Stone Circle there's a beautiful sadness that runs through him
204 Posts
Ooc — jem
something akin to alarm had traipsed throughout the gaze that followed the distressed movements of her company. and well, she wasn't sure what she'd been expecting but it admittedly had not been for clay to throw back his head and let loose an absolute wail that this crush was in fact; male. ohthat's what the 'them' had been for, good job polaris. rounded eyes peered on as he continued in a rush of overwrought adjectives; unable to help but inwardly comment that perhaps aside from 'muscular' it sounded not too far off from a description of himself. well....handsome was throwing it a bit far too, clay certainly wasn't ugly but she'd probably deem him cute rather than handsome and had the suspicion that he'd likely rip her face off for it. not her fault he was all big eyes and puffy cheek fur.

she leaned back a little as he stood and began pacing fretfully across the cool surface, pushing herself up to sit and observe. bemused eyes softened a little as he began mumbling again; frowning unhappily at the words he'd used. disgusting?? it was different surely, but polaris found interest in different not...disgust. she had after all, had two mothers- something that had seemed completely mundane until she'd discovered that most wolves did not share three parents. "heyshe murmured, pushing to stand and move to his side, going to press a shoulder to his in an attempt to perhaps steady him, not sure if it'd work but ready to try. she didn't want him to start hyperventilating or throw himself miserably from their perch after all. peering up at his distressed gaze she offered "i have- had two moms you know?she skips over the error quickly, determined to focus wholly on him. "didn't realise that it wasn't considered normal until i realised most wolves just had a mom and a dad- bear in mind i had a dad too i uh..dunno but they all loved each other and that was enough for me. still is."

she's not sure what to offer on the thoughts of everyone else; she knows that she found it curious but never could she imagine feeling disgust towards someone chasing love no matter what shape that came in. west and valette seemed nice but how would she know what they'd think, it hurt her head to even try and comprehend why anyone would react negatively but she also wouldn't put it past the world to find amusement in setting up painful barriers for him. and what of the wolf he liked? she didn't have a clue as to who he was and if he'd ever feel the same way towards clay. she suddenly felt pity well up inside her gut but kept her features as impassive as possible; aware that there was something frustratingly demeaning about silent pity. "i don't think it's disgusting..she wasn't good at twisting tentative words and so continued quietly "i don't think you should eithershe didn't want to sound like she was lecturing but she wanted to insist on it so badly, cry out that he could not deem himself disgusting and expect others to convince him otherwise. he had to tell them he wasn't and judge on how they reacted to that; but how could she word that? instead she asked simply "do you want to talk about him?"

she could offer him an ear, if nothing else.
"common" | "french"
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RE: there's a beautiful sadness that runs through him - by RIP Polaris - April 19, 2020, 12:50 PM