Dragoncrest Cliffs dlo sale
"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
863 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 
in her jaws, a strip of kelp. she dragged it along. yesterday she had found a bit of blue kelp, and the day before that, red. this was purplish in nature.
she was searching for her brother. the morning was more chilly that she had expected, and mireille shivered as she called out for @Sobo to come and meet her upon the edge of corsair beach.
265 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
The day prior, Sobo discovered a collection of sunbleached and salt-encrusted bones, thin and cylindrical. He didn't know that they once belonged in the fin of a seal, only that despite their disparity in size, they all shared a similar shape. Painstakingly, the boy had collected them in pairs and carried them to a secret cache in Mossbloom, none the wiser that they soon would leave the den behind.

When Mireille called for him, he was in the middle of arranging them in size from smallest to largest. With an exasperated sigh, the boy scattered the last few with an annoyed swipe of his paw, then hastily gathered them up into his cache and swept dirt back over them. He would have to come back later and fix it up.

Down to Corsair Beach he galloped with a light scowl etched into his brow to find Mireille, who stood in the chilly wind with some strip of purple gunk. Dis better be important! he called out, slowing to a trot. He loved Mireille, but she ping-ponged between sweetly caring and snooty to the point of obnoxiousness. To say he felt competitive about it all was an understatement; he was desperate to prove he wasn't some little boy for her to look down on, and it made him annoyed with her more often than not.

"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
863 Posts
Ooc — ebony
mireille dropped her kelp with a huff. "everyt'ing i say is important!" she snapped, stomping a small paw against the ground. but she sighed in the next, waving her tail to show that she hadn't come over to bicker with sobo — for once. "i found dis. dere be more like it, all colors. wanted to lay dem out on de beach, see what happens when de sun is hot on dem."
she looked over her brother. "will you help me find rocks? to hold de kelp on de san'." 
she meant them only as pretties. perhaps sobo would find something medicinal in their look.
265 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
If every'ting ye say be important, den not'ing be important, Sobo muttered to himself, but Mireille's question seemed to be one of a cooperative nature rather than a condescending one. He peered at the strip of purple kelp, extending his nose to sniff gingerly, then made a face. Sa pran sant ran.

He couldn't deny that there was something promising about the look of the kelp, though. If soaked in a little sea water and wrapped over a wound, it could serve as a decent dressing. He wasn't sure what the sun would do to it. If it was anything like a starfish, it would turn hard and dead within mere hours. Maybe it would make them tougher and more suitable for wrapping. Sobo nodded once his agreement to help.

What do ye plan to do wit' it? he said over his shoulder, wandering toward the water's edge where some larger stones might be found.

"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
863 Posts
Ooc — ebony
mireille rolled her eyes, but accompanied him. "not for me," she said pointedly, lifting her gaze toward sobo with a solemn look. "maybe you tell me what you be usin' dem for." a gift, though she was too proud to say it was so.
the girl began to dig at the edge of a stone, throwing sand and earth behind her. but as soon as the soil started to cake beneath her paws, she lifted each of them with an expression of disgust and backed from her toiling. "ugh."
265 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
He gave his sister a toothsome grin, each one dazzling ivory. What if I say dey be for de eatin’? He couldn’t imagine trying to swallow those slimy strips, but he hoped the threat that he would eat her gift would stoke a fire in his sister. Her insistence on her own greatness needled him, but she was also more fun when she was being saucy.

He began to unearth a second stone, digging much like his sister, until her disgusted voice drew his attention. He barked a hearty laugh. ! How can ye expect to get anyt’ing done when ye be bot’ered by a little dirt?

Sobo still meant to help her, but seized the opportunity for mischief by scooping wet sand from his own hole and flinging it in her direction.

"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
863 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"oof!" mireille shouted, scrambling backward from range of sobo's rangy paws. she was not fast enough to escape all of it, however. the wet soil spattered against her shoulders. she stood rigid and huffing. "not everyone be needin' to be as filt'y as you, sobo!" she shouted, red hackles flaring.
after a moment's hesitation, the gangly pebble bull-rushed her brother, hoping to knock the boy into the hole he had dug himself.
265 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
Raucous laughter poured from his throat. Look at her! Standing there all ramrod stiff like little royalty with her striped fur standing on end. No one else be workin’ so hard! he shot back, splaying his paws on the cold sand. He knew Mireille. She acted like a proper stern lady, but she couldn’t resist a tussle.

Sobo underestimated the ferocity of her lunge, though, taking her full in the chest and stumbling backward. His hind paw slipped into the hole and compromised his balance. With a challenging roar, he tried to rear and wrap his legs around her neck, leaving him even more vulnerable to being shoved over.

"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
863 Posts
Ooc — ebony
sobo stumbled but did not go down.
mireille squealed in indignation at the way her brother threw his filthy arms around her. her recoil caused another trip; she and sobo were then sprawling across the excavated sand.
she clawed at him, snapping for whatever part of his dirty crass self she could reach. mireille was a hothead and there were no others who brought this out from her as much as sobo.
265 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
Mireille pulled unexpectedly backward. Sobo was unable to unhook his legs from around her neck in time. The two went down in the sand, his hind leg catching on the edge of the hole and dooming him to a sprawling tumble. Her snapping teeth caught his ankle and he laughed, giving his arm a rough shake before twisting and reaching for her ear with his mouth.

Now ya be dirty too! he teased in between reaching claps of his jaws.

"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
863 Posts
Ooc — ebony
mireille squealed and tried to wriggle away. but he was right; the wet sand clung to her scarlet fur too. resigning herself to this, the pebble wrested her ear from his jaws and tried to go for his own, stumbling back and away in the next. "you must be washed!" she shouted, laughing despite herself.
265 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
We can fade this one here! <3

Mireille's teeth clipping painlessly on his ear caused Sobo to bark a breathy laugh. He smeared wet muck and sand across her freckled cheek with a deft paw before bouncing back, so spry and springy with youth. They both needed a bath in cleaner water than could be found here. The lake was the obvious choice, but Sobo's preference was the sea for how it could agitate and wash grime away, then carry it far from shore.

Race ya! he hollered, turning tail and kicking into a gallop toward the beach.