Northstar Vale Crawling Out of My Cage and I’m Doing Just Fine
7 Posts
Ooc — Kaiya
All Welcome 
The world is a contemplative place. Garbled wonder spewed from the precipice of heaven and settling at the edge of reality with a haze of unrealistic eyesores. It’s here, at the base of this tree, Isari entertains this thought. The wolfess has never considered herself to be exceedingly pleasant nor an optimistic thinker in any regard. But today, it seems, has surprised her plenty. She’s got a full stomach, slept enough to travel far and wide and still have  a spark of energy remaining, and now, she’s managed to find herself becoming a philosopher. Isari releases a chuckle at that thought. Imagine her, rough spoken and tough skinned Isari, a philosopher. It’s nearly enough to convince her she could’ve stayed with some pack she’s stumbled upon in the past. Perhaps she could’ve become the jester of sorts, throwing out mildly beguiling jokes at the sake of her own expense. Her pride would have never allowed such a feat but, at the time, it proves itself an amusing diversion from the silence of her surroundings. As mind-shattering as the quiet it, Isari still likes it. It’s a welcome pleasure, the way the world slows into a placid calm during these times. The wolfess finds herself thinking that she could get used to this.
Isari speaks both English and French
Don't ever be afraid to reach out about anything. You're all amazing!! Thank you <3
seraphs sob at vermin fangs
694 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
The boy's patrol extends beyond the chosen home base of the canyon. He finds little to chase as he peruses the mountainside, and without @Germanicus to order him about, Glaukos is tempted further every day, if only to fulfill something within himself.

It has been some weeks since the war by now and Glaukos did not think to venture in to the vale where the pivotal battle had taken place. When he found himself climbing down in to the valley he grew more cautious; he crossed the open field in the heart of the vale and only slowed to catch his breath, huffing and puffing. It was then that Glaukos noticed the scent of another wolf.

He spun on his heel and glared at the distant slopes, the groves of frost-laden trees, and other such monuments of the region as he gathered himself to continue on. The scent grew stronger towards one very old, very large tree which looked older than anything he'd seen before.

Beneath the boughs was a ginger shape, and immediately Glaukos was on his guard. He thought of the wolves of Ursus immediately and wondered if they had come to settle some debt with him.
7 Posts
Ooc — Kaiya
Isari's uncle had often found himself telling her to calm down; relax, jeune, the gruff man would demand grumpilyHe had hated how she always seemed to be waiting for something, anything, to go wrong. And the wolfess would always try, she tried so hard to calm herself for him. In the end, they had both chalked it down to an old habit, one too difficult for the girl to shake off anytime soon. In the end, she was right to be this way; because, in the end, she lived and he didn't. 

It was today that Isari found herself thankful that her uncle also found himself telling her off for not listening to him, that they had dropped that issue, as well. Because it wasn't too far into her impromptu rest that she found herself stiffening carefully at the sound of heavy footfalls. It wasn't hard to tell this was a large visitor, much larger than her. 

Isari sniffed the air quietly, trying to catch a scent before the other was right behind her, and eventually, she did. It's another wolf, the girl realizes. Of course, this does nothing to help her relax but at least she's got an idea about what she's about to deal with. And she will deal with it, very unhappily maybe, but she's determined to have at least another hour of peace. Just one more hour, please.

Now, Isari has always prided herself on her intelligence. Her quick mind had gotten her out of a plethora of issues alone and she'd always been thankful for that. What she had never been able to brag about was her patience in matters like this. Disputes always made her antsy, like she had an itch under her skin. Like she always knew she could resolve the problem and she always just wanted it to be over already. She wanted to be walking away victorious already. 

So, as smart as she was, Isari was not nearly patient enough for this kind of strange, prolonged confrontation. "I believe it's quite rude to stand behind a lady and not try to announce yourself, don't you?" the wolfess huffed. Lady, she mused silently. Isari doesn't think anyone had ever referred to her as a lady. For good reason, too, she supposes. Once again, Isari finds herself hoping this blows over quickly. I just want to take a nap.
Isari speaks both English and French
Don't ever be afraid to reach out about anything. You're all amazing!! Thank you <3
seraphs sob at vermin fangs
694 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
The boy had barely begun to concoct a plan of action before being discovered; it wasn't as if Glaukos was trying to hide in any real sense, so it wasn't a surprise when the stranger's voice flit back to him. It was more revealing that he did not recognize that voice.

This wasn't one of the bear-wolves of Ursus. Neither the prince or princess. He rumbled a response in the back of his throat — the sound carrying as he prowled a few more feet around where the stranger sat. He was not far enough to be ignored but not close enough for an attack to land if this wolf were to lash out.

She had called herself a lady.

Glaukos huffed, and chorfed a bit of phlegm up from his throat then unceremoniously spat in to the grass beside himself, watching her.

Bad place for a nap, lady. He drawled at her derisively. He'd use the term she offered up but his tone wasn't exactly kind.
7 Posts
Ooc — Kaiya
It seemed Isari had succeeded in propelling the situation further, whether it was for better or worse was still up for debate. She heard the wolf stalk closer to her resting place; not too close though the wolfess observed. Well, at least he isn't a complete dumbass. 

Isari pointedly didn't bother to spare the wolf a glance, staring ahead as she hummed in response. 'Bad place for a nap, lady' he had said as if he had any room to talk. Isari especially didn't appreciate his tone, mocking her. He was the one who had tried to show up unannounced. But, of course, this is probably what he wanted, a reaction. Isari had dealt with this kind before.

Isari cocked her head to the side with a look of faux innocence, "If it's such an awful place, why, may I ask, is an honorable gentleman such as yourself going on a pleasant little stroll through such horrid land?" The wolfess had already had enough of this newfound company. Every day these intolerable idiots seemed to push her further and further towards a hermit-style life. Maybe then I'd actually get some peace.
Isari speaks both English and French
Don't ever be afraid to reach out about anything. You're all amazing!! Thank you <3
seraphs sob at vermin fangs
694 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
There was a war here, he answered without missing a beat. She could've been laying in one of the spots where blood was shed, but to Glaukos it all looked the same to him.

He did not like that she watched him. It wasn't so much the look in her eye, or the affect she assumed in her response, but the fact that her eyes were on him at all. The boy hadn't gotten used to being the focus of anyone's attention yet; in the past he'd done his best to avoid such situations.

My boss controls a barracks due south of this vale. This is part of my patrol route. It was a partial lie; Germanicus had never given him the express order to patrol this far from the canyon, but neither did he dissuade the boy at any point from concocting his own plans.

So like I said — bad place for a nap. You should move your ass.