Otter Creek [m]una vez más, con sentimiento
This is a war on the poor
46 Posts
Ooc — tazi

Mature Content Warning

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The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: drugs, sexual & adult themes, & language throughout

When Sangre awakens, he’s waiting.

In the night, he’d dragged her unconscious body to a small watershed. Now it chilled in the shadow of the cold mountain.

“Lavarse,” hound commands.

He stands still.
375 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
The first thing she realized, when Tierra woke up, was that her head was killing her. It took her a longer, groggy moment to recognize that she wasn’t anywhere familiar.

Tierra groaned, but cut off abruptly when she realized she wasn’t alone. Are you serious? What the actual fuck do you want!? He’d said something she didn’t understand but she hadn’t bothered to try parsing it out.

There was something absolutely menacing about him and the way he stood there. But she wasn’t willing to accept yet that she couldn’t have this be on her terms. She didn’t remember what he’d done to her or how she got here, wherever here was. She just needed to figure out what his whole deal was. Then she’d know what to do.
-Signing.- | Speaking. | -Signing & speaking.-
This is a war on the poor
46 Posts
Ooc — tazi
No one was looking for her.
They’d have already come.
She was all alone.
He had her in his possession.

She was going to make it another fight. He would remind her how well that worked last time.
The hound remained, barring her escape from the narrow gorge. His hackles stood where it wasn’t matted with dried blood from their tangle the night before.
She would bathe, by her hand, or his. Niño took a step forward and reared his tail, shepherding her towards the water. His lips lifted for a rumbling messaged they'd both understand.
375 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
He was unbearable. First refusing to recognize that he was speaking nonsense and now threatening her again. Tierra wobbled as she stood and the world wavered a bit in front of her. Luckily she wasn’t interested in standing up straight anyway.

Instead she remained hunkered and gave a low snarl back, already irritated into making things more difficult than they needed to be. Tierra was a lot of things but a quick learner was not one of them.

She was going to make his life as difficult as she could until he showed her some respect. It didn’t matter that she’d had no success so far with following up on those threats. Just the hope that this time would be different was enough.
-Signing.- | Speaking. | -Signing & speaking.-
This is a war on the poor
46 Posts
Ooc — tazi
Hate wells in her fire-eyes. A pocked smirk muddles the hound’s twisted snout. “Los jefes no les gusta que sus perras estén manchados,” he grunts, paws pooling on the gravel in a stalk towards her.

He likes the resistance.
Means using his teeth.
But they’d done a number on one another last night, and he wasn’t about to pull up to Luneshale looking like a filthy dingo.

“Ser una buena poco perra, ser recompensado,” a full yellow grin. His shoulders round, tail flexed, nostrils flaring out like the moment before a viper’s strike. Then he makes a grab for the thick fur of her neck, using his body as a buffer against escape and attempting to drag them both into the cold water.
375 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She didn’t have a clue what he was saying, so her only response as he approached was to growl and tense. When she realized that he was aiming to grab her she lunged, but of course, Tierra was too slow. If she cared about making excuses for herself she had plenty. Right now she was too angry to bother.

No! She scrabbled at the ground as he dragged her but couldn’t find any purchase in the loose gravel beneath them. What was he going to do, drown her?! What was the fuckin point of that?!

What’s yo- She didn’t get to finish that question before being unceremoniously dragged into the water. It was cold. But it didn’t feel awful.
-Signing.- | Speaking. | -Signing & speaking.-
This is a war on the poor
46 Posts
Ooc — tazi
More hapless threshing. It earns her a solid shake. They’re both submerged in a shock of ice, softening the crust of blood that binds them.

“Lavarse,” he warns again, preening at his own chest whilst holding her soaking gaze.
Have her cleaned up, presentable to the Jefes down in Luneshale.

The hound sloshes over to Sangre’s withers, teeth exploring freely there.
Anticipating her bolt, or retaliation.
He’d take pleasure in tonguing the areas she couldn’t reach.
375 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
That word again.  What, is that your name? Lavarse.  She said it in a clear mockery of his accent and hoped that would piss him off.  Anything to wipe the smug smile off his face.

The only language she had experience with was her mom’s ptero. At least she could be pretty sure he wouldn’t know that, which meant the instant she ran into anyone familiar she’d be able to get a message off. The thought gave her a bit of hope, even if she knew the chances were pretty ridiculous.

He wanted her to clean up, obviously.  She didn’t want to give him the satisfaction and considered stubbornly shoving for the edge. The water felt too good and her pelt was a mess that she could feel. She wasn’t about to leave it, not even for stubbornness. And, like, who knows where his teeth have been. She drank, then began meticulously combing the ick from her fur.

The water was too deep to really whirl around in, but she rounded on him as quickly as she could when he approached. You had your chance, fuckface.  She growled, keeping her back to him. Movement here wouldn’t just be a problem for her at least. Maybe she could give him a good dunk.

And still a part of her, one she was ashamed of, loved the attention. He was ugly but he was also dangerous, and the combination of those two things made the ugly more of a quirk than a problem. Of course he was ugly. Ruthless criminals were almost always ugly. And this one, for some reason, wanted to keep her around. He stared at her like she was something he wanted.

