Broken Antler Fen Me, in NY? Ah, I own that city - FUGGEDABOUDIT!
415 Posts
Ooc — mercury
backdated to 12/10

She tried to make herself appear as if she belonged here, but really, after the still-being-hashed-out-in-human-time conversation with Penn, she was even more rattled to arrive at these borders. Still, Lilitu brought herself to a halt just shy of the scent markers and took a deep breath—luckily not inhaling snowflakes this time.

It had been a day or two before she'd set her sights once more on Brecheliant. It was guilt, mostly, that kept her away. She had left—not once, but twice. In her first absence, her mother and Wraen had both perished. 

What would she walk into this time?

Her sweet voice floated over the fen, summoning. . .well, whoever led this place right now. Was it still Maia and Eljay? Their scents remained, she noticed, but others had faded. Lilitu let loose a shuddering exhale, suddenly incredibly nervous.
1,541 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
If anyone else joins, feel free to skip me at any point! I've been a tidge slower than usual on her

Maia wasn't exactly who the call was for, but she couldn't ignore that voice! She hadn't adopted Lilitu in the way she had her younger siblings, but they were family, and she was just as much an aunt to Lilitu as she was to Ibis. (Great-aunt made her feel old and was kind of just terrible to say, right?)

Lilitu!!! She called out, a little breathlessly, as she galloped towards her with a big smile. Hey!!! Oh my gosh, it's so good to see you!!

When she got to her, she immediately pulled her in for a hug. She didn't notice her niece's nerves at all and had, at this point, assumed she found somewhere else to live and was paying them a visit.
415 Posts
Ooc — mercury
A familiar figure bounded her way, and her mouth split into a wide—albeit still a tad nervous—smile. Maia! she rejoiced back, and curved into the woman's embrace, savoring the smell and feel of her again. Young ones still clung to her pelt; that was good, that not all of them had departed.

And her own siblings. . .?

It's good to see you, too, Lilitu said, finally pulling back, hastily blinking away the tears that pricked at the corners of her eyes. She cast her head back and forth, gesturing toward the whole of the fen. How is everyone? How are you?

And by that, she meant 'Who's still here, and who's dead?' But no need to say that aloud quite yet.
1,541 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Everyone's great! Well, as far as Maia knew. Some had left, and some had disappeared, but Maia didn't think to mention either. It was hard to remember what all had passed since Lilitu had last been here and most who had left either clearly wished to go or had little effect on Maia. In her selfish view, things were great recently.

The kids are back with Eljay, but they've been exploring more lately. It's amazing how much they've grown. She practically glowed with pride saying it, then looked Lilitu over again, as if to confirm she was in one piece. But how are you!? How was... yknow, everything? She gestured at the direction she'd come from, a vague motion that was meant to indicate 'everything out there'.
415 Posts
Ooc — mercury
"Everyone's great!" She felt momentarily relief before it hit her that Maia, much like herself, was a serial optimist. Still, Lilitu trusted the older wolf not to lie to her, and so she let her shoulders relax that much more, the watery edges of her smile smoothing.

All the kids? she asked, cocking her head. She trusted Maia to know what she meant.

As for the question, she shrugged. It was. . . It was, she concluded, laughing. A lot to see. A lot of different people out there. But I'm glad I'm home.

Because it was home. Nomadic as she'd been over the course of her young life, no place tugged at her quite like the fen. Her mother was buried here; Wraen, too.

She wondered where. . .
1,541 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
I have no idea what the timeline is for anyone leaving, but my going assumption was Diantha was the only one gone. I can edit this if need be though

Maia knew that Lilitu meant well, but her question felt pointed in a way that didn't make a lot of sense to her. Suddenly she felt a little uncomfortabley like she'd been sized up and fallen short and it wasn't great. She took a step back and felt her cheeks warm up.

Diantha's moved on, I don't know where. She just needed to not be here, I think. Maia said quietly. We... just did our best.

Did Lilitu feel weird about them trying? There wasn't really another option, but if she did, maybe Maia couldn't blame her. She was self-conscious about it, but she'd also considered them to be "her own" for so long that it didn't cross her mind she might have understood the question incorrectly.

I'm glad you're home too. Guilt aside, she really was. And it was good to hear her say it like she was staying.
415 Posts
Ooc — mercury
She'd said something inadvertently hurtful. Her own face fell as Maia stepped back, explaining herself. Lilitu shook her head, emphatic, gaze seeking her friend's in soft compassion.

