Ouroboros Spine come one, come all it’s happening again
Daddy Moonglow
1,021 Posts
Ooc — Vami
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Master Guardian
Aiolos smiles deeply at his daughter and his fiery gaze does too look her up and down. If she were a bit thinner then he last remembered, now that she was back with the village she would plump up once more. 

All is well with me. He says simply. It was like him to always shy away from the attention on him, so instead, Vaire has had her recent litter. Kivaluk will have his own soon. Your mother returned after a long healing trip to our allies. Then, a pause, as he takes the conversation to her. To pry. Where had Kigipigak taken her way to after all? Tell me, where all has your ventures taken you?
moonglow daddy
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RE: come one, come all it’s happening again - by Aiolos - May 12, 2024, 01:14 PM