Totoka River pearl
63 Posts
Ooc — Laur
All Welcome 
Set shortly after Ying leaves! For @Aiolos!

Ying had returned, only to disappear again, this time without a trace. Ruvik hadn't been with the pack long enough to know it was common for the woman to leave the island for days on end, but this time it was different. Her body had returned the first time, but her mind had not. The boy had sensed Huā's despair for her sister, and so was determined to help with the search, if only to appease the Queen.

Unfortunately, this meant leaving the island, the very act taking almost an entire afternoon for Ruvik to summon up the courage to do so.

Eventually, though, he made it to the mainland, resisting the urge to flee as he trudged towards the river that beckoned him from the coast and towards the grasslands. The glassy waters of the river reflected the night sky above and Ruvik stared, entranced, before remembering the reason he was out here in the first place.

With a shake of his head, he set to work sniffing through the grass, searching for any hints of Ying having passed through here.
Ruvik is a limited consent character, which means you don't need my consent to inflict damage (anything goes — except outright killing him)!
Daddy Moonglow
1,034 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
One might have thought Aiolos to be reluctant to leave his island home after only having just arrived a short while ago. He had spent a month (or was it more?) in the home of the Neverwinter Forest, training potential warriors of @Mal's lot. When he returned to the island however, it had changed much. Many new faces, some of old gone, scents he knew gone, a new male Leader and Ruo still refusing to see him. 

So once he knew Ying had gotten hurt, lost herself, had wandered off, the fiery coated wolf quickly turned back off the island from which he came with every intention to find her. Where would he be without his Captain? Where would Junshi fall without her? 

Following along the river through the grasslands, he smelt a familiar Yuelong scent but it was upon an unknown male. Hello. He spoke with simple greeting. While he was busy in search he also had a means to know those under his charge.
moonglow daddy
63 Posts
Ooc — Laur
While his tracking skills left something to be desired, Ruvik knew Ying had to have passed through here if she had made her way towards the mainland. One just had to follow the river southeast and head into the forest in order to lose the sea. The boy paused and looked behind him. At least, it would make sense if she crossed the land bridge, but perhaps she didn't? His eyes trailed along the ocean's horizon, feeling anxiety rise in his chest. Perhaps she never even made it back to shore.

Yet before he could dwell on that thought any further, another entered his periphery, causing Ruvik to immediately cower. The large stranger strode smoothly up to him with a watchful gaze of burnished gold, and the boy started with a sudden jolt of recognition. This man had been there at the meeting when Ying was promoted! He of course did not know his name, or anything else much about him, but at least he could consider the stranger a pack mate, an ally.

"H-hello," he breathed back, rising ever so slightly.
Ruvik is a limited consent character, which means you don't need my consent to inflict damage (anything goes — except outright killing him)!
Daddy Moonglow
1,034 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
The wolf before him wasnt at all much too look at. For if it wasnt for his rather average height and coating, it was that crooked nose and one snaggled tooth. Instinctively Aiolos tensed to Ruvik's cowering, hackles lifting, tail standing out straight and rigid behind him. Aiolos was used to fighting consistently amongst the men of his former home in order to prove himself to the females. But this was not the same island. It was not Themiscrya. 

Aiolos laxed, tail made to rest behind him. The other male's submissive display (hunched body to look smaller, tucked tail) was a manner in which Aiolos knew too well and had often held amongst females. Aiolos, even after so long of not being a lesser amongst women still found the gestures hard to shake. But he was learning, he was becoming something new- stronger, bolder, wiser...

I remember you at Ying's promotion. He spoke, taking a few paces closer, head lowering to level with his spine, less threatening. Have you seen her lately, Ying I mean? Might as well get to it.
moonglow daddy
63 Posts
Ooc — Laur
Body language alone told Ruvik that the male considered himself high in their ranks, perhaps not quite alpha-ship but he was close to. Not that he envied the man. Of course, Ruvik wanted to prove himself worthy enough to Yuèlóng and gain respect within the pack, but he was content at the same time to remain in the middle, avoiding responsibility that would be demanded of him in times of war and disruption. Save the leadership and decisions to those far more stronger, braver, more heroic than himself.

He shook his head as the russet wolf spoke, stalking towards him in an nonthreatening way, yet Ruvik shrunk back still, eyes darting around everywhere but his face. "N-no, Ruvik n-not seen Ying," he answered, gesturing in the direction he had just come from. "But Ruvik been l-looking." He paused for a moment, before letting out a soft sigh and adding quietly, "Huā worried."
Ruvik is a limited consent character, which means you don't need my consent to inflict damage (anything goes — except outright killing him)!
Daddy Moonglow
1,034 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Ruvik kept low, eyes darting about in submissive gesture, to not look at Aiolos directly. Again, a practice which Olo had done time and time before. He had done his best to be respectful to the females, whom held leadership and power over men. Sometimes, however, Aiolos own fire caused him to snap back and with it, cost him sharp retaliation. 

I know she must be. Aiolos spoke, adding a sigh of his own. Especially in her condition. Which, maybe if Ruvik knew, would be the scrambled brains she had when almost drowning. Ying, despite living on the island, didnt particularly care for the beach, if he recalled correctly. It was just where she had grown up, it was all she knew. Then, of course, was her other condition- a swelling of stomach and change in scent he was unsure if many knew of. But Aiolos knew. He had sensed it on Hua, on Ruo...

Did Hua send you out here, Ruvik? He picked up the name as the man seemed to speak in a third person aspect. To scout for Ying?
moonglow daddy