Lion Head Mesa The journey
33 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
Tadihor had wander, her paws tired, sore from all the running. She prayed for safety, to find a place to rest, to lay down her own load. 

She traveled through plans, and the golden grasses suddenly turned to sand. For the first time since her escape, she felt comforted by the familiar desert scene. She stopped to breathe, to look at the horizon, and like a great pyramid, a giant mesa stood out in the middle of the sandy expanse. 

She continued on, on until the mesa got closer, and closer, until she could finally touch her paw to the red rocks. She sniffed the air, then the sand, and with the discovery of scents, she raised a howl, a call in her own tongue. She quickly groomed herself as she sat and waited. 

Tagging leadership. @Toula @Rashepses. Anyone else who wants to join.
251 Posts
Ooc — Anonymous
Over the clank of senet pieces and the low mutter of table talk, a guard announced the arrival of another visitor, this one alone. Joined by a trio of mazoi, Rashepses made his way toward the grassland flats, where a solitary figure stood in wait. Upon closer inspection she was a woman in earthen tones, well-built and of desert stock. Preceded by the usual customs, he allowed his eyes to loiter.

“State your business with Akashingo,” one of the guards called. Rashepses awaited her answer, wordless yet.
22 Posts
Ooc — Decay
can be cameo for now!

always awaiting the semer-wati's need for him, Akhenaten did not miss the announcement of an arrival at their borders. 

following at the heel of their shadow-cloaked ruler, the kingsguard remained close, gaze ever watchful upon their approach. as another mazoi spoke, he waited in silence, curious to see what this visitor wanted of the mesa.
— golden kingsgaurd of the sands —
33 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
A strong man bathed in black and three others came to greet her, and from this display she could boldly tell his nobility, or status, and she bowed her head before she responded to the question asked of her. They spoke common, but she greeted them in her own tounge, followed with common, yet accented: Tahiaatun, I am Tadihor, a weary traveler who is far from home.”

“Who do I have honor of meeting? Where is this place of sand and red stone?”
Arabic” — “Common”
Speaks basic common. Heavily accented. Speaks in short sentences. 
251 Posts
Ooc — Anonymous
Semer-wati (sole companion) Rashepses, God of the Red Serpent, Royal King Consort to Pharaoh Muat-riya Isetnofret, Asar Em Ta (powerful in land),” the obsidian held up a paw to silence a servant and spoke his own honors.

“Welcome to Akashingo, Tadihor,” he mouthed the simple name, so dully unadorned– but he could change that.

“The red palace is set upon the mesa; a reprieve for weary travelers, particularly those who would agree to an exchange.” He felt the sturdy presence of the Akhenaten beside him, and wondered if mercenary pursuits would appeal also to an athletically built woman.
33 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
Her of eyes of gold lit up as he spoke of himself, and in a tongue she understood, the same words of her people. He further confirmed that he was a man of high nobility, a God in fact, aa well as the royal king consort. She lowered herself onto one knee, in a full bow. 

“It is honor, your divine majesty.” 

She only came to all four paws, standing tall, as he spoke of this place, the palace. “What is it that I may offer? What do you seek, Semer-wati Rashepses?”
Arabic” — “Common”
Speaks basic common. Heavily accented. Speaks in short sentences. 
251 Posts
Ooc — Anonymous
"Rise, Tadihor," his gaze glittered over her own, a pleasured smile growing upon his lips as she knelt.

"The kingdom seeks allies. Join with us and you shall never again know hunger, nor weariness," he posed. Perhaps it was due to the surge of new wolves, or perhaps it was the way her in which her sand-toned eyes warmed him, but the royal was confident the woman would not decline such an offer, even without having seen the grandeur of their redstone palace.
33 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
She felt a growing pride in her, from his words, from what has come to her. She was blessed to find a place, so much like her home, the home she was stripped of, her people. She would not know now whether her own noble lines would help her now, but yet, now was not the time. 

“I shall be your ally, Divine One. For this land is like that of my land. We have a culture that’s one, and I wish to give my talents to your kingdom.”

Soon, when she was able, she wished to share her education, her studies that she carried from her home. “Please, show me to a place so that I may rest. Then, I shall be at your service, Semer-wati.
Arabic” — “Common”
Speaks basic common. Heavily accented. Speaks in short sentences. 
251 Posts
Ooc — Anonymous
"@Akhenaten," he turned for the mazoi in a swirl of inked silk, "please guide Tadihor to a guest room."

"In the morning, once you have rested, I look forward to seeing these talents." He shot a look at her over his shoulder then disappeared into the long shadows of the palace.
33 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
The glimmer of hope in her eye hadn’t dwindled, and she dipped her head once more, even as Rashepses royally slipped back into the shadows of the red stone palace. She the looked to the man who he had instructed, and was ready to follow him to a guest chamber. 

She held her head a little higher, her steps light on the sand. “Let us be shaded from Rah’s hot gaze.” She spoke, squinting her eyes to shield against the sun.
Arabic” — “Common”
Speaks basic common. Heavily accented. Speaks in short sentences. 
22 Posts
Ooc — Decay
we can end here, if you'd like, or continue.. whichever is fine by me!

when the semer-wati took his leave, he nodded to the woman and turned back in the direction of the palace. 

when you are settled in your chambers, I will instruct a fellahin to bring food and drink to you. I imagine your journey has tired you.
— golden kingsgaurd of the sands —
33 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
Ending is fine. Any by her next thread she can be settled. Behind the scenes work. ;) Thank you.

She follow in suite behind the guard, “Indeed. Thank you. I look forward to rest, then to begin my tasks.” 

Soon she would be relaxing, but then the real work would begin, and she couldn’t help but wonder what Semer-Wati had in mind.
Arabic” — “Common”
Speaks basic common. Heavily accented. Speaks in short sentences.