Broken Antler Fen viscountess
70 Posts
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perhaps @Bridget? :o

maggie'd caught a whiff off the wind of deep water after returning to explore where the two wolves had been. her natural curiosity eventually drew her away from the mesa. paws stained with akashingo's dark red dust, she prowled around the edges of the fen discovered some while later. 
smelled enough of wolf, and so she kept well back, glacier expression twinkling merrily.
819 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight

The nights were sometimes brisk, and it wasn't only because, for the first span in a while, she'd spent most of them alone.

Teya had found a good thing it seemed and the medic was happy for her, truly. She tried not to think too much on her and, as the days rolled, it was easier to focus on other things. She'd met Reyes and he seemed nice enough - that was all she needed to know.

And she'd returned @Jasmine safely! Now that, that was the highlight of the month. But when a familiar sight met her at the border, Bridget had to do a double take. Wait...

Hey!! What was she doing skulking around here? Hey, you! What, following us? The hell. But she was grinning as she took a few bounding strides, pausing when she met the border.
70 Posts
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maggie jumped a little when she was spotted, whirling defensively on the crimson-featured wolf. "figure oi might as well come by an' see how nice my neighbors mean to be to me," the beauty sniped back, quick as a bone-saw.
she relented after a moment, though she did not lose her wariness. "what's yer name anyway?" shame she'd lost the girl, but this woman was far more intriguing.
819 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She had spunk for a little thing. Bridget immediately warmed up to her somewhat, though there was still a tinge of skepticism. Maybe she was being honest, but there was a chance she'd followed for some other reason, and Bridget wasn't taking any chances where the kids were concerned.

Neighbors? And you're telling me that's coincidence? Bridget quirked an amused, questioning brow, then laughed. And it's Bridget. Guess we didn't really get there last time, did we. Yours? Her fault, but she wouldn't go so far as to say she'd been wrong there.
70 Posts
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"bridget." the icewater eyes lit up with the delight of having her cunning matched. "maggie lacewell, ma'am," the beauty proclaimed. "formerly o' covent garden, though lately oi've been representin' akashingo. 'aven't you 'eard of it, my lady?"
maggie clucked her tongue and forged ahead, not waiting for an answer. "such pleasures there as though yew've never 'eard! an' all set an' settled by a man called phay-row an' 'is bonny little queen."
819 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Her voice was strange. And the more she talked, the more fascinating it was. A few times Bridget completely missed the word, but she was too caught by it to even care.

Maggie. Never heard of it, or anything like it, honestly. The place or you. That where you picked up that way of talking? She asked, pure unbridled curiosity clearly marked in her gaze. The question might not be polite, but you better bet Bridget was asking it.
70 Posts
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"no, ma'am." the beauty's eyes glinted icy and interested. bridget seemed to take the same sort of interest in her, and so she sauntered forward. "this tongue's always been in me 'ead." she waggled its tip at the red-masked wolf and then laughed her raucous chuckling.
"what's this place then, bridget?" maggie asked, lifting her head to twinkle at one detail or another. "oi don't think oi've ever clapped eyes on such a sight in me life."
819 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Bridget couldn't help but join in with the laughter. Her suspicion was disappearing, charmed into dissipation by her easygoing responses.

This here's Brecheliant. And that's quite a compliment, but thank you. She winked, then let out another quick laugh. Maybe Maggie wasn't talking about Bridget herself but she couldn't resist the opportunity for a joke.

All seriousness, it's a pretty great place. But if you're looking to join, I'm not one to ask. Not unless there was an injury or illness involved, of course. Then she considered herself to have a bit of executive authority, though she supposed she might have to test it to find out.
70 Posts
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feel free to fade this <3 loved them tgt

the other winked and laughed. maggie was full of grinning and good humour. "brecheliant, eh. no, oi'm not 'ere to join. the cunny-'ouse keeps me stomach full o' bread and culls in me bed."
maggie chortled and circled around bridget, just out of reach. "'course even a 'arlot gets tired o' the same custom. if you ever came by, oi could show you such a grand time."
"what do you do 'ere?" she demanded playfully in the next. not a leader, but not uncommon in the least.