Ouroboros Spine come one, come all it’s happening again
Daddy Moonglow
1,021 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
A few moon cycles. He informed, surely the longest they had been separated from one another since their time together. Much of that time was spent in Hearthwood, helping their leader through her birthing. 

Issumatar? His ginger ears would perk. And what is the meaning of this word? Aiolos knew a number of words in the tongue which Kukutux had passed down onto the vast family they now had. Yet speaking it in full sentences while having conversation had never come to him. 

Now she spoke of her return south. Having found settlement, her agemate brother joining them, others coming in close and the death then of their son. Aiolos' once perked ears now swept back. We all are very happy to have you back as well...
He nuzzles into her touch. Your family will always welcome you, no matter who you pray to or what name you carry. He would insure she knew this.
moonglow daddy
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RE: come one, come all it’s happening again - by Aiolos - May 20, 2024, 03:54 PM