Ouroboros Spine I never really feel a thing, I'm just kinda too froze
29 Posts
Ooc — Suledin
Please let @Equinox post first <3
@Aiolos @Kukutux @Shikoba
In the end they crossed the mountains, leaving the valley behind in pursuit of a more peaceful existence. She told her husband of Moonglow and Moonspear, how she'd thought of him immediately. So it was decided: they would seek out these packs, and if that didn't work...

Well, she had some ideas about that.

But now they were at the borders, and it was time to try their luck once again. She shot a brief glance at Nox, but refrained from calling for the leaders. He would do most of the talking, she assumed, and so it only made sense that he should make the call. She was content to watch him at work.
15 Posts
Ooc —
not my best work but don't want to hold things up <3

The friction between them had disappeared once they unified towards a common goal.

After their experience at Kvarsheim, Equinox was wary to be this close to the border without calling for counsel; he tears his eyes from the territory ahead of them to catch Elphaba's glance before he tips his head back and announces their presence.

CLOSED for threads

breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
before her stands a woman cloaked in night and a man strung from the cloud's very own pieces of silvery grey. shikoba did not know what to think of the recent foot traffic that has come to the edges of moonglow, but perhaps there is no reason to think anything major of it. summer would eventually end its own long haul and be replaced with fall. moonglow would refill its caches and wait out the dreaded winter, and perhaps these wayward souls are looking to plan ahead.

star hunter has been back to work recently, picking up her fishing in the stream that runs through the spine to help cure the scaly flesh bites and preserve the meat for a white christmas. but the sound of a song, the mentions of a stranger, brings her towards the borders in a half-soaked fashion. with a short legged trot, the woman can be seen approaching with a high tail and head as she overlooks the others who stand before her.

coming to pause some distance at the edge between she and the couple, shikoba decides to introduce herself. "you stand on the edge of moonglow," she comes to say to them both as yellow eyes pass between them, "what brings you both?"
[Image: giphy.gif]
232 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Feel free to skip around me if opportunity allows. Arrluk is practicing/observing.

Arrluk comes to Shikoba's pile with a fish clenched in his jaws, ready to add it along with the collection. Ajei would be somewhere near with her mother and both of them were far better with skinning then he was just yet. Settling the fish down, he looks around and sees no one near, so decides to follow Shikoba's trail as he had done before. 

It brought him once more near the borders. This time, unlike the last, he comes to stand at the Star's side. Arrluk looks to them both curiously, dipping his muzzle to each in silent greeting as he had seen his father do time and time before. 

They both had thin builds. One stark black like the black of Arrluk's own coat, with pale yet bright colored eyes. The other shades of gray pelt, a cool grey color and well kept. Both were young, though obviously not as much so as he. Had they come to stay?
[Image: 7nCi.gif]