Moonspear faded pictures on the wall
153 Posts
Ooc — metic
All Welcome 
@Sialuk @Elentari and any others welcomed in the ulaq

he'd been gnawing on the ear of @Maggak before he drifted off to sleep, his imagination limited to dreams of watercolor running on a blank canvas. he did not know of blues or reds or greens and yet they appeared to him in bursts like paint splattering on a white wall. and this is what the color of his world looked like, all he had ever known. 

and so when he drifted between slumber and consciousness, the babe did not realize at first what had happened. his world of black and white and dream colors had turned real, faded, yet very much existent. his vision was clouded, but in the blur he could finally see. still suckling on his sister's ear, he gave a few slow blinks as the weight of his head turned to try and capture the full sight of his small world.
"atkan aleut"
83 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Instinct was a powerful thing, and up until this point, that is all the white babe had known.
Sleep, suckle, repeat. The occasional gurbled mewl of contentment. A calm child, an easy child. She had learned those around her by touch alone, and by what little of them she could smell; the sweetness of mothermilk, the earthiness of the ulaq, the warmth of a brother.
And it was when her eyes cracked open for the first time that life had taken on a new meaning. A blur of flimsy colors that explode into light and dark, a haze, and within it there were the forms of those who provided for her. At first, confusion, and then calm, as she suddenly registers the warm dampness of her brother's mouth that clings to her still folded ear.
And to her surprise, in her periphery, there's a raven-coated shadow just beside her. There he is!
153 Posts
Ooc — metic
others are still welcome to join!

his small world just got a bit bigger. 

the babe did not fully understand what exactly it was he'd suddenly been able to see. he knew this was home, the scents still the same as he'd always known them to be. 

he released his grip on the pale ear of his sister, mouth hanging wide open and drool pooling from the corner of his mouth. he blinked once, and then again as he took in all there was to see of his milky white denmate. 

a thrilled squeak released from his plump body at the sight of her. with all the might he could muster he wiggled himself closer to her still, mouth agape as he aimed to confirm with taste that this was indeed the body he so often snuggled with.
"atkan aleut"
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Today marked a small milestone for the children. With perfect timing, one after the other, their eyes opened for the first time.

Her breath hitched softly. Pools of deep blue, shining with wonderment. Elentari knew that their sight would still be poor at this stage. Time would fly by, with it bringing a new day of clarity, little by little.

Hovering peacefully as loving guardian, she looked on, content in watching their very first take of their miniature world, and each other.
who stole my toe?!
1,301 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
It was strange to know that so many days had passed between the birth of the two children and this sunrise. Each day, Sialuk grew closer to the children born of herself and Elentari. She realized, too, that there was something else she wished of the mother. Something that she knew now was the right time.

As the two of them watched the children, the starwoman turned toward her lover. "He is a fine bride-price," she thought, grinning at the small boy who blinked his eyes with his sister. Sialuk then kissed Elentari's cheek, content and happy. Will you be wife to me? she asked, her heart fluttering even though the answer was clear as day.
Atkan Aleut
83 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Little Maggak, with not a clue what was going on between her mothers, decided to insert herself subtly into the drama. She felt the hum of voices and now saw the dove grey of Sialuk's belly as she nestled close. Brother Acrux had left her ear with a slobbery sheen, and he now wriggled toward her with an open, gummy mouth. She did not like this!
She squeaks in a show of discontent before crawling up her birthmother's ribs, thrashing and chirping. Safety at last!
153 Posts
Ooc — metic
oblivious to the conversation of his mothers, acrux pressed forward, determined to set upon his sister and latch on to ear or tail. but she was trying to escape! with a chirp he followed after her, will power fueling the little muscles in his legs to wiggle him forward. 

he gave a squeak, eyes blinking furiously as he pursued after the wriggling ball of porcelain. it was a race! he set his focus from sister to mother, and aimed to burrow himself into the fluff of sialuk's stomach.
"atkan aleut"
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
She couldn't take her eyes off of them. The two beautiful little creatures she and Sialuk had brought in this world, together. Pristine and pure, their eyes open for the very first time. Scooting along their tummies in an eager little competition towards Sialuk.

Elentari hadn't realized how rapidly her tail was fanning, the dark hairs perhaps serving as a moving target for the now inquisitive pups. It was so hard to focus on much else but them, and the atmosphere in the den. But her lover's touch and sweet voice pulled her out of her dream like euphoria. Her question slamming her, cracking her heart wide open.

Star born tears pricked at the corners of her eyes, slender dark fore legs reaching to wrap around pale shoulders. She pressed her head close against her cheek, to whisper. "Yes...yes! I will be your Star Wife..." A new chapter would begin. The Archer had come to this land for a lover. A partner. And Sialuk had been there, waiting.
who stole my toe?!
1,301 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Sialuk had to look away for a moment to soothe little Maggak and Acrux. They were fussing, though she could not say she was at all displeased with their behavior, even in a moment like this. If anything, having them here, nestled between them, made the moment all that more special. The starwoman giggled at the ticklish sensation of the two burrowing themselves into her ribcage, and then came the answer Sialuk had always known would be there.

The Ostrega let herself be happy in that moment, soaking up all the good in the ulaq. She could think of no better way to spend the rest of her days. When the children are able, we will have a grand wedding, she said. Anang and sunman will be so happy! Her sisters, too, would be thrilled to join in on the festivities... not to mention it would be a chance to see everyone in one place for a time. Sialuk could hardly contain her excitement, already laying plans far beyond what she needed to.
Atkan Aleut