Set for the 27th! Tag for reference.
has requested a day or two of rest within Silver Creek. The days of training and traveling had finally caught up to her, and she knew that a break was needed for the sake of her children; she had slept in later than she had in recent memory and decided to take it slow for the day.
She wandered through Silver Creek with the intent of exploring. The snow and moss under-paw provided comfortable carpeting for her to walk on, and the landscape was relatively flat. It was an ideal place for her to recover.
With only her thoughts as company, she recounted the incident that'd launched her relocation into motion: the women's circle. She thought bitterly of @Sulukinak and the question that'd sent her running. She replayed it over and over and over in her head, fantasizing about the different outcomes that could've been instead of her spineless response; everything about her decisions that night had been cowardly.
Still, she believed it had been Sedna's will; she would not have found Tartok and become Annierwok had it not been for that night. Moving forward, she would be less forgiving to those who questioned her; the dark-furred woman would get what was coming to her when they crossed paths next.
January 24, 2024, 12:23 PM
Meerkat didn’t mind the quiet, nor the solitude, at least most of the time. But in lieu of morning sickness, the she-wolf acquired itchy feet instead. Soon she would be bound to her den, so she indulged her wanderlust freely. She kissed @Njord goodbye over a hearty breakfast, then told him she would return by nightfall as they went their separate ways at the door of The Taigh.
Hours later, the frozen bog and the neighboring glade were behind her. She paused to survey the standalone summit to her left and pondered exploring its foothills. But despite all the snow dusted around her, it was the sight of water in the distance that drew her forward. The basin was covered in a layer of ice, though she found a place to crack through and drink.
She ought to turn back now, she knew. Meerkat had already wandered much further than she’d intended. She raised her head and licked the chilly droplets from her chops, staring straight ahead at the woods across the water. She didn’t think she’d ever ventured to this corner of the world, though something about it beckoned her.
If she ventured ahead, she would never make it home this evening. In fact, Meerkat realized she would not make it back to the copse tonight, regardless. She didn’t mind spending the night by herself, though she knew her husband would worry. Before she took another step, Meerkat raised her head to howl a message to him, hoping it would carry the distance.
Hours later, the frozen bog and the neighboring glade were behind her. She paused to survey the standalone summit to her left and pondered exploring its foothills. But despite all the snow dusted around her, it was the sight of water in the distance that drew her forward. The basin was covered in a layer of ice, though she found a place to crack through and drink.
She ought to turn back now, she knew. Meerkat had already wandered much further than she’d intended. She raised her head and licked the chilly droplets from her chops, staring straight ahead at the woods across the water. She didn’t think she’d ever ventured to this corner of the world, though something about it beckoned her.
If she ventured ahead, she would never make it home this evening. In fact, Meerkat realized she would not make it back to the copse tonight, regardless. She didn’t mind spending the night by herself, though she knew her husband would worry. Before she took another step, Meerkat raised her head to howl a message to him, hoping it would carry the distance.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
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I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
January 25, 2024, 11:04 AM
Asivaq's thoughts became more vivid; she saw herself on top of the other woman, snapping, biting—maiming anything she could grab. Her vision slowly turned red, and her body tensed as these thoughts continued. She'd been a fool to run away, to allow some subordinate to dismantle her, but she wouldn't make the same mistake twice. The wolves of Tartok had taught her that, and she would do as she was taught: lead with an iron fist to assert herself as issumatar.
Meerkat's howl finally pulled her from her thoughts, and she turned towards the source of the voice and cupped her ears towards it, curious. She hardly noticed that her jaw was still clenched and that her body was tight despite the soft curves along her abdomen.
Curious, she stepped towards the other wolf and cleared her throat.
Meerkat's howl finally pulled her from her thoughts, and she turned towards the source of the voice and cupped her ears towards it, curious. She hardly noticed that her jaw was still clenched and that her body was tight despite the soft curves along her abdomen.
Curious, she stepped towards the other wolf and cleared her throat.
Hello?she called, unable to spot the other individual among the shrubbery; it was unexpected that she found somebody else here and was genuinely surprised that she and Kigigpigak weren't alone.
