Wheeling Gull Isle tidal, tired, trying
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Exploring the Tide Pools!

Cavern down. Today would hold a whole new adventure for him.

Which proved true as he discovered the rocky pools in the mid-morning. They seemed pretty dangerous to him. More dangerous than some cave. What if he slipped on them? Conked his head and boop, there he went! It made him grimace to just think about it.

Anxiously he paced around the perimeters of the pools. A soft whine vibrated in his throat. It was places like these that made him wonder just how the native islanders navigated this place.

Maybe none of them were actually wolves? Made the most sense to him.
if this account is online i am available to spree!
Daddy Moonglow
1,021 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
And here Aiolos was navigating, though he was definitely wolf. After his venture empty-pawed at the plateau he had rounded back home to arrive this morning. His travel led him hungry and he made way to the tide pools where he hoped to find something to eat. Something which had been trapped when the tide went out. 

He made way carefully, the jagged and mossy rocks easy to slip on and twist or slice an ankle. When he took note of the other wolf, he lifts his head curiously, ginger ears perking. A high skull, his tail lifted so too, a sign of dominance given within the ranks. Another new face, I see. It could even be assumed by those who had joined weeks ago that even Aiolos himself was the newcomer. No, with having been gone off training another pack and now in and out trying to hunt down Ying, it seemed he was more inland than home.
moonglow daddy
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Oleander was beginning to suspect that this pack just adored sneaking up on others. First Ruvik in the cave and now this guy. Except this guy was a full one eighty from Ruvik. Tail lifted and all that jazz. Stuff that Oleander did not entirely subscribe to. So his posture was...neutral. Just neutral. He didn't make a show of shrinking or anything. He was already small and runty. If this guy needed him to be smaller, then there were some problems with him.

Yeah. He huffed as he tried to hold his footing. I take it you guys like sneaking up on the new faces? A humored tone as he eyed the man. All spice colored with his tall and lean physique. Maybe Oleander would have found him handsome if he wasn't concerned with the whole sneaking thing.
if this account is online i am available to spree!
Daddy Moonglow
1,021 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
It would have been quite the opposite display if Oleander had been female, to which Aiolos would curl and bow before her. Instead, he regarded the small male curiously as he kept to his full, leggy height.

'Yeah' the other wolf huffed as he tried to keep himself balanced amongst the rocks. Not a blood burned water wolf, it seemed. Well, I wouldnt be much of the Pack's leading Scout if I couldnt, now would I? A smirk toyed at the corner of his creamy mug as he took a few long-legged strides towards the newcomer. I'm Aiolos. He introduced and then, Promise I wont be in your fur too long. Just looking for a quick snack before heading out again.
moonglow daddy
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This guy was the leading scout. He wondered if that meant this guy had competition. Ruvik had managed to sneak up on him pretty good too. Perhaps he should just...toss that out there!

What about Ruvik? He might have you beat on sneaking skills. Which was practically a white lie. Meant to do nothing but stir friendly competition and intrigue!

Oleander. Offered back in return as he carefully watched Aiolos' movements. So, what is this place? The head scout ought to know enough to enlighten him.
if this account is online i am available to spree!
Daddy Moonglow
1,021 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Oh yeah? He spoke up about Ruvik, the smaller flighty, skittish male which he had met previously. While I can be pretty quiet, I admit, he might have me there in the stealth skills. He spoke, admitting the skills which @Ruvik had openly. If anything, having those under the scouting rank more in touch with sneaking around, others quick to get messages across, and others good with diplomacy, well, that meant having a well rounded team. This, which any Lead Scout and its pack as a whole would benefit from. 

I'm more of your well... ambassador, of sorts. A figure-head. And quite the fighter, too, which is why he had been sent to Neverwinter to make warriors kid them. He was best suited as a guardian during scouting missions and travel to other packs. He protected the precious cargo. But that was all something he needed not explain. Surely Oleander would know in time, should he stick around. 

These here are our tide pools. He motions out  to the open ocean. When tide is in, the ocean water covers this area. All kinds of fish and crustaceans will swim around these rocks perhaps for food, shelter... then when the tide goes out, the water lowers. He explains as he steps up towards one of the pools of water, a crab nestled into the sands within. He motions Oleander forward to him. Some of the creatures get trapped in the pools and become our lunch.
moonglow daddy
39 Posts
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An ambassador. Made sense with the way the guy carried himself. Also the fact that he didn't seem hurt that someone had him beat on sneaking.

Yeah? I think I'd make a pretty good explorer. He didn't really have a whole bunch of stealth. Nor was he the best option for social missions. Probably not serious or matured enough to handle important situations. Best leave that to the professionals.

He listened eagerly and followed along when motioned. Stared at the weird thing in the tide pool. He was pretty sure he'd seen this guys scuttling around before. Weird giant leg arm things. So it's sort of like a free for all food party when the ocean goes out? Sounded like a good set up to him. How much do you think it gets used around here?
if this account is online i am available to spree!
Daddy Moonglow
1,021 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Oleander piped up that he thought he could make for a well off explorer. Leave the sneaky in and out missions to @Ruvik, the social calls and 'important situations' to Aiolos and Oleander...? Got an knack for tracking? Maybe he could put him to work, if that was the case.

All the time, I'd imagine. It's like a cache that fills itself. Of course, it isnt enough to feed everyone hense still hunting. Besides, not everyone has a taste for seafood. She spoke, his shoulders rolling off in a shrug as he pawed at the crab, trying to be mindful of the pinchers as he flipped it over on it's back. I personally love it. He spoke and then reached down and crunched his jaws into the shell of the crab.
moonglow daddy