Lion Head Mesa niobium
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Master Medic
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for @Medusa &/or @Midas, any or both of u!

when tavina had composed herself, she went at once to the nursery where the children were kept. jawahir's face was resentful. almost malevolent.

so. these were the babes left behind by maegi. the sesh extended her muzzle to them, scarcely able to smile given the heaviness of several situations at once.
27 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
Midas instantly noticed that there was someone. There was a tremor in the ground that he could sense, which he linked with the arrival of others. The young boy lifted his head, and tried to smell or hear who was coming. The boy was shedding his sandy coat for a white one.

There was someone! He grew alert, he could smell the wolf coming closer. Still the pup did startle when something touched him that smelled different than his sister. He sounded a growl, mostly because he was surprised but he touch, bracing himself on all fours. "Who?"
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Master Medic
she saw his eyes first.

she saw how much he resembled maegi.

"tavina, noble one." for he was this, regardless of appearance. "i am here to help you. both of you. i am your servant."
27 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
Midas's milky eyes didn't see but he did register the smell and sound of the other. The first sentence was something the boy didn't understand. Those words had no meaning to him so he was unaware that it was a reference to him.

"Help Usa, and I?,' he mimicked and lifted his chin. They didn't need any help. He was certain. "Servant?," he asked. Wanting to know what it meant. Was it like Jawahir?
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Master Medic
"it means if you want to leave these rooms, i will walk with you. or if you want a certain sort of food, i will get it for you."

a wan smile tugged at her mouth. "you are nobles, like your mother and father."
27 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
Midas lifted his chin. He wasn't sure if he wanted a babysitter or someone looking after him. But he didn't mind more food. He felt that the was more than capable to move around on his own. "Nommble!," he repeated with a grin. The word mother and father meant little to him.

All these wolves that helped them were servants then. Wonderful. He had no problem saying what he wanted. "I want food!," he commented proudly.
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Master Medic
"what sort of food?"

tavina began to lead midas from the rooms, out toward the wider hallways moving with activity. there were many store-rooms; he would be able to choose what he wanted.

some part of her was content.
27 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
I now assume she wanted him to follow her, but he cannot see so he will stay put haha.

"meat!," he chirped. He didn't know the difference between meats yet. He did know he preferred the meat over milk. He liked how it made him feel full.

He footsteps sounded, they became quieter. He realized soon enough that she left him. Jawahir also left without goodbye, so the boy just settled with Medusa, waiting for his food.
672 Posts
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Master Medic
lmao shes so observant

the boy did not follow.

belatedly she realized he could not see the way. she returned with two fresh quail and began to pluck them nearby. "does jawahir take you out of these rooms?"

or was he meant to live in darkness as their own once had?
27 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
Hahaha love it

Midas stayed put, mostly because he knew that food was coming. Honestly, the boy was getting a little spoiled with things being brought to him. He could smell the meat coming his way, he yipped. Midas trotted towards the other, eagerly trying to get what she had. He had little patience.

"Rooms? Sometimes we follow. Different scents. Or we go, no Jawahir." He had been sneaking out with Medusa from time to time.
672 Posts
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Master Medic
tavina nodded. "well. tomorrow maybe we can go outside. all of us."

he was apt already, sensitive to things around him. she saw already how his mind had expanded to encompass the world of sight. "what do you do for fun back here?"
27 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
Midas eagerly started eating the quail. He was hungry he realized. The young man was eager to get his teeth into it. The boy had little experience with eating a meal, he mostly still got food that was chewed already. However, he was eager to get started. Midas felt he was big enough.

”Wrestle Medusa,” he spoke. ”Explor…” He then started to chew on the feathers and spilt them out. His face twisted a little. He was annoyed with the feathers in his mouth.
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Master Medic
she leant forward to help him spit them out.

"you wrestle and explore," tavina finished for him. "what have you learned about your environment?" she did not think she had ever worked closely with a blind wolf before, let alone a child. she wanted to see as midas sensed, to know better how he might be assisted.
27 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
Midas eagerly slobbered up the chunks, he was always hungry as a ravenous young boy. He was starting to like this servant! Midas thought about her question for a moment. "My enviment? he asked, that word was not something he knew yet. The pup had automatically turned his head at the word. "I learn!! I learn lots," he boasted though.

"I learn different smells! Lots of smells. I learn different wolves like me. But I like my sister the best." He went and ate more of the meat. "There is also difference.... feet! Some hard some soft. I like hard better. I can feel when someone is coming though I often smell them first." The pup was very clueless about the fact that he couldn't see.
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Master Medic
tavina was swiftly becoming fond of him. she listened closely as he spoke of what he knew. he spoke raptly of the senses, of knowing which feet sounded which way. 

she found this marvellous. "i think that your nose works very well, young noble," she said gently. "can you tell different types of meat from one another? can you tell other things about the sort of animals that gave the meat?"
27 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
Midas almost beamed, his eyes glinting even though they were dulled by the milky whites. It was more of an expression anyways. The little boy was just beaming with pride at himself because, yes, he could smell perfectly! The boy thought about it for a moment. "Diffrent... Taste! Some are fuzzy from the outside and others are... fatherly!!!," he commented, of course meaning feathery. "Not sure why fuzzy or why fathery. I like all of them. Much better than milk."

It was mostly mouthfeel, and smell he went by. His eyes couldn't tell him but his nose and tongue could. "Why different animals?"
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Master Medic
tasting different. fatherly. the sesh chuckled, though it was not a mean sound. "we eat all sorts of meat in the palace. everyone hunts and there are large stores. there is anything here you could want, noble one. and if it is not here, then it will be found for you."

she was pleased to teach the boy what privileges he had. "and yes, they are much better than milk. i can even bring you things they are sweet, like honey."
27 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
Midas was not aware of his mistake and the other didn't point it out. So the male was more than eager to listen to her knowledge. He had decided that he liked her way better than the other adults he had met so far. "Really!?," he asked and then thought of what he wanted, but he couldn't come up with something he hadn't had before. To him that was a little concerning, luckily he was distracted quite quickly.

"Honey? I want!!" he demanded. He was eager to try things, and not really worried about anything. Fear had not been something the child had ever experienced.
672 Posts
Ooc —
Master Medic
fade & have another? <3

she smiled. "well then. this time come with me and we will find some." she stepped away with a light chuff, inviting the boy along.

as nobles, he and his sister were also entitled to the privileges that came with rank. the palace was his for the taking.
27 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
I LOVE that!!

Midas nodded and was quick to approach the lady. He found her soon enough and then stayed by her side, letting the female guide him to this honey she was talking about.

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