Silvertip Mountain Don't do anything stupid until I can do it with you
Mother Overlord
2,653 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Master Ranger
Edit; I wrote a novel XD

Valette did not expect him to start actually telling her part of his past. It was curious what he had done before. She listened how he was not in a nice pack. Instantly she picked Black Feather Woods. He was sick of fighting all the time, but Valette wondered if he was allowed to go or if they were searching for him right now. It was so weird to think that he had a mean mom. Her mother also had a mean mom. Her own mother had been the nicest, the sweetest. Though perhaps a bit gullible.

She did not agree that everyone was happy. She was not that happy in the beginning she joined, still wasn't. She had her own demons to deal with but everyone had a bit of a smiling mask that would hide that. It made much sense how the Beta had been behaving at first. Now however he seemed to opened up a lot to her. Valette felt a bit bad for not opening up to him but until now she never had a reason to. She could guess from that past he never had any other girlfriends, just like he said that she was the first he truly liked. She was not quick to feel flustered but now she felt hints of it.

"Thank you," she spoke. "I can imagine it must be hard coming here and adjusting," she admitted. Probably also why he disliked Anita so. Valette thought about what to say. "I do think you are adjusting well, I mean, look at you now. All opening up to me," she complimented. Perhaps it was her time to be open about things too. She looked down at her paws. "I partially understand hatred towards parents. I do not have a good bond with my father at all," she admitted. This was also a bit of her fault.

"I should start with the beginning. I was born here, here in Teekon. In the rising sun valley actually. I visited on my travels seeing it lays under the taiga and to the east side of the Sunspire mountains. In Bearclaw Valley to be exact. My mother was wonderful. She was warm and kind. She always wanted to be a mother and when she got to be one my father left her to visit his family," she sounded bitterly now too. "When she was pregnant he left her, came back for the birth and then left for another month. They had an argument, I don't know what it was about but it made them split. At 2 months old we had to pick which parent to go with. I went with my mother, along with my sisters Sesi and Nanook. Xan, my brother went with my father. My father went to Black Feather Woods. A bad and dark pack he left for my mother before they gotten children."

"Bearclaw Valley pack stopped existing. We went with our mother to a pack in the Maplewoods. It was alright for a while. My sisters were absent dealing with the loss of their father which I don't understand. My one sister left, or gotten lost. I never saw her again. Then the worst thing happened." Valette spoke quickly blinking away the tears. "My mother got attacked by a cougar in the march and she died from the wounds. My other sister Nanook was nowhere to be found. Before the process of my mother dying mother suffered a lot with her wounds being painful. Not once was Nanook there. Only when she died Nanook dared to show her face briefly. Then she left me again. Not even staying around for support. I thought everyone always leaves me, and I was the only one left in the Maplewoods of my family. Even my sisters left me. I think I was around 6 months old. The alpha male of the pack was kind to me. He became my father figure. The alpha female was alright too but not as open as him. Though I guess she accepted me because I had, and still have, much ambition to be a hunter."

Valette cleared her throat. "I was nine months when I wanted to visit my father. One of Black Feather Woods pack members had befriended me personally, but he turned out to be a spy. He was not a friend at all. When I got to Black Feather Woods my father was horrible, my bother less so but he was influenced by that pack. When I returned to The Maplewoods, to my true family, or so I thought... Reek, my father figure, was kicked out because he --." She looked bitter for a moment. "...He cheated on his alpha female with another. So my only connection was gone, again. Alone again. I stayed with the maple wolves out of loyalty, but then a threat came from another pack and we had to leave. I picked up the interest in being a scout and on one of my missions I lost my pack. Only to visit Mason, yes, Steady's Nephew. Fitzdutiful's son. I was a teenager and I thought I liked him. The maplewood wolves left without me. I don't know where they are until this day but I lost the resting place and I never saw them again. This was around the famine-time. I was alone again, without a pack this time, I had my hunter skill and another loner taught me how to fish. I ran into Steady, who was a friend of my mother and well, I knew him from Mason and all that. I joined STM because I thought Mason would be there too. But it turned out he left. Probably didn't care about me either." Now there were tears lined up in her eyes again.

"Steady convinced me that a life alone was not fun or a good way to live for a wolf. In the end I listened and well, I joined but also partially because I thought Mason would be around I might be able to open up for him. Yet that didn't happen and I focussed on my Scout trade and well, here I am. But yeah. Moral of the story. Most wolves leave me. It is that bad that I often think Steady will leave too, just because he is a male. Perhaps once him and Nitta have pups. And well, it is also why I was so surprised you were still here waiting for me. Or that I won't believe your promises you will always be around, because there will be a time that you won't," she spoke. Clearly not resolved with her issues. She quickly blinked her tears away. "I did forgive my father figure recently on my trip the the taiga. His pack was there," she mumbled. She grew quiet. She couldn't remember when she had talked so much about herself, perhaps she needed to get this off her chest. "That is the reason why I am independent because I never had anyone to lean on since I was 6 months old." There that was her story. She hadn't left anything out for him this time. Valette looked away from him, feeling so vulnerable and small.
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RE: Don't do anything stupid until I can do it with you - by RIP Valette - August 20, 2016, 06:35 AM