Fairspell Meadow waving through a window
4 Posts
Ooc — Winter
Limit Two 
The young woman had spent the last few months alone in the wilds, hoping to avoid any fate that might tie her down. Now all of that was perhaps nearly at an end, and she stepped into new lands in search of better fortunes. First and foremost, she needed to find somewhere to hunt, hopefully somewhere that was safe enough and not claimed by any overly-aggressive pack. Then perhaps she could rest and figure out what to do next.

She waded into the obscuring grasses toward evening, hoping to elude the sun that guarded over the lands, pausing to admire the occasional wildflower that greeted her. Were she any kind of competent herbalist, possibly these would be considered useful, but she simply  passed them by, searching further into the meadow. She would need to tread carefully here, but with luck she could walk in the garden without waking any sleeping beasts.
823 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Bridget walked through her days with the interminable focus of a miniature sun. Any shadows that sought to linger didn't stand a chance. Nothing about her life changed; she visited Teya and her family, she helped to watch Eljay and Maia's when they needed time, and the rest of the time she split between duties as healer and packmate.

Sometimes she did let her trips carry her farther. Without anyone around, and with just the quiet, she could breathe a little easier.

Those flowers that the other wolf passed by, unkowing, were actually Bridget's aim today. She knew they tended to crop up around the lands claimed by Brecheliant's allies, though she gave the borders a wide berth. One of these days she would introduce herself - just not when the sun was so low on the horizon. She'd be better off finding a place further to settle for the night.

She was plucking the last of a bundle she'd gathered at her feet when she heard the sound of a wolf passing through the grasses a short distance away. The medic lifted her head and immediately picked out the shape that made it's careful way. Hey. I'm not looking for any trouble, just came to snag a few supplies to take back home. She didn't know if this wolf came from Akashingo, but either way, probably good if she got the introductions out of the way. I'm Bridget.
4 Posts
Ooc — Winter
There was a voice in the grass, which brought her to a halt, but it the sound was salutatory, if cautious. Glade-green eyes fell upon the sunny form, and she decided to wade toward the other woman, speaking a simple greeting of her own. "Hello, thank you for calling out. I'd probably have walked right past you otherwise," in truth she might have preferred solitude, but speaking with others might allow her to learn something of these lands without having to learn the hard way.

"I'm Chrysanthe, and I don't mean to cause anyone any trouble." She began, then added "nice to meet you, Bridget," Her gaze took in the bundles of flowers, a missing leg, shining violet eyes, other details. She guessed these flowers must be the supplies Bridget mentioned. So, someone paid more attention to their lessons than Chrys ever had - she only knew the flower she shared her family name with, nondescript daisies that carried meanings she might just as soon forget. Better to think of other things.

So instead, she made an offer to the flaxen woman. "If you like, I could help you carry them back, though..." her voice trailed off. "Perhaps not all of the way. You live in a pack?" The last statement was phrased like a question, but this close, Chrys could smell the scents of other wolves swimming along with this one's.
823 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Bridget laughed warmly. All a part of my plan! Get your attention so that I wouldn't have to carry all of this myself. She certainly didn't need the help but would take it, especially if it meant having a stranger's company for a little while longer. It had been a while since Bridget had run across anyone new.

Brecheliant is name of it. They're a few territories that way. I'm a medic there, though thankfully, work has been pretty light these days. She'd really only treated outsiders. I thought maybe you were a part of the pack nearby. But you aren't, are you? It seemed like she was traveling alone.
4 Posts
Ooc — Winter
The other woman seemed happy for the help, or else for the company. Though she was a bit less gregarious herself, Chrysanth was happy to oblige her. "How cunning!" she chimed at the joke with a laugh. Hopefully with both of them sharing the burden, they would not be so encumbered that they couldn't walk while they talked. As much appreciated as the joke was, details about the area was the most valuable thing she might carry away from this chat, Chrys thought.

And she had already learned something. The woman's pack lay some distance away, one with a name that she stored carefully away. Brecheliant. And there was at least one other in the area. But where? The blankness of the mental map she was already drawing made Chrys uncomfortable. She'd need to fill it.

Keeping up her end of the conversation, the girl gave a curt shake of her head. "No, I left home a few months ago and I've been on my own since." Jade eyes blinked momentarily as the sun broke from behind a cloud. "This place is a breath of fresh air," she added. It was true, after miles of hinterlands not worth stopping for, this place felt far more promising. "What do you use these for?" she gestured a paw at the flowers Bridget had collected, less curious about the blooms themselves than what worth of theirs drew the sunny woman to seek so far afield for them. 
823 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
I know exactly what you mean. It's been a few seasons since I came here myself, but compared to home, there's a lot more space here. We had a crowd in my old pack. Bridget wasn't sure if that was what the girl meant, but it seemed like there was a similar feeling of being able to breathe easier once you found independence from it. Birth packs could be... stifling? Stuffy, definitely. That was the nicer way to say it at least.

They've got a few different uses. Bridget picked up a few that were more of a spray of white flowers. She hadn't intended to come here to gather those but couldn't pass it up when she spotted them. These are good for a cough or sickness that is seasonal. Those - She indicated the leafier, white flowers she'd left for the other woman to carry. are good for treating wounds. It helps them not to get infected. This meadow is a great spot to find it and I was running low. You're the first stranger I've met in a while who didn't need some of it, actually. She let out a small huff of laughter around the stems she carried.
4 Posts
Ooc — Winter
Chrys smiled warmly at Bridget. "Exactly, I feel I can breathe more easily here," she nodded. Crowds, mothers, siblings, home had been pressure from all sides. Travelling in empty wildlands meant scraping by just to survive. Here, she could just be, or so she hoped.

Emerald eyes refocused on the flowers, following along as the golden woman indicated which bundles to collect and carry. Her ears tipped to catch the ailments they could be used for, though she was caught up by the last comment. "Oh no, is this area really so dangerous?" she asked, curious if it were bad luck or freak accidents, or something less random that she should be watching out for as well. "Of course it is true, we loners are usually looking for trouble," she gave a wry grin around the flowers, trying to keep the conversation at least somewhat light.
823 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She was lovely. Couple it with that smile and the way she joked and Bridget, at any other time, might have been at least somewhat smitten. How long was it going to take, for that part of her to open to the possibilities? Apparently, longer than this.

I've never run across trouble here at least. One came from a ways away and the second I imagine was asking for it. I helped her out, but she seemed pretty keen on getting under my fur in the process. She chuckled dryly remembering it. Bridget was sure her issues and whatever had her so jaded was well founded, but that didn't mean she couldn't picture someone kicking her ass for taking that tone with them as a stranger. Not everyone in these parts was friendly enough to have her kind of patience.

As long as you don't plan on insulting any strangers you meet, or their homes, I'm sure you'll manage better.