Whitefish River Like a bolt out of the blue
85 Posts
Ooc — lullaby <3
due date eminent

Her breathing was heavy as she closed in on the location she had tracked her friend's scent to. Their sister pack, the one the large woman led. Ira, yes, that was her name. Oh this was a bad idea, this pregnancy had taken a toll on her already. Sweat broke out along her brow as she pushed forward, the herbs she had transported were probably unhappy with how she was carrying them but she could care less right now.

Oh, hell. Pain was lancing through her legs, she needed to stop moving soon. Why hadn't she asked her husband to accompany her on this journey, he was worried. Not just about her body and how badly it hat treated her from this child rearing but of their shared friend, the woman they both loved. She knew he loved the snow queen too, there was no hiding it if only she loved them back. Takashi would be a memory and the three of them could be happy again.

Exhaustion was weighing on her as she closed in on the den that held Reiko's scent amd the new smell and sounds of newborn puppies. So she had gotten away to have her children, she could have bunked with her, her best friend, she would have tried to protect her, their samurai would have protected them. A sound of pain escaped her lips as she dropped the bundle of herbs, her children were not happy with her right now but she managed one word before she closed her eyes and focused on calming her breathing.

taking a ride on a cosmic train
649 Posts
Ooc — Noki
After last night's events, the new mother was in and out of consciousness. Both fatigued over giving birth for the first time, from the sudden awakening, from hitting her head against the walls of the den, and the constant necessity to make sure all three of the puppies were doing well and she wasn't accidentally smothering them in her sleep. Dutiful, nearly obsessive, she checked on them whenever she was awake enough to do so. 

An unusual sound broke through what had swiftly became her norm of the whining prince and princesses, a voice, Hiromi specifically that caught her attention. Bright cerulean turned to see the pale woman at the mouth of her den, as swollen as ever and noticing what had happened, Reiko's initial smile faded. Pale brows furrowing. Did you come alone? Was the first thing that upset the Empress. You're due any day and yet you travel here alone? Take a rest and I'll call for @Collision to escort you back once you regain the strength to do so. Yuudai must be worried sick for you. Yes, just for Hiromi.
Hiromi, Yuudai and Takeshi are welcome in all threads Reiko is in unless marked as Private! When outside of Northstar Vale it is always assumed one of her guards is near by and will be tagged into the thread if necessary!
Healing (2/6)
Severe bite wounds along neck, moderate along nape, and bruising. Healing will take 6 weeks starting Saturday, July 04.

85 Posts
Ooc — lullaby <3
The whimpers and whines of newborn babies spurred her maternal instincts, it kept her conscious and aware even though they were not her own. They could be, oh they could have been her children too if only the womanizing betrothed had not come. They could have been a happy family, the three of them. Reiko, herself, and Yuudai. Why did he have to come and destroy their happiness, and not just him but the woman that killed her brothers!

Her voice was the reason she opened her pink champagne eyes, cherry blossoms to snow blue.

"I was worried about you.." she breathed as a response to the anger, yes it was stupid to go alone. Even more so that she was so close to her due date but she had to make sure her friend was okay. "We were so worried!" she exclaimed as she lifted her swollen body to meet the woman she had always loved just as she felt for her husband. "why didn't you come to me, you could have come to me.." I am sorry I failed you as a friend..
taking a ride on a cosmic train
649 Posts
Ooc — Noki
Out of duty! She corrected abruptly. What was she saying? Of course, the both of them worried as well. But there was a hidden bitterness in her, that she had to follow through with her parents' wishes and marry the man she did not love, but Hiromi could. Yuudai could. It felt like the both of them took each other away from her, that Takeshi took them both away from her. The last argument between she and Yuudai didn't help calm that bitterness either.

Not having an answer to Hiromi's questions, she simply reiterated after what felt like too long of a pause. Rest for as long as you need, and Collision will escort you home. I will be back when I find my own strength to do so. Otherwise both women would be gone from the Empire to give birth longer than originally planned. it must have been tough enough for Hiromi to make it here in the first place... but with enough rest, Reiko was certain she could make it home on time before her own litter was due.

It was bad enough that she was early... what would Ira and Evergreen say when they found out? How could she possibly explain two unexpected births in Kaistleoki?
Hiromi, Yuudai and Takeshi are welcome in all threads Reiko is in unless marked as Private! When outside of Northstar Vale it is always assumed one of her guards is near by and will be tagged into the thread if necessary!
Healing (2/6)
Severe bite wounds along neck, moderate along nape, and bruising. Healing will take 6 weeks starting Saturday, July 04.

