Ocean's Breath Plateau To build a home
249 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
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Raindrop had returned to her pack’s land after her glorious day along the shore spent with @Sumac. It was only after she’d left for home when she really felt something…. Bored? Maybe, but not quite. Perhaps, could she already be missing his company? They’d only just met, but there was a click there, almost like when she’d met @Valiant, but different. As she wandered the territory, in search of a perfect place to dig her den, Sumac stuck in her mind, planted there like a sapling. She brought herself to her surroundings, and realized she’d found herself in a rolling field, bordering the forest from which she came.

If only she’d had someone who knew the territory well, maybe they’d be able to help her out here.
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738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Almost fully recovered Heph ranged over Moontide's territory, re-exploring those pathways which were familiar. Perhaps one day she would challenge herself to a run, simply to prove that she could, as fast as she could even through tight turns, a test of if her mind truly was as fast as her feet. But she did not seek out danger that day, the scent of Raindrop and she dipped off her path the wolf appeared to be searching for something perhaps. "Raindrop!" She called out from a distance trotting up wtih a grin. "How are you settling in?"
249 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
A voice called out to her, the voice of Heph. She turned on her heels to face the wonderful woman, reflecting the smile upon her face: “Heph! I’m doing fine, thank you. I’m just looking for a place to work on building a den. But I’m not sure what a prime place would be. Any tips?” She asked inquisitively.
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738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
"We can find a place inland sheltered from the breeze. How big do you want it?" She asked, already a few places in mind. She had learned Moontide better than any place that she had known prior and began walking it would depend upon what Raindrop wanted. But she was glad to hear that the other wolf was settling.
249 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
“Thank you, Heph. I was actually considering more towards the ocean. The lower end of the plateau. But I’m open to other options too.” She explained, a flicker of excitement growing inside. But then, as Heph asked about size, had to think more about that. She thought for a moment, as they began to walk. “Well, big enough for myself and a partner. Deep enough to suffice as a whelping den.” 
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738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
"oooh who is this mystery wolf?" Heph asked. "Closer to the ocean suits just as well let's head there, I can show you a few places that I know of nearby." She offered, heading in that direction. There were trees filtering out from two strips of forest depending on if she wanted to be closer to the main plateau or the seal hunter den and a smaller plateau by the ocean that might also be able to have a cave dug down into it well and deep and on high ground so that there was no risk of it flooding.
249 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
She blushed as Heph asked her about the “mystery wolf”. — “His name is Sumac. He’s tall, dark, gilded eyes of gold….” She giggled, as they were two salon girls gossiping, “Right now he’s away visiting his mother, but he’ll be back.” “I’m hoping to start a family here, and we both love the coast, the ocean.”

The two of them moved closer to the water, but Heph knew where to go, she’s also been here longer than Raindrop has.

I wish we had a map made of the plateau and it’s inner locations.
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738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
"That's wonderful. It'll be good to have some young ones running around the place again now that the others are growing up." She grinned, Raindrop certain seemed smitten with the wolf. It was indeed the season for whirlwind romances and she was gald to see the other wolf happy and it sounded as if the pair would be well settled and suited to Moontide. "If you ever need anything just let me know, I offer babysitting services and old bones for teething." A gentle laugh at the joke woven into the genuine offer.

She continued on and would accompany Raindrop across the territory as they surveyed various sites until one was selected, chatting and offering conversation while they worked.

I believe Ebony was kind enough to make one and pop it into the discord Map- I'm good with fading/archiving here or with your next post ty! <3
249 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
She and Heph were having a wonderful time, mingling and conversing as they visited the potential den site until she found the one.

Heph’s words made her chuckle, “Indeed. I really do love this place.” Then Heph offer to babysit any future pups, and provided old bones for teething. She got the joke, Heph certainly was clever. She turned to Heph, giving her a warm smile and her thanks, “Thank you for the help and guidance, Heph. I think this will be perfect.”

Sounds good. We can fade here. :D Thank you Lepos!
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