She's like her older sisters, she remarked, letting herself smile just a little bit. Can't stay in one place for too long. Thank you for taking care of them, Maia, Lilitu went on. The smile had faded but the warmth remained. I can't thank you enough, and I know Mama—wherever she is—is grateful, too.

Lilitu moved forward a bit, body language open and welcome to embrace. She gently nosed at Maia's chin in the way of a subordinate, giving her a quick lick before drawing back and bowing her head.

I'm here to stay, if you'll have me. The words felt right.
1,541 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
That meant the world to hear, especially from Lilitu. It didn't erase all of her insecurities but it did make her eyes prick with tears as she smiled back, warmly, and went in once more for the invited hug.

She would be so proud of you. All of you. Maia had total confidence in that. She gave Lilitu a squeeze, hoping that if nothing else, she knew that. And I know it isn't the same. But, if there's ever anything you need... Eljay and I are here for you too. We're family. She pulled back to press it home with a look.

It was a little more complicated since Lilitu was more niece than daughter, but only in semantics. In practice there wasn't anything she wanted for Sylvie, or Hymnal, Jasmine, or even Diantha that she didn't also want for Lilitu and her sister, wherever she was. If they ever needed anything, she hoped they would ask. We'll absolutely have you.
415 Posts
Ooc — mercury
The downward tilt of her face hid the tears sparkling in her eyes, but it could not stop a couple from falling, down past her chest and into the snow at her paws. She watched the droplets sparkle for an instant before dissolving, reminded. . .

You know why I decided to come back? Lilitu said, lifting her head again and composing herself with a small smile. Her vision still shimmered, though, and Maia stood in glistening fragments. She blinked. 

There were shooting stars, maybe a half moon or so ago. So beautiful. And they all seemed to come from one place.

When I followed their path, things became more familiar, she explained further. And. . .I realized they were leading me home.

Home. There were so many, Lilitu mused, her voice awestruck. She cocked her head to the left. Do you know anything about stars, Maia?
1,541 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia stayed where she was, content to keep Lilitu embraced until she seemed to have enough of it. More than anything, she hated the thought that any of Ibis' children would feel cut off from Brecheliant or like they had no one who cared about them here. There was something really special about knowing there was always a place, no matter what, where you could go and be welcome. Even if they decided to end up elsewhere down the line.

Maia listened and couldn't help glancing up at the sky as she did. My mom and dad used to talk about them. But some of my favorite stories came from a friend. He used to live on the mountains, up near the stars, and we used to talk about the wolves who lived up there, who burned silver and so bright we could see them all the way down here. She slipped into the story almost without realizing it.

I think he's up there now, and any other wolves who decide to stay there and keep watch. Maybe they were the ones you were following. Maybe your mom was one of them.. She thought it, but she didn't want to say it outright. It felt wrong, assuming she'd want to think that her mom had led her back to here. It was better to let her decide if she wanted to imagine her mom among the stars or if, maybe, there was someplace better she'd gone in the end. Maybe it was mom, or Dad, or Sarah, or Terance... or even Wraen. It wasn't hard to imagine any of them made of starlight.
415 Posts
Ooc — mercury
She nodded slowly along with what Maia said, a sense of comfort suffusing all of her being. Her smile grew, and once the woman had finished speaking, she added, Yes. Yes, I think so.

That's what I've heard, too, Lilitu confirmed. Wolves I met on the road, those that called themselves stargazers. . .all of them said just that. She swallowed, feeling the winter sun beat upon her back. Makes me wish it was night, all the time.

She laughed softly, then. But oh well. I'm here now, she said. And I don't plan on leaving anytime soon.

Restless feet, don't fail me now.

So. . .wanna give me a tour? Lilitu joked, grinning, dipping her nose toward the heart of the territory.
1,541 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia was surprised, at first, to hear that another group would have similar stories. She'd been inspired by Charon, but most of what she'd created about the land up over the sky was completely her own doing. Maybe he'd heard it from someone, or maybe there was just something too magical about the stars. They needed a story, and spirits, to be what they were. It made sense, when you considered how often the stars guided them. Dad had similar stories too, didn't he?. She'd almost forgotten.

Absolutely! There isn't much that's changed. Maia moved to follow, either taking the lead or simply walking alongside depending on how confidently Lilitu moved through. Let me see, what's happened since you were gone...

As they went, Maia would catch her up on the pack. Reyes and Teya, her siblings, Sylvia and Hymnal. How cute Ros was and how well he'd met the representative from another pack, how adventurous some of their other kids had become, and the way Diantha had left. Anything and everything that Maia thought she'd like to know.