Wheeling Gull Isle stood on my roof and tried to see you forgetting about me
i'm a stitch away from making it
and a scar away from falling apart
66 Posts
Ooc — suledin
he's healing more quickly than he'd expected, on his feet and moving sooner than he'd dared to hope. but he still has to take it slow; too much weight on his bad leg leaves him aching for hours. the sylph has taken to swimming daily in the shallowest stretches of water, finding it easier exercise than patrols. he likes the ocean; that's why he'd chosen to die in it.
but he hasn't told anyone that. some part of him, deep down, knows that they wouldn't want him if they knew that. no one wants a defective wolf, one who has forgotten how to value his own life. he's lucky they took him in at all, with how outwardly broken he'd been when they found him. his gratitude toward @Aiolos is limitless, in this regard; he's determined to repay the man when he's able. and that's why he's here now — swimming in the shallows, pushing his limits, making himself stronger. he'll need to be stronger, if he's going to be of any use to the man who'd saved his life.
jaime is extremely expressive; other characters are welcome to notice any emotion referenced in his posts.
Daddy Moonglow
1,035 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Aiolos has become a man of vast emotion over the past few months. From sorrowful when Ruo and his son had left, from angered and betrayed for his son's return, alone. To so very questioning and confused of his own selfish desires for a companionship which could not be given to him. And happy yet still now that at least his son had returned safely whom he cherished so. 

Today, he was lost in his thoughts, thinking over the thoughts of simply moving on with his life here in Yuelong whilst she decided to stay elsewhere. He was happy here, on this island, at least. It seemed the only thing constant in his life was Hua, whom he was graced with leading next to. 

The Greek would tread the beaches of his home as he had time and time before. Here he would take note of Jaime within the shallows. He was a delicate and petite thing to be for sure, pretty for a male. With wisps of longer furs of ash and sand, a pixie nose and comically large ears. He had been a pathetic little mess when Aiolos had first saw him washed up on his shores. A corpse, as @Orochi defined him and yet alas he was not dead at all now. 

I see your improving. Aiolos spoke with a cheesy grin and coming to sit on the shore of the inlet here where the shallow waters were calm and safe.
moonglow daddy
i'm a stitch away from making it
and a scar away from falling apart
66 Posts
Ooc — suledin
flame-furred and built like a warrior. time has softened his first impression of the man's impact on him, and he'd forgotten how impressive aiolos is in presence alone, how the sight of the russet wolf leaves him blank and speechless for a few moments. but he remembers now. he freezes in the water, staring, clearly dazzled by the sight of the leader. it takes him a few moments to snap out of it.
he offers a shy smile of his own, making his way toward where aiolos has settled. i am. thank you, he says, trying to ignore the way his heart starts to race as he gets closer. he feels strange — all dizzy and faint and frail, skin abuzz with the need to be touched. he halts further off from the leader than he wants to be, not trusting himself. there's a large part of him that doubts aiolos would take kindly to him expressing such attraction. men like him only take compliments from women, in jaime's experience. soft, pretty, lucky women. he suddenly wishes, quite fiercely, that he could be like them — not even for the sake of having aiolos, but simply to be... that. the feeling is startling, and too complex to think about right now, so he pushes it away. productive, jaime, be productive and useful, he tells himself. i'm well enough to start helping the pack now, i think. where are um... the best fishing spots here? he's never fished on an island before.
jaime is extremely expressive; other characters are welcome to notice any emotion referenced in his posts.
Daddy Moonglow
1,035 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
He is stunned at his sight and Aiolos is left to wonder why, such a wonder evident on his features and how a single gingered ear turns back with a quirk of his crown. Maybe he simply remembered him as the lead male and being caught off guard had put him out of ease, or maybe because he mistook him for the man who would have rather shoved him back into the sea. He hoped not. 

