Hideaway Strath Had no time to choose
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Maiken was driven further into the pack lands. Her mind and body on different plains as it were. Her heart felt too heavy for her chest, and her mind was too deep, the expanse overriding all her senses. Her brief meeting with Jormungandr had pushed another chip of her heart away. She was lost adrift and unsure what to do, so as always when faced with a dilemma. She went in search of herbs.

She had smelled them near the cave system, and though she wasn't entirely fond of caves. They seemed expansive enough that they wouldn't cause her serious issue. And besides she was the smallest creature in this plateau, with the except of the dog beast Nala. Though she hadn't met her yet, she had seen her and smelled her from far away.

She stopped outside the cave system and stirred, her nose lifted in the air, it smelled glorious down in there, she could smell herbs, moss, and was it possibly water. Her thought again went to Svart and how she was disobeying her family again, she was healing again, she was not fighting, she was not spreading her religion. And it hurt. Why was she so damn defective.

Dritt She murmured beneath her breath, and then she pushed into the cave system, nose to the ground.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,168 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette had been in the cave system, it had been a familiar home ground for her. It had also been incredibly though at first. This was where she had her pups, where she had been together with Derg. There was also the grotto with the lake where she healed many. But after the initial pain she realized that she was mostly remembering good memories.

Hence why she started coming here more often and starting to get everything in place how it was before. Her ears perked up when she heard someone approach. Her eyes were already adjusted well to the dark. She noticed a shadow entering. She let out a chuff to let the other know she was here. "Hello, we haven't met,' she greeted once she was noticed, Arlette wasn't familiar with her at least.
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Maiken had smelled another while she had walked into the system. But it was one she didn't recognize, though Adlartok, Fury and Arashi clung to her pelt, so she was clearly a member of the pack. Maiken froze at the first chuff. Eyes adjusting. She had been too intent upon her mission to find the inner workings and forget her existence as Svartravn.

She dipped her muzzle. This wolf was still bigger than her, though not by much. The most surprising thing though was the blood red eyes that peered out of her face. She was an albino. Maiken's heart fell, not because she didn't want to get to know the wolf, but because if Jormungandr saw more white wolves, he may wash his hands of her, and he was the only wolf really she could converse in her native tongue.

However, she fast realized she was being rude and spoke quickly, her words tumbling out of her mouth and her accent thicker than usual.

Hello I'm Maiken Svartravn. You are a medic also I have heard. I apologize for not answer right away, my mind was on other things.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,168 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette quietly waited as the female seemed to take her in. She was used to it, not all wolves were familiar with her coloring. She wasn't offended. When the female spoke there was a heavy accent on her tongue. Interesting. She wasn't from around here. This excited her, because then the female might have some other knowledge on plants and medicine.

"Yes, I'm Arlette," she spoke. "I've been with the Saints before," she explained to the other. The pale female stepped a little closer. "Have you been with the Saints for a long time?," she asked curiously.
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Maiken was not usually self-conscious of her accent. Except on days like today when she spoke to quickly for her tongue to keep up. And not only was her accent heavy, but so was her common butchered.

Hello Arlette.

Maiken shook her head no. I only recently joined, recently came to the area in fact.

She sniffed again. I smelled herbs and water I was curious. Would you be willing to show me around down here? Since you been here before?

She scuffed a tiny black paw in the dirt, unsure.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,168 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette offered a soft smile in greeting. She did lit up even more when the female asked to be shown around. "Oh certainly!," she beamed, her tail wagged. She made a motion for the other to follow her. "It is always nice to have a fellow medic around. Especially to bounce off solutions," she commented. Arlette had not always been the most confident. She learned a lot from Dove as well.

"If you enter here, it opens up a little," she explained. A little further there was a hole in the ceiling of the cave, daylight shone down on the island in the middle of the lake. The water was warm, and on the island grew all sorts of herbs and plants. "This is what we call Gaia's altar," she explained. "There are a lot of plants growing here that don't grow anywhere else, at least I haven't found them," she commented. "The water is warmer, I think there might be a heat source under it," she continued. She walked up to the water. "If you walk around you can reach the island better, but there will be a bit of wet feet."
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Maiken's tail wagged, behind her. ONe thing she could say, was that she had never been insecure in her healing. Because it was her sole reason for existing. If she couldn't heal, she would shrivel up and die. SHe knew this, because it was the reason she had left. Though, she also knew she could always learn something new. I agree. I've never been around another medic, really. So it will be nice to share knowledge with you.

Maiken stared up at the hole in the ceiling. A smile on her face at the light, as it filtered down to her. It lit up the island with it's warmth, and Maiken breathed deeply. She would like it down here. Hot springs are so wonderful for those who are in need of healing. I don't mind wet paws.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,168 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette quirked up her lips. "Good. I like to learn a lot. Sometimes you get stuck in your old ways while maybe some plants might work more effective,' she agreed. Arlette made her way towards the island, the water was warm to touch.

