Sleepy Fox Hollow If I'm gonna fall it'll be from high places
356 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
All Welcome 
Oh hell yea, she was like… all official and shit here!

Tierra spent her first couple of days in Paleo recovering, but once she was feeling (mostly) her old self again, she set about figuring out what the heck was up with her new home. So far it was pretty okay. Standard kind of place, nowhere near as metal as the canyon but nice enough for boring family shit. Which apparently this Mahler guy was into. Whatever!

She didn’t care what the place looked like, she was way more interested in the guys it had to offer and the implications of her new title. Did she have cred like in Mereo? She was totally assuming she had cred. This was going to be so frickin iconic, she was definitely hitting up her mom asap. Wait until she heard! Well… okay… or like, saw. Read? Again, whatever.

Tierra let out a small giddy noise, then took a breath and grinned as she made her way around the borders. Be cool, Tierra, be totally cool. Emissary. What a total bad-ass label.
-Signing.- | Speaking. | -Signing & speaking.-
185 Posts
Ooc — Raven
"Well, look who's up" Paeon said trotting up behind Tierra.

She'd been keeping a distant eye on Tierra ever since she found her stumbling through the Hallow. Mahler had been her primary caretaker and seeing as she really just needed to sleep off those poppies she ingested it didn't make sense for both of them to watch over her. Now seeing that Tierra was up and awake she thought she would say hello... perhaps get a thank you.

"You sure have a habit of cheating death girl," Paeon said lightly bumping the girl's hip with her own. "Although coyotes were cooler than eating poppies"
356 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Oh!! Shit, you’re…. Oh em gee. You’re from Mereo. Tierra stared at her a moment, trying to find a name and coming up totally empty. Either they hadn’t swapped them or she was still a total space case from the drugs. Sorry. What was your name again?

She didn’t disagree, and she made a face when the other woman mentioned poppies. Is that what those were? They smelled similar to something else, so I figured I’d try a couple. Totes not worth it. Ten out of ten do NOT recommend. Anyway, I’m Tierra. I don’t remember if I said, last time.

She was the girl from last time, when the coyotes fucked her up. Tierra wondered how many other Mereo alums were walking around Paleo. Hopefully more than just this woman, since it’d be nice to have a couple familiar faces to hang with. Ever since she and Minne had been separated again she’d been bored out of her mind. Cue looking for a little (totally not worth it) fun with the flowers. Yikes.
-Signing.- | Speaking. | -Signing & speaking.-
185 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Totally didn't realize they didn't exchange names previously. Haha

What! Paeon's name escaped her. After saving her life, TWICE! Hmmm... Perhaps she was still somewhat under the influence. Paeon would let it pass this time, the girl thought, completely forgetting they had never formally exchanged names. She likely had picked up Tierra's secondhand but didn't take the time to acknowledge this.

"Perhaps they're still taking their toll." she said taking a closer look at the girl's eyes for a quick assessment. "It's Paeon" she said taking a step back out of Tierra's personal space.

"They're sorta nutty tasting, which is nuts considering they're flowers. They can have some medicinal benefits... In moderation" Paeon emphasized. "One too many and it's the last meal you'll ever have. So I don't make a habit of eating them"

In a playful tone, she added "I suppose there are those who avoid them and those who eat them as an excuse to forget other's names" She chuckled.
356 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Tierra rolled her eyes playfully and thumped her tail behind her. Or some of us are just better at being unforgettable. She replied with a small grin. And maybe a little bit of a challenge. Look, it totally wasn’t her fault that Sybol and Minne both peaced out on her after Mereo. But now that they had, she had a vacancy on the whole friend list thing, and it had been a while since… well. A part of her was curious what it’d be like, but she totally wasn’t desperate.

And I was only going to eat one, but I didn’t think it did anything. Lesson received, I guess. She didn’t entirely buy that she could have, like, died. But it hadn’t really been a fun time either way, and she’d felt a little like she did die when she woke up, so maybe the actual thing to take away was if she didn’t want to feel that shitty again she had to be more careful to only have one or something.
-Signing.- | Speaking. | -Signing & speaking.-
185 Posts
Ooc — Raven
'Unforgettably dumb' Paeon playfully thought to herself. Perhaps she wouldn't need to be so durable if she kept herself out of harm's way. A petty jab and one she knew didn't need to be spoken aloud. It was all in fun jest. Though fun jest could quickly turn into real contention if one couldn't read the room. Still, something Paeon was not great at, but she wasn't completely oblivious.

"Well, now that you are feeling better, do you plan on sticking around?" Paeon asked, back to her usual curious self.
27 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
*sneaking in* / tag for reference!

