Hoshor Plains magenta rhododendron
Sun Mote Copse
377 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Backdated to 12/26 before the hunt @Matteo @Bronte

A new sentiment spiced the air! A harrowing thrill. A worthy danger. Wolves mingled about as they prepared their bodies and minds for the hunt ahead.

Sialuk’s presence helped ease Seal’s nerves. The young woman ordered her mentor’s herbs and arranged their charms. Then, Seal took a sprig of evergreen mountain laurel and set off to bless the hunters with good luck.

As she moved through the crowds, Seal couldn’t help but notice that the hunting wolves ranged in age. Some were even younger than herself! So brave, Seal thought.

Two such wolves crossed her path. One was a young lad of soot and ash, the other a young woman with golden furs. “Would you like a blessing for good fortune for the hunt?” Seal asked them.
the seal's shadow
121 Posts
Ooc — orion
While the wolves of Moontide busied themselves with preparations for the hunt, Matteo stole himself to the outskirts of the crowds, investigating each of the camps in his own time. 

He headed towards where the healers gathered now when a girl with soft grey fur interrupted him, a sprig of verdant shrub decorated with pretty pink flowers clutched in her jaws. She smelled strongly of fragrant plants and moonvillages; the thought which stirred his tail in a friendly wag. A blessing? Matteo was doubtful, but any distraction from the growing anxiety of the hunt would be welcome enough.

"Uh, sure! How does it work? Does it involve eating that plant..?" a glance at another interested punter, a sandy girl, to see if she was any less confused.
104 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Only by chance, had Bronte been in the vicinity of Matteo. Like him, the various campsites interested her. She was also quite keen to get a look at the healers site too. Before this hunt, her single visit to glean knowledge from Moonwoman, hinted at a growing curiosity. 

As she had drawn closer, in awe of the mammoth beasts grazing in the distance, the salty sea water scent that clung to the boy made her nose wiggle. She had never been to the sea before. The scent he wore was completely new to the sheltered Blackthorn.

She had wanted to come up to him and introduce herself, but found her nerves getting in the way yet again. Over to the distant bison she glanced, as if checking that they wouldn't get anywhere close. Then, thankfully, a kind stranger appeared, cheerfully approaching them. 

Bourbon eyes blinked, falling on the pretty young girl nearly her own age. Examining the sprig in her jaws. Feeling her cheeks warm and her tail stir, she nodded. "Of course! I think I could use the luck." She exchanged a glance with Matteo. "How do we start? I've, um, never received a blessing before."
Sun Mote Copse
377 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Both hunters asked questions, eager to know more and receive a blessing. Seal was happy to see their interest, pleased to multiply their confidence. She had learned from Sialuk that the healing arts didn’t apply to just the body – the heart and mind often needed therapies as well. With her deep connection to the spiritual world, Sialuk had inspired her apprentice to walk the same path and commune with her ancestors.

“Nay, you dinnae need tae eat it,” Seal responded to Matteo with an understanding smile. Then, Bronte asked what they must do. “Come closer,” Seal gestured to them both with a turn of her paw.

She cleared her throat and took a breath. “Every living thing has a spirit,” she explained. “The trees, the flowers, the bees, the hare, the wolf… Today, we hunt the mighty bison spirit and ask for strength, courage, speed, and luck from Pinga.” Seal sat on her haunches and put one paw on each wolf’s shoulder. “Pinga is a great ancestor spirit who presides over life, death, abundance, and famine. She will be watching the hunt. The hunters. Observing and judging.”

Seal rearranged the laurel branch in her mouth. “Now, close your eyes. Together, we will silently give thanks to Pinga and the bison spirit you are about to chase.”

When both wolves had closed their eyes, and a moment of silence had passed, Seal reached up and brushed the sprig of laurel across their foreheads….

(to be continued…)
the seal's shadow
121 Posts
Ooc — orion
Luckily, for both clueless hunters, Seal was quick to take charge. Matteo moved closer until he was a comfortable distance to her, eyeing Bronte to see that she did the same. 

Ears pricked, he listened intently as Seal began to speak of the spirits found inside each living thing. In passing from the wolves of Moontide he had heard mention of such beliefs, but he had never given it much thought before. Nevertheless, he tried to keep an open mind.

Her touch was gentle, yet it startled him with a jolt. It was mildly uncomfortable to think that some higher being might decide who lived and who died. What if Pinga judged him wrongly? Would she send a bison to aide in his untimely demise?

Matteo took a deep breath and shut his eyes as instructed, wishing Pinga to extend her blessings to Raiyuk and the other hunters and to the many bison that would soon be felled, opening them soon after to thank the young woman for her wisdom.
104 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Intrigued, the Blackthorn shuffled a little closer and lowered reclined on her haunches. The mysterious young woman began explaining that every living thing had a spirit. Bronte was already a believer, after witnessing the brief return of her passed father. Seal's words only further confirmed it for her.

What wasn't familiar to her was a name that stood out. Pinga. She tilted her head slightly, the question in her eyes quickly explained. Pinga was also a spirit themselves. One with supposedly substantial power. She leaned in slightly, letting the gentle weight of Seal's paw rest atop her shoulder.

With a side eye peek at Matteo, she was curious of what he made of this. Bronte found herself with a growing habit of letting her eyes linger on anyone she found something to visibly like about. And she wasn't picky, either. She found that she could see the appeal, the beauty in any individual. Seal was soft with a splendid coat and captivating eyes. Matteo was dark like storm clouds. Eyes of setting sun.

Closing her eyes, she bowed her head slightly. The brush of laurel across her forehead tickled slightly, and she smiled. She wished for safety, luck and success. Not just to herself, but to every wolf here on these plains. Sucking in an audible breath, she peeked a single eye open. As if to ask if the blessing were concluded.
Sun Mote Copse
377 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Sorry for my long delay @Raiyuk and @Maggak!! This is my last post with Seal :)

Both @Bronte and @Matteo bowed their heads and closed their eyes as Seal instructed. She felt their trust in her, and so Seal lent them her honest spirit, full of sincerity.

After Seal had brushed the sprig of laurel across their foreheads, she shook it to create a rainfall sound. Then, she tapped it to their chest as if to anoint their heart.

“This laurel I’ve touched you with is an evergreen. Even in winter, it keeps its color. It is Pinga’s gift to remind us that we can keep our spirits strong. I feel her now, with us. She has heard your silent thanks,” Seal assured them.

“You may open your eyes,”
the girl said as she stepped back with a gentle smile. “You have received Pinga’s blessing. May you run with the wind and, with your fangs, strike true.”
104 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Last from me.

The sprig of laurel brushed over her forehead, mimicking rain as it fell, grazing her chest. Bronte felt the skin under her fur buzz slightly, in a soft little way. It was a feeling of comfort. She did not question it, as it felt right. 

When she heard Seal's lovely voice again, she opened her eyes as prompted, feeling energized. The spirit, Pinga, was with them. Looking at Seal, she smiled as if to say, she indeed felt Pinga with her.

The little ceremony concluded, she stepped up on soft paws to place a soft nudge of thanks on her cheek. "That was beautiful. Very enlivening. Thank you, Seal. Good luck to you on your hunt!" Then, she bounded away, ready for what yet awaited her.