alert when a woman commanded his attention. He cursed himself for it now, his teeth grinding. He stood there even as he heard her take a step forward but he did not turn to face her nor did he even turn his head enough to cut back a glance her way. 

Of course, she didnt understand him, didnt know his ways. By the words and looks he had gained from Andraste and @Gracious he knew that little would understand. But why did he still try to hold onto these old rules? It was true, he felt like he owned the Nereides much and pledged himself to them but now with Kalika's disappearance, what Nereid were left to pledge to? 

He sighed, ginger ears falling back along with his crown as he listens on. She wanted him to leave his pledge, leave the beach behind. But what of @Ovid, of @Elektra? They had already lost so much too... maybe they were gone. Maybe they decided to try and return to the islands which they were from. The mainland had brought them trouble, as it had Aiolos. 

I'd never abandon the Sea. He whispers. She was the only thing that had been consistent in his young life. She is home. And his Goddess, for that matter. Though likely if they didnt share the same customs they would not share the same religion, either. 

He turns, a frown on his features, expression soft. Aphrodite... He whines, for he does no what else to say, what else to do. He didnt want to leave his home on the coast, be it here or anywhere by the beach now that he had been reunited with Mother Sea again. But they were just from two different worlds and she couldnt understand. If she couldn't, was she the siren he had even throught her to be? Please dont make me choose... He begins to pant, a canine sign of his nervousness, awaiting her tables to turn on him yet again.
moonglow daddy