Two Eyes Cenote gold & lazuli
410 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 
set after coachwhip <3

"i am going on march, @Inji."

he sat in the anteroom of their little complex inside muat-riya's walls, gazing at what touches of family had gathered during their time here.

such a beloved place. he stared at the floor. and he would destroy it himself with cruelties of an era which inji had never known.

the soldier straightened, crossing the floor to her; he lowered his lips to one shoulder and sighed against the fur there. he had been on march before; it was a patrol of a week rather than the day or three he was usually gone to guard their massive kingdom.

"i know you want to be married." he sought his wife's beautiful eye. "go to eset while i am gone. begin your true planning. i want to bring back something splendid for us."
143 Posts
Ooc — Twin
must you?
it was not as if inji was displeased by the change of pace within her life, this harlot-turned-housewife rhythm that settled pristinely over her with a golden veil. she loved her children. and she loved the man she was set to marry. but it felt as if there was a wedge driven forcefully between he and she, he and his family! and so she began to grow defensive, protective of her soon-to-be husband.
she paces with her feet dragging along the floor, batty ears drawn back against her head. why is she sending you away? you know i support you no matter what, but i'm a little worried, khusobek. this is awfully... sudden.
she settles into his touch, the way she had grown so accustomed to; a sigh parts her lips. the kids are so grown up now. i'm going to have to return to work full-time, as was her standing, as was her blood. his mention of their wedding earns a smile from her. maybe she'll let us go on a nice honeymoon if we work like crazy for a bit.
410 Posts
Ooc — ebony
he looked at her now, this striking wife of his, in the gleaming health of her flanks, in the way her lips pouted in a sensual moue — he plundered them with a demanding kiss, growling softly into her mouth — "i must." their eyes met, khusobek reluctant to part with her. "you could come with me this time."

said in jest, rather; he had no gilded pelts on the march, no feathered fans, no cool rooms. and he would rather inji remain here among all those things and more than walk a single step upon burning sand. "but no. your feet have earned their respite. the palace must be free of threats before we walk as man and wife."

and he was that threat.

his eyes shown upon her. "i will seek out the children before i go."
143 Posts
Ooc — Twin
i wish i could, hob, she whispers against his lips, her smile tangible. but what would i do? i s'pose i could dance and sing for them. that'll surely keep 'em away.
oblivious entirely to the threat that laid over khusobek's head and having not heard any form of elaboration, she decides to dismiss it as a simple trip; perhaps it was only precautionary. she buries her face into the ruff of his grizzled, muscular chest and melts into the safety that envelops her.
just come back in one piece, please, okay? i worry about you when you're gone.