"Most of it has been lost over the months, but I've started to gather some of the basics," she pointed out. There were poppy flowers with seeds, different types of roots, marigolds and lavender. "If you need or want any essentials then you can add them. We could look for them together if you wish."
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Some may have thought Maiken naive for offering her knowledge so freely, Jormungandr came to mind, but she was determined ot make her own way. And she would do so with kindness and sharing. She had enough bloodshed, and death, and pain. So much pain from her former home. She briefly thought of the scars that peppered her black hide. Very true. One must always heal with an open mind, something may change, or something may work better. And you don't want someone else's life in your paws and not do your best.

You tend it here. I like that thought and there's so many places you could bring plants from outside into here.

Maiken began to nose through the plants, eagerness belaying her manners. She only briefly lifted her head to smile and nod.

I would like that.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,168 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette was glad that their vision was aligned. It made her smile. She had the feeling that she and Maiken would become a good team. "Exactly!," she beamed. Arlette looked over the gathered plants. She would like the obtain the more specialized plants but for that she would need excursions and travel further. "It is nice that the Strath is very diverse. We have a lot of options in the area with what kind of plants grow."

"Yes, so if you have some plants that you feel are missing then you can add them." Arlette was curious what the female would bring, or find. "I would like that as well, we can pick a date in the near future to do so. I first would like to settle a little more and get reacquainted."
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Maiken was thinking as she answered. There were a few plants she had seen. She had asked many wolves in her journey here about the different plants. Some of these had been at home, but not all.

Maiken perused the plants. I would love some Queen Anne's lace and some Rose hips. Both good for different things. Lace for indigestion, inner organs etc. And actually good for both males and females during breeding season. Rose Hips help with fever. Yes I would like those.

Maiken smiled at her. I can understand that. I am just getting settled myself. She thought of her unfinished den, of the bits and baubles she had put to the side to decorate with still in their pile. She thought of the many wolves she hadn't met yet.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,168 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette's ears perked up when the other spoke of those unfamiliar names. "I don't know those names." She admitted, she was not shy in admitting what she didn't know. Maybe she knew the plants but not by that name. She would see. "Can you show them to me once you found them?," Arlette asked. She was eager to learn more especially after her own education had been standing still, at least in her opinion.

"Yes, what made you decide to join the saints, if I may ask?" Arlette was always curious about that, just to know what were the good points or what attracted other wolves. Maybe she could use that for recruitment.
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Ooc — Twin
I can yes. Lace is like fluffy clouds on ground. Grows in big bunches, if not careful it can take over a field. Rose hips are berries that look like they have fur tufts atop their head. Maiken herself was fine with admitting when she didn't know as well. It was one of the reasons she was so pleased to be here, where she could learn more.

Maiken frowned. and then spoke softly. Where I am from there are two groups of wolves. Svartravn's like myself and Kvitravn's. She tried so hard not to let her bitterness show.

She took a deep breath. Paws gentle kneading the ground in thought. Eyes faraway. Svartravn's are dark furred. Kvitravn's are like you and War Chief Fury. Paler coats. In our religions it is wrong to be any of the other color. You do not mix the two. But I have never been that way. i was raised that way, but I was the runt and I just wanted to heal. It did not matter to me who I healed. Though I follow Svart, I do not believe all of his teachings, such as that colors should matter, but there are many who would kill me for even talking to you were they to see it. When I came here. I wanted a new chance to simply exist as Maiken, healer. Fury gave me that. She offered me a chance to throw away my biases as well as heal. And I took it.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,168 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette recognized the description of rose hips, the other she wasn't familiar with. But perhaps Maiken could find it and show it to her. Arlette dipped her head to show that she recognized the rose hips. "Show me when you found the lace ones," she hummed. She was curious about those.

Then Maiken started to explain about her family and where she came from. Her eyebrows raised and then furred. She had never heard about that. She was glad Maiken wasn't like that. "That is quite something to believe in," she spoke. "Sometimes color can't be chosen. My grandma was my coloring, but had none of the pups with her and mine coloring. However, when my mother had children there was someone like me. All the wolves in my family are dark or grey in color," she explained. It would have been very bad for her if she was born in such a family. She might not have lived.

"I'm glad you found us then," she smiled. "Thank you for telling me. Here we also don't look at fur color at all."
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Maiken nodded, already planning on taking a trip to a nearby field to see if she could find such plants. Perhaps it wasn't familiar around here, but she would attempt to find it none the less to share with the other healer, who she was fast growing fond of.