85 Posts
Ooc — lullaby <3
Out of duty! Out of duty? is that really what she thought, how could she think that she worried for her out of duty? This was not right, it was not correct in the slightest. "Because I love you!" She rose her voice, only to gasp in pain as one of her children seemed to find the outburst to be uncalled for. Calm little ones, its okay, everything is alright. "I love you Reiko.." She said with a softer inflection, trying to prevent the pain her outburst and sutten movement cost her. 

She ignored the words that her friend spoke, moving closer to her with evenly measured steps. She was no longer the graceful dancer but a bloated balloon that was taking this pregnancy particularly hard. "Can I meet them?" She whispered as she closed the distance between them, trying to show the affection both she and her queen needed. She wanted to meet the children she wished to help raise, the babies she wished she could share with the woman she truly did love just as she did her husband.
taking a ride on a cosmic train
649 Posts
Ooc — Noki
Reiko's eyes shot away from Hiromi as she proclaimed her feelings, unable to look the woman in the eyes without losing her own composure in the moment. Maybe it was the bitter shell that dulled how much those words would have affected the Empress a little more if it was another place, and another time. I love you too. But it was more of a sisterly tone, one that lacked that same romantic kick to it and still Reiko could not look Hiromi in the eyes without shattering.

Thankful that Hiromi changed the subject onto the pups, Reiko's eyes shifted once more but they were softer. Warm once again as they turned to the puppies at her side. Of course. Uncoiling her body, letting the plush tail she used to keep them nice and cozy slip to the side to expose them a little more to the curious Hiromi.

One prince, and two princesses. Haruki, Hotaru and Sumi. She nosed them all in order to introduce them, giving each a loving kiss with a gentle flick of her tongue. They are but hours old.

@Haruki, @Hotaru, and @Sumi if you guys wanna do a puppy post feel free to do so!
Hiromi, Yuudai and Takeshi are welcome in all threads Reiko is in unless marked as Private! When outside of Northstar Vale it is always assumed one of her guards is near by and will be tagged into the thread if necessary!
Healing (2/6)
Severe bite wounds along neck, moderate along nape, and bruising. Healing will take 6 weeks starting Saturday, July 04.

20 Posts
Ooc — Keg
The world while dim, soundless, and scentless was still exceedingly different from where she had been only hours ago. She was utterly shocked. Although she couldn't deny she was comfy, covered almost completely, nothing but her little nose sticking out to breath. That was until the big fluffy blanket up and LEFT! Exposing her to the elements.

[who doesn't love a good over dramatization]

The young sprite shifted and squirmed, a tiny whimper her own ears could not hear came from her little mouth. And a small squeak followed. Sumi was not impressed.

skip me please for now
The little princess had been more than exhausted from her trip into the world. So many new sensations within such a short time, but for now she found bliss nestled between her siblings. It was warm and the presence on both sides was much like her small world bringing comfort. One more though the world would change as the banner that kept her safe drifted away. It wasn't a huge temperature shift, but it was enough to draw out a noticeable whine from the girl. Hotaru was unaware of whatever had been happening around her, such was life with only two developed sense. To protest the change she'd try to only Burry herself further into the warm wall that pressed against her siblings.
#DDA0DD speech, #66cc00 singing, pawprint, Hotaru's Playlist  4/5* 4/5*, * = incomplete threads
61 Posts
Ooc — Laur
He had adapted well enough (as much as an hours old puppy could) to the almighty shift in the environment he and his siblings had been thrust into unexpectedly. After the overwhelmingly traumatic ordeal of being born, Haruki had quickly settled into his new surroundings, his confused and affronted feelings easily placated with the milk his mother provided. Although his litter mates were fellow beings sharing this strange new world with him, they were as of yet only recognised as walls that would occasionally bar his way to the life-giving food source.

Hotaru, currently, was acting as one such barrier, and Haruki blindly prodded her rotund side with his snubbed nose in an attempt to find a teat. As the warm blanket that covered them was suddenly swept away, the prince cried out just as Sumi did, their squeaking cries harmonizing horrifically. Still, he tried in desperation to find that which would pacify him once more, and with effort Haruki latched onto Hotaru's folded over ear, beginning to suckle in earnest.
222 Posts
Ooc — Impala
The morning was crisp and Collision had certainly missed out on what had happend last night. Though, as luck would have it he would certainly soon learn. He had gone fishing just before dawn and managed to sate his own hunger. Reiko was next to be fed. He had waietd until he had craftily caught another and then he was on the move to the Empress. She slept a lot so he doubted there would be much chance she had already gotten out and about for the day. 