If anything, the young man still came out from the shallows and over into his direction. Aiolos remained seated, looking down to the smaller wolf as he mentioned having every intention now that he was healing up to help along with the pack. See, he wasnt a water-logged useless mat of fur after all. Even so, Aiolos' ears perked straight at the mentioning of fishing. Is fishing your profession? Lifting up, Aiolos shakes out his fiery and cream hued coat and takes a few more long strides towards him. I enjoy fishing myself. There is quite a few good inlets and coves for it. Even the tide pools catch some smaller ones but mostly crustaceans. I could show you around? He offered, thinking he could not only help the newcomer know more of his home, but Aiolos could patrol just as well.
moonglow daddy
i'm a stitch away from making it
and a scar away from falling apart
66 Posts
Ooc — suledin
damnit. he comes closer, and jaime finds himself flustered, grasping desperately for a stronger focus on what the man is saying. yeah, he answers, trying not to let his nervousness show. fishing is uh, the only thing i'm really good at — that and um, i can usually tell when the weather is about to change, but... no one really cares about that. oh god he's rambling isn't he — i uh, i'd like that, though — you showing me around, i mean. fuck. he forces himself to stop talking, thoroughly ashamed of himself now. i'm a mess, he tells himself, miserable.
jaime is extremely expressive; other characters are welcome to notice any emotion referenced in his posts.
Daddy Moonglow
1,035 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
A few steps forward, and Jamie flusters, hidden under the furs under his pelt but the nervousness of it despite Jamie's efforts shos through. Why though, Aiolos was completely unaware. While the Greek was no short of a rather defined wolf, tall and lean, Aiolos had never figured himself to be outwardly intimidating on a day to day basis, if only do to his rather aloof, friendly nature. Now, when it came to dominance amongst his male peers, now that could be a different, granted Aiolos past need to proving himself amongst his sex for any resemblance of recognition by the women. This, however, was not the case. So why so twitchy?

And he rambles on, hesitant and all over the place with his words. Both Aiolos ears fall against his head this time, which leans back almost in a 'dude are you alright?' kind of expression. 

After a moment of what surely was an awkward silence... Alright, come on. He said then, side stepping to give the guy what seemed some much needed space and then began off down the coast line. Aiolos did however pause, to toss Jaime a grin, You know though, I'd care about that. The weather reading, I mean. And waiting to see Jaime's reaction, turned back forward. After all, he and Ruo often watched the skies together at night and it was she which had urged them of the coming abundance of storms that had raged in the late summer.
moonglow daddy
i'm a stitch away from making it
and a scar away from falling apart
66 Posts
Ooc — suledin
the brief, painful silence is enough to kick him into pulling himself together. somewhat. the space aiolos puts between them helps, and jaime manages to start following him without much of a hitch. that smile, though — aw, hell. he really needs to stop making heart-eyes at this dude. but no one has ever cared about his skill at reading weather patterns before, and jaime can feel himself sinking deeper into the hole he's dug. oh, um, really? yes. words. good. everyone else i've met thought it was useless. but he doesn't think about them anymore. nope. definitely not.
jaime is extremely expressive; other characters are welcome to notice any emotion referenced in his posts.
Daddy Moonglow
1,035 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
He was almost melting, it seemed, though Aiolos found a hard time yet deciding why. He was younger, that was true, so maybe the mix of him being the leader, the guy that saved him, and caring for the man's place in the pack had made him oh so quickly look up to him in a manner? Sure, that had to be it. 

Well I mean, some things are obvious...A drop in temperature, darkening clouds- you know... but other signs, or how long bad weather might happen, be it storms, a drought, it's important for the safety of the pack. He went on, attention to the path ahead of him though every so often looking at the delicate ashen and sand wolf at his side. A bit back we had only just returned home from living with our ally in the forest. Horrible rainstorms lasted a full moon and had we not left the island, we would have been stranded. Still, Aiolos didnt know how bad it would have gotten and being on the mainland had many trials, but it had been a risk they had all decided against when it came to staying. 

Our sky-reader is gone now... He says, a grim expression taking him a moment.
moonglow daddy
i'm a stitch away from making it
and a scar away from falling apart
66 Posts
Ooc — suledin
aiolos continues, and jaime clings to the last shreds of his focus throughout. he nods as the explanation continues, visibly dismayed by the mention of rainstorms. he likes the rain, but he doesn't like being caught in violent storms. it's the last part that catches his attention, however; the part that seems to affect aiolos the most. did - did something happen? he asks before he can stop himself, full of concern.
jaime is extremely expressive; other characters are welcome to notice any emotion referenced in his posts.
Daddy Moonglow
1,035 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian

Aiolos continued to walk next to the charcoal and sands little wolf, their direction taking them off the beach and onto a grassy hill. He frowned at the other wolf's words and with a heavy breath answered, She decided to leave Yuelong, for awhile... His sentence trailed, for the look on his face could almost make one guess that he had no idea what 'awhile' meant. When Huojin returned he had expected it to be with Ruo but alas, it had not.

Rounding up and around the hills, Aiolos began maneuvering down back to the ocean where a small cove settled. Here within the cove and waters were calm and quite shallow, making it easy to wade within the waters to await a catch. It was a pretty little landmark, especially in the spring when the hills were littered with pink abd yellow wildflowers.
moonglow daddy