Maiken nodded, though a hollow feeling pressed into her abdomen and chest. She couldn't even count the ways that as a child she had wished to share in what her family did. To be like them. But it was not to be. She was simply built differently. Though she would never admit that aloud, especially not to this sweet wolf. Because she knew now that it wasn't a good way to be. Though her life would have been simpler.

There were kinds like you born to Svartravn's but unfortunately usually the parents were ostracized and the child killed. Unless the parents died protecting, which often happened with the mother's.

Maiken smiled too. Me as well. There are other's here of my background, beware. They do not think as I do. She remembered she should need to tell Fury soon as well. Because it was dangerous.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,168 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette had a pained look on her face as the other revealed more about her past. She could picture it, but didn't do so gladly. Her suspicions were confirmed. If she had been born there she would have been devil's spawn probably. Well good thing she wasn't. But Maiken had, and it clearly had some effect on her.

"I'm sorry that you grew up with those beliefs. I'm glad you didn't believe them though, because otherwise we couldn't have been friends," she offered with a softer smile. She rather focused on that, them becoming friends and co-healers. "I think every family has their issues. No one is perfect," she returned. She had forgiven her own mother now, but she could never really tell her that.
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Ooc — Twin
Maiken had moments of happiness in her past. Mostly with her mother. Her siblings were even kind to her sometimes. Her brothers more than her sister. And they were all appreciative when she saved them from death for a few days.

Maiken smiled to. She always found it strange to hate someone for their color. You did not hate white plants or white prey? You ate it just as you did regular. It didn't make sense. I am glad to count you a friend.

That they do. My family and pack were..mmm.. different That they were. She knew this well. Maiken wasn't sure if she had forgive, she didn't like to think of it.Her siblings she did, because she knew they had been raised the same way she had been. Her father that was a different type of beast alltogether.

Maiken turned. Do we have plum trees?
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,168 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette dipped her head in agreement. She had no worries they would become fine friends. Then the female turned to her with a question. Arlette thought about it and then shook her head. "I haven't seen them," she spoke, but that didn't mean they weren't there.

"Why?," she asked curiously to the dark female. She had a lot of knowledge it seemed.
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Ooc — Twin
[quote="Arlette" pid='532481' dateline='1657800156']

Maiken nodded. They are small round fruits, dark black or purple. She thought on them. There were not many she had seen, even in her home. There had only been one. She would need to look around here. See if they were there.

Maiken smiled. You can use all of it, the fruit, the tree bark, the roots. Coughs, vomiting, swelling, when your throat hurts, and they taste good. Maiken nodded her head. They were sweet.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,168 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette raised her brow. She didn't know such a plant, or heck, tree. Then it was a big plant instead of more of a bush. "We do have some blueberry bushes out of the marsh. They fit your description," she offered. "Only it isn't a tree, they are bushes."

The girl might have a different name for those fruits. She didn't mind some as a snack when looking for plants out on the marshes.
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Ooc — Twin
Maiken shook her head. No they are near waterways, but larger than blueberries. Though Blue berries can help many things as well. Including if you are older, it helps your brain. And it's just tasty.

SHe would have to find some and show Arlette. There was no other way for her to describe it. She wasn't even sure if they were around here, really. She would have to find out.

We should gather some blueberries. They help some wolves eat other herbs with their sweetness.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,168 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette blinked. Other than blueberries? She was stumped. She didn't know these plumps she was talking about. How curious! Then again, she did learn something new. "Oh yes. Though I think they will soon be in season, definitely later during the really hot months," she returned. She would have to start locating the bushes just to check if the berries were turning blue. "I agree. It would be a good addition to everyone's diet," she chuckled. "Lets keep our eyes out if we can find and locate some blueberries in the territories, that would be wonderful."
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Ooc — Twin
Maiken smiled. they are good with fat pieces from rabbit and elk. It is a nice treat. A crunch and soft combination. It seems a bit weird, but tasteful.

Maiken wagged her tail and smiled at her. That will be amazing and I look forward to searching for them with you.

Maiken found calmness in this females presence. She felt at home here. More so than she ever had before. And she was learning new things, whilst sharing her own knowledge it was a beautiful thing.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,168 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
"I can totally imagine. Now you are making me hungry," she chuckled. She would really need to search for blueberries. "It is not weird, it sounds delicious," she hummed.

"I will come find you, or you can come find me. Either way is good," she spoke. With that she kind of made herself ready to leave. She had met Maiken, and so far her impression was good. "I will leave you be, for now," she chuckled. "Have a nice day!"

- last reply for me -
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Ooc — Twin
Thank you for the threads :)

Maiken waved her tail and smiled. Bye you have a good day too.

Then she returned to her exploration. She was excited. She had new herbs, had met a new friend and was learning new things. All told a good day. She went further into the cave system.