 As he neared the chosen resting spot he would hear multiple sharp cries. His heart began to beat like a heavy drum and his pulse quickened, his ears burning with the adrenaline that coursed through every single tendril of his entity. 

 He had forgotten the fish he had caught and he transpired before the female that had gathered before Reiko...and the...babies? How...?

 His eyes rested in obvious confusion on Reiko and on Hiromi. Her scent was one had found in the Empire and so he knew she was no threat...but was he? Was he going to alarm the new mother. His ears rocked back in cautious concern and he took a simple step back. 

 He then remembered the breakfast he had brought for the empress and it occurred to him he looked much like a scolded child. He set his catch down at his own feet and avoided looking at her. Was this supposed to be a private moment? 

 Well, shit. 

 "I--uh...If you need me I'll be waiting outside your den. I'll, err, I'll be outside guarding," His eyes cast down to the three bodies that clunt to Reiko for literal life. There was an obvious warmth that he could feel cover him at the sight of such pure innocence. All three of them bore out of the love between Reiko and her husband. He was so happy for the both of them. He hadn't truly met the once Reiko had trusted to father her children. He assumed it would come as a great shock that he had missed the birth of his progeny. 

 It would be alright though. Collision made a silent promise to himself and it was on every breath that he would take. 

 No harm would ever befall a single one of these children. He would always see to that.
Interested in threading with me?
check out my OOC account for more information

 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
85 Posts
Ooc — lullaby <3
She had finished making her way into the birthing den of the girl she loved, not liking the infection given to her own declaration. Her swollen body pained her to move as she curled herself to complete the circle that could not be formed. The children squeaked and whined in protest of their mother removing her tail covering, they were beautiful just like their mother. Which would hold their samurai's looks and which the dreaded baron?

"they are beautiful.. just like you." She smiled, her nose touching over the babies lovingly and chucking softly as the little one pointed out as Haruki latched onto his sister's ear. Healthy and feisty, like their mother.

Another entered before leaving as swiftly, a soft growl escaped her lips before she could stop it. It was just the guard, Collision, that was his name. She quickly silenced the sound and tried to ignore that he existed in this moment.

"I love you Reiko.." she whispered, reaching her front paw to touch hers. Pink champagne to baby blue, she wanted convey her feelings. Wanted them to be clear as she poured all her love for the woman before her into her words and gaze. "I just want.." us to be happy again, for the three of us to be together. "I want us all to be together.. without him." she looked flown at the squirming children as her ears fell. It was clear who she meant.. without Takashi running everything!
taking a ride on a cosmic train
649 Posts
Ooc — Noki
They really were beautiful. Even now she was still in awe over the tiny little things she had been baking within her these past few moons. It made all the morning sicknesses, stress and lack of sleep well worth it in the end. Even if the moment was painful, Reiko knew she would do it again if she could should it bring such little angels such as these into her life. They whined and cried at the lack of cover, even the boy suckled on his sister's ear - he would find out eventually what to do, even if all she wanted to do was to go in there and separate them. 

Her attention was stolen away from the puppies when Collision came to check up on her, she smiled at him welcoming the presence - but Hiromi's growls had her grin fade as she side-eyed the friend who so desperately tried to fix what had broken with Takeshi's presence. Reiko was not appreciative of the reaction but thankfully Hiromi realized who it was quickly enough to quiet down. 

Thank you Collision. Not wanting him to get the wrong message she addressed him first before he left her sight. Please do, Hiromi here will need an escort to go back home if you could. After she rests of course. Once Collision had seating somewhere of his choosing, she turned her attention back to Hiromi who once again brought up the subject of @Takeshi. Like @Yuudai, she spoke of all three of them together, remembering that conversation brought a wrinkle to her face. 

She had to bring it up now. Now of all times! When her children were but hours old, when Reiko came here for some time away from all this, to clear her mind and now she was basking in the moment of her early arrivals - she had to open that floodgate once more. Why do you bring this up now? I was at peace with my newborns. I came here to get away from all that for just a few days, and you bring it here too? She could already feel her heart race - well, the peace was nice while it lasted for a whole two days.
Hiromi, Yuudai and Takeshi are welcome in all threads Reiko is in unless marked as Private! When outside of Northstar Vale it is always assumed one of her guards is near by and will be tagged into the thread if necessary!
Healing (2/6)
Severe bite wounds along neck, moderate along nape, and bruising. Healing will take 6 weeks starting Saturday, July 04.

