So much work was needed to claim this land for Ariadne's village. They had hardly scratched the surface when it came to exploration, and she left most of those responsibilities to the able-bodied members of the group. She still hadn't adjusted to walking with her cast, and since the area was slick with ice, she had to be careful when she was out and about.
Presently, she watched the glacier from the ground, wondering what was up there as her eyes traced the frozen reaches.
Presently, she watched the glacier from the ground, wondering what was up there as her eyes traced the frozen reaches.
November 22, 2023, 05:35 PM
The wounds across her chest from the cougar attack were scabbed over by now. They only bothered her when she traveled too far in one day. That hadn't really made her slow down, though. She wanted to see her family again, not to stay, but to make sure everyone was okay.
As she neared the glacier, the temperature seemed to drop. She might have avoided it but her attention was drawn to a stranger. She was beautiful. Her coat was a mixture of cotton white and light brown. Her form was slender. But Aminthe noted the way she held one of her legs like it was injured. She was curious but cautious as she drew near, stopping a respectful distance away and releasing a soft chuf.
As she neared the glacier, the temperature seemed to drop. She might have avoided it but her attention was drawn to a stranger. She was beautiful. Her coat was a mixture of cotton white and light brown. Her form was slender. But Aminthe noted the way she held one of her legs like it was injured. She was curious but cautious as she drew near, stopping a respectful distance away and releasing a soft chuf.
November 23, 2023, 09:37 AM
A chuff caught her attention, and Ariadne turned and saw a woman with cougar marks. She looked worriedly at the wound before looking at her face; hopefully, she was alright. She was a beautiful woman with eyes the color of sea glass, and she lost herself in them for a moment before speaking.
I greet you,she said, slowly.
You are alright, yes?she asked, finding the cougar marks again.
November 27, 2023, 12:56 AM
Aminthe nodded.
She smiled, her gaze falling to the other wolf's favored leg.
It's almost healed. Thank you.She knew the other woman must have seen her scabbed-over wounds. They must look horrific right now, though not as bad as when they first happened.
She smiled, her gaze falling to the other wolf's favored leg.
And you? Are you all right?She was still learning how plants could be used to heal, so it wasn't like she could do much, but she couldn't help but be concerned. The stranger seemed kind, and Aminthe knew how lucky she was to have run into someone who asked after her wounds rather than adding to them.
November 27, 2023, 10:40 AM
She was relieved to hear that the wound was nearly healed; nothing to worry about, then.
When asked about her injury, she glanced at her leg and tsk'd.
When asked about her injury, she glanced at her leg and tsk'd.
Yes, thankfully,she answered as she met the stranger's gaze.
It is just taking longer than I had hoped to heal. I am ready to run again! And swim! And ... not have this big cast on it!She laughed, realizing she was complaining.
Try to not break your leg if you ever fall down a hill,she joked.
Claiming this land with this leg of mine has proven to be difficult.
November 27, 2023, 04:02 PM
Her leg was broken, apparently from falling down a hill. She was warned not to do the same, and Aminthe nodded.
She also mentioned claiming this land, which piqued Aminthe's interest.
Noted,she offered with a smile. She certainly didn't want to break her leg; it sounded painful and it kept you from doing fun things, as the other woman mentioned.
She also mentioned claiming this land, which piqued Aminthe's interest.
I'm sorry to have intruded,she offered first, dipping her head.
My name is Aminthe. I'm on my own right now. I would love to hear more about what you're building here."Maybe she was also partially interested because the stranger was so pretty, but that didn't mean she wasn't genuine in asking to know more.
November 28, 2023, 10:11 AM
It is okay, Aminthe,she reassured the stranger.
Our borders are still weak, which is an easy mistake to make when you can not smell them well.She smiled, allowing her gaze to linger and enjoy the sight before her; the seawoman was beautiful.
Before I talk your ear off, are you hungry? There is a cache nearby, and we can talk over lunch.she offered with a laugh.
December 11, 2023, 03:24 PM
She was relieved that the other woman wasn't angry about her being here. She was quite the opposite. She explained that their borders were still weak and Aminthe nodded her understanding.
