Ocean's Breath Plateau wait for tomorrow
231 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
All Welcome 
The boy was careful, as he was nervous of this new place. It was so similar to Moonglow and the island, at the same time! There was much to see, and many faces he knew - and yet more he did not. Mojag buzzed with curiosity; he wanted to explore everything and meet everyone!

It made more sense to connect with Rodyn again, or to see his intended, Samani. To make it known he was here to teach about the sea, and to be of use. His song was not enough - if he was to become a man, he would have to act! True men were beasts of action.
298 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Mojag, her voice sounded to him, sweetness hanging on the tip of her tongue. 

Samani drew near to the young wolf. He had come to Moontide, away from his family, away from his mother. In this, the girl felt a kinship. Their first impression had been difficult for her to swallow. A gift had revealed the boy to be allergic to the prey she had offered. The expression on his face had remained in Samani’s mind for many moons. Seeing him grown was a shock to her system. 

It is good to see your face, she said, drawing near. Seaglass eyes glimmered upon his hunter’s physique. How do you like the plateau?
231 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
He turned at once to the sound of his name, and saw a familiar face. The moment they had met was scrubbed clear of his memory - as most traumatic things were stolen away by time, for children - but he got the distinct feeling of nervousness and a dash of fear for a split-second; these were unexplainable, so he put them aside. They were merely flashbacks, brief and startling.

I think you've chosen a wonderful place for your village! He was overjoyed by the sight of it, the smell of it! There was so much open sky above them and the endless blue of the ocean for him to fixate upon. For now Mojag was focused on Samani, of course.

Has Rodyn told you why I have come? It would not surprise him if the matriarch-to-be was aware of the arrangement.
298 Posts
Ooc — Teo
What a sweet response. Mojag’s compliment of the plateau touched on Samani’s heart. She couldn’t help the smile that swept her features. It was good to have him there. It was good to know that he was happy with the territory.

The boy went on, asking if she had been told why he had come to Moontide. Her gut instinct was that Rodyn had not shared such information, not yet. Curiosity tugged at her, asking her to inquire and find out what he meant. It was possible that her husband-to-be had made some arrangements with the young wolf. These things were to be expected from a few of their members.

Rodyn has not told me yet. I would be happy to hear it from you.

Samani’s tail wavered. Rodyn had been so busy helping to make their home. She didn’t think her lack of knowledge was something he had intended.
231 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Oh! She did not know. There was a lot going on for any new village, much which Mojag was oblivious about, so he was a little bit surprised they had not spoken; that was ignorance, on his part. He thought as married folk they would share everything. It came time for him to explain, then.

Rodyn spoke of your new village and the sea, and said he was more skilled with rivers and things. Mojag's face lit up as he went on: But when I was away, I was on an island. I learned a lot there. He said I could come to visit and to teach the people of your village how to hunt crab! There are many other things to be found upon the beach.

No doubt Samani knew of some things, too. She looked more at-home here than Rodyn.

So, I have come to teach. And -- my mother Shikoba sends her blessings. That part was true, if only for himself, but Mojag was happy to share.
298 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Oh, Mojag…

Samani’s voice was heavy with her gratefulness.

I am so pleased you are here. Perhaps you can teach me some of what you’ve learned while visiting the island.

The sea girl was fond of the ocean, but her experience with it was fleeting. She had visited only a few times with her father. She had ventured with Rodyn, exploring where they might like to settle. It was not the same as what Mojag had learned while he had been away. The lessons that he might teach would be beneficial to her and to the others of Moontide.

Seaglass eyes sparkled on the boy.

We have been blessed, you know. Having so many strong and capable wolves join us here. It could only be a sign that Moontide was meant to be.