85 Posts
Ooc — lullaby <3
She must not feel the same, that had to be the only explanation. Her love for Reiko was one-sided, something she had always known but it still hurt to think of. Pale eyes looked down, dropping from her friend's gaze but not soon enough to hide the pain she felt.

"I am sorry, I just..miss you.. miss us" Her words came laced with unshed tears, the flower shook her head and simply looked at the children wiggling between the two of them. "how did you come up with names? Who was first?" she finally asked, changing the subject and letting her feelings drop. This was not about her, her friend needed her. Just as a friend, she leaned down and nose the loudest girl. Sumi, the only one not being attacked by a brother that did not seem to understand that a sister's ear was not his mother's teet.
20 Posts
Ooc — Keg
Of course she was the loudest. She had no notion of anything, let alone the concept of a sibling. So as her brother chewed on her sister, Sumi couldn’t really care less. That would change with time... hopefully.

Her voice was halted when she was poked by a wet thing. She hiccuped, confused for a moment. Still to young to do anything other than squirm for a moment. And then let out another cry. Now she was WET and COLD!! And so the little princess screamed all the louder, her lungs only capable of letting out a tiny squeak.
This newfound life was already proving to be difficult. Hotaru did not like the cold, but she soon found something she liked even less. Her brother that lay at her side squirmed in protest to being revealed and soon bumped against her, an action that seemed to annoy the young girl. Right as she though her peace had returned, Haruki had decided to latch onto her ear causing a squeal of displeasure. Needless to say, she hated the experience already wishing she could go back to the small world, but all she could do was squirm wildly hoping the sensation would stop.
#DDA0DD speech, #66cc00 singing, pawprint, Hotaru's Playlist  4/5* 4/5*, * = incomplete threads
61 Posts
Ooc — Laur
He was entirely unaware of the emotionally charged conversation going on just above their heads, all too consumed anyway by his own struggles. He was trying to get food here, and it was not working! Frustrated little grunts escaped Haruki's mouth as the apparent defunct teet - Hotaru's ear - refused to give him what he wanted and instead began to writhe and squirm. His sister managed to twist her head just right in order to free her ear of his mouth, and the prince fell forward with a surprised cry, face-planting right into her neck. Helplessly, his limbs flailed for a moment before he stilled with one last squeak, the exertion of the act robbing him entirely of his energy stores (at least for now).
taking a ride on a cosmic train
649 Posts
Ooc — Noki
Oh dear - it seemed she had already made the wrong move in trying to let the puppies figure themselves out. Concerned as Haruki fell over after Sumi whined and cried in response, all their mother could do was try to soothe them by nudging the prince into the proper direction and hoping he latches on once again to calm him. Then, once everyone seemed to be on the right path, she would cover them all once again with the blanket she had taken away just moments ago hopeful that this would calm their little cries.

Of course she missed it all already too, it had come oh so suddenly and just as quickly was all taken away. But she couldn't linger on it, she had to move on and try to make the best of what had happened. They just came to me in the moment. One name, in particular, she didn't want to explain just yet, not to Hiromi - she shouldn't be the first to know. Someone else came first on the need to know list.

Haruki was first - he is the big brother. Even if big sounded funny when describing something so small and vulnerable.
Hiromi, Yuudai and Takeshi are welcome in all threads Reiko is in unless marked as Private! When outside of Northstar Vale it is always assumed one of her guards is near by and will be tagged into the thread if necessary!
Healing (2/6)
Severe bite wounds along neck, moderate along nape, and bruising. Healing will take 6 weeks starting Saturday, July 04.

85 Posts
Ooc — lullaby <3
Sumi, it was the name she wanted to pry out of her friend but knew better. Was this child the one she shared with her husband, named after his late mother? It had to be, instead of prying she smiled. She watched the little ones as they tried to figure out and fail spectacularly, what they were to do on their own. Without thinking she placed her own plush tail over Reiko's as an added comfort, very gingerly so that they would not be too warm.

Words, her friend was talking. Her pale eyes moved to ice blue as she spoke fondly of the first little boy, the big boy, Haruki. He was the firstborn, so he was the Heir to the kingdom because Reiko did not seem to want to raise them together. What did she think, that her children would have a chance, stupid woman. they would not be raised as siblings the way she wanted but separately, even those that would share genetics with her children would not know. This thought made her sad. Insteadof speaking, she nodded.