Waxwing had spent several days surveying the southeastern mountains. In the end, he had not found the herd of elk @Mahler had spoken of, and he had told the man as much. He had found traces of the herd, but they had since moved on, past the boundaries of Paleo, which Waxwing was not keen on leaving.

Two feminine voices piqued Waxwing's curiosity, and he ambled toward the conversation until he was within both earshot and sight. He couldn't make out what they were saying, but since it didn't seem to be a particularly secret chat they were having, he made his way over to them. Um, hi, he said, realizing he hadn't actually worked out what he was going to say once he got here.
356 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Luckily for her Paeon took her poking well, not that she had the consideration to be thankful for it. Tierra just breezed past it easily and moved on. Probably. I mean, why not? I’m basically a scout and ambassador and all again, so if I get bored, I can just check out anywhere else. She sat a little straighter, smiling with a cocky air behind it. You could, like, come along sometimes. If you wanted.

Cue weirdo interruption. Tierra stared at Waxwing as he burst in, a number of things flashing through her mind at once. One: boy, semi-cute. Two: rude as fuck. Three: total spaz, clearly. Uh, who are you? She asked pointedly (and a little rudely).
-Signing.- | Speaking. | -Signing & speaking.-
185 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Sorry for the wait. On Vacation. Back soon

A large smile appeared on Paeon's face as she heard Tierra's proposition. "That would be great. I've been meaning to get out of here. Not that there's anything wrong with 'here'. But I've been a bit cooped up lately" It might also give Paeon a chance to meet some other wolves and recruit them over to Paleo, maybe even a student.

As she finished her response another joined the conversation. A masked male she hadn't seen before. Tierra asked the question Peaon had, but Paeon was filled with curiosity rather than disgust. "Yeah?" she asked a light-hearted inquisitive tone evident.
27 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
yay for slow pokes!

Oh, h—hi, sorry. I'm Waxwing. I'm a—a gamekeeper here. He'd never had a stutter before, but somehow talking to girls was different. He drew into himself, suddenly bashful and wishing his legs would move him swiftly away. Instead, they felt like jelly, and Waxwing struggled to keep himself afloat.
356 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She’d have to let Paeon know, at least, as long as she stayed as cool as she seemed so far. If she went all annoying or something Tierra could always find some excuse to revoke the invite.

Totally weird name. I’m Tierra. I’m an ambassador, so we were talking about traveling and all that. Gamekeeper is like, some kind of hunter, yeah? Doesn’t everyone do that?

Weird that it was an official title or something here. She was glad she got to do something more interesting at least.
-Signing.- | Speaking. | -Signing & speaking.-
185 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Paeon's thoughts followed Tierra's. Her eyes shifted up and to the right, as one does them they dip deep into their mind trying to solve a puzzle. "It sounds like a honey-covered bird" That sounded delicious. But as Paeon thought about it more the idea lacked luster as she contemplated how the honey and flesh could be separated by those tedious feathers.

"I think it means he has to hunt for us, rather than just for himself" she commented regarding his position. "I'm Paeon! A combat medic." she finished proudly.
27 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Before he could explain his title, both girls jumped to conclusions, adding in their own titles and what they did. Perhaps he should have butted in—especially for the unsolicited comments on his name—but he stood there and tried to process all of it instead. He wasn't exactly quick-witted.

Mahler asked me to keep an eye on the herds, he said, feeling a bit more confident now that he could name-drop the leader.
356 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Tierra wasn’t sold. Pretty sure we all have to do that, she replied, but her tone was more dismissive than argumentative. It didn’t really matter to her what kind of weird titles they had here so long as hers was one that made sense and was more interesting. She wouldn’t want her rank to be something anyone else could just do.

And as per usual, she completely skipped past his justification, as her mind had been made up. Instead she latched onto the name drop and took it as an opportunity to kick off a more interesting conversation (in her opinion, of course).

I’m surprised Mahler is leader here. He seems like kind of a pushover compared to Germ. There was more she could say, but she stopped there. Probably better to feel out the convo before she got too deep in dishing the gossip.
-Signing.- | Speaking. | -Signing & speaking.-
185 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Paeon wasn't taking sides. Mostly because she wasn't aware there were any sides to take.

As Tierra spoke of Germanicus Paeon jumped in. "Well, at least Mahler has a pack to rule over... Germanicus is sorta the reason we are here in the first place." she lightly contradicted. 

Paeon hadn't gotten the impression that Mahler was a pushover. Other than getting very friendly vibes from him she didn't have any early impression of him, and she thought it best to think of the positives instead of think about how the past could repeat itself.