She didn’t want to enjoy it, both because she was ashamed and because she knew, if she made it too easy, that interest could easily disappear. But she did enjoy it, and some toxic need in her reveled in being worth this kind of trouble.
-Signing.- | Speaking. | -Signing & speaking.-
This is a war on the poor
46 Posts
Ooc — tazi
Her words are meaningless smoke. He doesn’t bother trying to understand. What she has to say doesn’t matter.
He reads only the whirl in her body as she recoils from his neaness.
Hound snaps up his head, but remains close.

“Cuidadosa, Sangre. O joderé el fuego de ti,” comes his growl.

He’d been too lenient with her last night.
Now it got to her head.
But he had to admit.
He liked a scowl on her.

And she was bathing.
Good girl.

Niño did the same, smoothing out the half-shed coat and taking long, thirsty gulps of their filthy bathwater.
When he was good and clean and pulled himself from the pond and shook off the excess.
Found himself a nice little patch of dappled light beneath the roots of some dead tree to dry.

Whistles for Sangre.
Come here, girl.

He produced the green, then, from its safekeeping. Laid it out precisely in its wrappings.

Time to show Sangre her new purpose.
Time to show her what the world was really about.
375 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
He growled but left her alone. She wasn’t sure what to make of it until he left the water and then, incredibly, whistled for her.

He was joking, right?!

She wasn’t a pet. And she fully intended to prove it, stubbornly, until she spotted the package he’d drawn out. Suddenly pride was warring with curiosity. Curiosity won.

Was it food?! God, she hoped so, she was starving. Tierra approached skeptically but couldn’t have hidden her interest even if she’d tried. It didn’t smell like much from there.

Any questions wouldn’t be understood anyway, so she expectantly stared instead, waiting for some kind of explanation.
-Signing.- | Speaking. | -Signing & speaking.-
This is a war on the poor
46 Posts
Ooc — tazi
She's titillated.
The eyes light up now.
And not with disgust.

The green. It has that effect.

Mm, a shiver down his spine, but a face of stone that foretells nothing.
Gingerly, carefully, for such a massive fiend, the hound packs his mouth with powder. Rubs his gums with his tongue.
He beckons for Sangre, this time with a paw full of green.
Watches this play out, like storied poetry in motion. A touch of the sublime in the mind.

“Verde,” he rumbles in introduction, as if they are two acquaintances meeting for the first time.
375 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Verde. For the first time Tierra thought she understood. Whatever that was, it was this. She eyed it, and him, but didn’t move away. He was offering?

Look, she wasn’t stupid. This guy was an ass and normally she wouldn’t take anything he was selling. But he was taking some, so like… it wasn’t poison. And she was hungry. And stressed. And tired. And just wanted him to leave her the fuck alone.

He was already more chill than he’d been before. It couldn’t hurt, right?

Yeah. Fine. She watched him cautiously as she took a fair-sized bite of what he offered, hoping she hadn’t misread and half expecting him to lunge. It was dry and kind of pasty in her mouth, but outside of that, it was okay? What was it, some kind of freak food replacement? God, she hoped not. It was alright, but it definitely wasn’t food worthy.
-Signing.- | Speaking. | -Signing & speaking.-
This is a war on the poor
46 Posts
Ooc — tazi
An arm thrusts forward.
It’s to take her chin in-hand.
He wanted to watch.
Watch as her face shed its hunger and terror and reached a height of ecstasy she never thought possible.
They’d reach it together.
He’d be the one to do that for her.

In half an hour she’d want more.
And he’d be the only one to give her what she wants.

He draws Sangre down into the shade with him and waits, smirking, while the coca takes effect.
375 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
At first she did not feel anything. As that changed, the ever-present want that lingered in the back of her mind, hungry, was finally quiet. Finally she could relax.

It was familiar and still different from anything she’d ever experienced. Better? She didn’t know because she couldn’t remember. She just felt incredible. There was no way she had ever felt this good.

You were holding out on me this whole time, she said with a smirk, somehow managing to revel in the sun, the shade, and his company all at once.

She was used to this sort of thing making her tired, but instead she felt focused. No inhibitions, no fear, and no hunger. Before she knew it, her teeth were at his neck, but there was no threat behind it. Just a hope that he was feeling at least half as good as she was.

She’d been bored for long enough.
-Signing.- | Speaking. | -Signing & speaking.-
This is a war on the poor
46 Posts
Ooc — tazi
Her face is every color at once.
Every emotion, too.
Bitter yellow.
Angry red.
Confused blue.
Finally, it lands on pleasure.
Her mouth opens.

Niño held her closer then, thumb drawing lazily circles against the rose of her cheek.
Eres hermosa,” he breathed, “te deseé desde el momento en que te vi,” a laugh as her teeth sought his neck.
He arched himself to her bites, purr vibrating under his throat.

He had one more thing to show her.
He knew she’d like it.
Wanted it.
He flipped her in his arms, pressed into her.

Drugs are supposed to be bad.
But in a bad world, they're good.
It’s the rational response to chaos.
Creates balance.

It’s a fucked up world.
Gotta be fucked up to live in it.
375 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
im fine fading or continuing after, whatever you prefer!

Maybe it had been a while or maybe it was the drugs. She’d wonder later what it was that seemed to make it better. Right now she was enjoying herself too much to be reflective.

It didn’t matter that she didn’t like him. It didn’t matter that he’d forced her to come here. It only mattered that he responded and then gave her what she wanted.

Really, the who had never mattered as much as the what.

She lost herself beneath the drugs and beneath him. Perfectly happy to drown for as long as either held her under.
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