Ouroboros Spine come one, come all it’s happening again
Daddy Moonglow
1,021 Posts
Ooc — Vami
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It was true. Though often Kukutux was fluttering from one village to the next while Aiolos was willing to stay behind (his adventuring days behind him and years on islands making him quite used to being isolated with his people only) they were rarely ever more then a few days away from one another. This year had been different. Things had changed... They aged. They had lost a daughter, two, for a time. They had not yet expected new ones of their own this season. As am I. He agreed. For all the years he was leader, never was a time when he was not happy being the "brute strength" beside a woman's brilliant mind. 

An outsider? Made a leader of the Tartok in so little time? Aiolos surprise was in his voice and his firey eyes showed pride for his little girl. You are becoming wise in your young years. I can only imagine what you, what Vaire, what my other daughters may accomplish in your lives. He holds her close, allowing her tears to fall. It had been a painful day, yet a good one.
moonglow daddy
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RE: come one, come all it’s happening again - by Aiolos - June 03, 2024, 09:20 PM