She offered to share food with Aminthe and the seastar smiled.
She offered to share food with Aminthe and the seastar smiled.
I would love that,she answered. She was very hungry; it had been a few days. She also couldn't wait to hear more about what they were building here. She dipped her head.
Lead the way.
December 11, 2023, 04:08 PM
The nearest food store was limited, but there was a plump quail with Aminthe’s name written all over it. Ariadne pulled it out and tossed it so it’d land in front of the other woman.
Do you like quail?she asked.
If so, that is all yours—but we have other options, too.
December 11, 2023, 04:16 PM
Aminthe nodded, smiling some more.
Yes, I love quail.The truth was, she'd eat just about anything right now, but she was more than pleased that her option was quail. It was one of her favorite things to eat.
Thank you very much,she offered before digging in, holding the bird between her paws and plucking its feathers to get to the tender meat below.
December 11, 2023, 04:34 PM
You are welcome,she said, watching as she dug into the meal.
So … now that you have food, am I allowed to talk your ear off?she asked.
Then, she wondered,
Is there anything you are most curious about?
December 11, 2023, 04:46 PM
Aminthe chuckled, swallowing a bite of food.
She thought about the question a moment.
Please do,she encouraged. She would listen to whatever the beautiful woman wanted to tell her. She was excited to spend time with her and learn about the home she was building.
She thought about the question a moment.
Well, I want to become a healer. I was hoping there were maybe more wolves here...if I'm accepted here, I'd want to care for the sick and injured.There were likely more than just the woman in front of her, but she had no way of knowing how many.
December 12, 2023, 11:27 AM
Moonsong is one of four villages in the area—the other three are Moonglow, led by my anaa, Kukutux, Moonspear, led by my sistraa, Sialuk, and Moontide, led by … my ninauga, Rodyn. We have an open door policy with each village, and are welcome to visit as we please.
We are like any other pack—we hunt, tend to our own, and make decisions that’ll benefit us all. We are only as strong as our weakest member.
It brings me joy to hear that you are a medic—we are in need of one. You are more than welcome to join us if that is what you wish.That was her spiel, and the offer was on the table. But she was here if any additional questions needed to be answered before a decision was made; this wasn’t something to choose lightly, and she understood this.
December 12, 2023, 03:52 PM
Aminthe listened quietly as she ate. The pretty woman explained that this place was called Moonsong and that it was one of four villages in the area. She didn't know what the words she used to describe the other leaders meant, but it sounded like they were all close. Close enough that they could pass through each other's territories whenever they wanted. She liked the sound of that.
She was excited to hear that Aminthe was a medic. They needed one, and Aminthe was happy to hear that. She liked the idea of having a pack to take care of. She was invited to join, which made her stop eating and smile.
That sounds really nice,she offered between bites of food.
She was excited to hear that Aminthe was a medic. They needed one, and Aminthe was happy to hear that. She liked the idea of having a pack to take care of. She was invited to join, which made her stop eating and smile.
I would love to join you,she said, her sea-green eyes bright with excitement.
December 12, 2023, 06:01 PM
(This post was last modified: December 19, 2023, 06:06 PM by RIP Ariadne.)
Aminthe would join village Moonsong! Ariadne grinned from ear to ear and her tail brushed against the snow-covered ground; she was over the moon!
They ended up talking for most of the afternoon, and, in the process, Ariadne helped Aminthe get familiar with the territory and find a place to stay. When it was beginning to get late, she left the newest villager with a fur from her bed and a meal before making her way back to her den; a welcome present of sorts.
We are very lucky to have you, Aminthe,she said, her eyes shining as she regarded the other woman.
And I can help you find a den after this if you would like.
But … before we do that, can you tell me about you?her ears splayed, realizing how much she’d taken over the conversation.
I am afraid I talked too much and did not give you a chance to talk–sorry about that!
They ended up talking for most of the afternoon, and, in the process, Ariadne helped Aminthe get familiar with the territory and find a place to stay. When it was beginning to get late, she left the newest villager with a fur from her bed and a meal before making her way back to her den; a welcome present of sorts.
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