January 25, 2024, 11:13 AM
He did not reply, which she took to mean he hadn’t heard her. Meerkat bit her lip. She would just have to backtrack and call out again. She wouldn’t make it home this evening but she didn’t want him to spend another night worrying over his pregnant wife’s whereabouts. She kicked herself for being so inconsiderate and irresponsible.
Meerkat’s head whipped around to see a she-wolf coming toward her across the unfamiliar landscape. She quickly pivoted to face the other woman, noting the look of curious surprise on her face. Her pelt was a few shades darker than Meerkat’s own, with much starker fading on her underside. She was petite with a rounding middle, though the Sveijarn-Corten didn’t notice this last detail.
Her genial nature compelled her to reply,
Meerkat’s head whipped around to see a she-wolf coming toward her across the unfamiliar landscape. She quickly pivoted to face the other woman, noting the look of curious surprise on her face. Her pelt was a few shades darker than Meerkat’s own, with much starker fading on her underside. She was petite with a rounding middle, though the Sveijarn-Corten didn’t notice this last detail.
Her genial nature compelled her to reply,
Oh, hi!Meerkat paused, then wondered aloud,
I’m not trespassing, am I?
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
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I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
January 25, 2024, 11:27 AM
She ventured forward until Meerkat came into view and was quickly put at ease when she saw the other wolf. At first glance, she was sunshine personified, with warm eyes and fur, gentle concern, and welcoming nature. Quickly, she shook her head.
No, my husband and I are just traveling through,she assured the other wolf.
I was actually going to ask the same question of you—I am glad that we are not trespassing,she admitted with a laugh.
I am new to this area and did not think that this area was claimed, but I wasn't sure.
I am Asivaq,she offered after a beat, wagging her tail and smiling.
January 25, 2024, 12:36 PM
She let out a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding when the woman—Asivaq, she introduced—confirmed she was just passing through as well. Meerkat shook her head lightly.
Her amber eyes flicked to the trees behind Asivaq, as if expecting to see some sign of her mate. Surely he wasn’t far, though maybe she’d wandered away from him like Meerkat had done to Njord. Her ears drew back guiltily.
My husband, Njord, and I live in Sun Mote Copse, northeast of here. I’m Meerkat. It’s nice to meet you. Where are you coming from and where are you headed?she queried, genuinely curious.
Her amber eyes flicked to the trees behind Asivaq, as if expecting to see some sign of her mate. Surely he wasn’t far, though maybe she’d wandered away from him like Meerkat had done to Njord. Her ears drew back guiltily.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
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I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
January 26, 2024, 12:24 PM
(This post was last modified: January 26, 2024, 12:25 PM by RIP Ariadne.)
Njord? Asivaq knew that name! Although she was certain they were talking abut the same man, she had to confirm:
Was he the Njord that was at the big bison hunt?she asked, her eyes bright and curious.
If so, he is a friend of my husband's. His name is Kigigpigak!Oh, he was going to be thrilled if it was his Njord!
We just came from the north, beyond the wilds, and do not know where we are going yet. I am pregnant, and we need to find somewhere to settle sooner than later.she answered in the next breath.
January 27, 2024, 11:16 AM
Yes!Meerkat said, her own eyes brightening.
Apparently, their husbands knew one another well. In fact, the name struck Meerkat as familiar. She couldn’t recall if she’d ever personally met the man, though surely Njord had mentioned him to her. In fact, something niggled at her.
The next few words out of Asivaq’s mouth sounded like destiny to Meerkat. Now her eyes widened, her lips parting. They’d been on the lookout for just such a pair. It was even more suiting that Njord and Kigipigak were not just acquainted but friendly.
Aokatti,she gasped under her breath. Raising her voice, Meerkat said,
I think our mates are more than just friends.Realizing how that sounded, she huffed a laugh.
Not—they’re sort of brothers in arms, I think?Her eyes danced.
And we’ve been looking for a pair to join our village, help it grow…
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
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I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
January 28, 2024, 01:12 PM
Yes, Aokatti! Her eyes shone with recognition and excitement; what a small world! But as Meerkat continued talking, she could feel the elation slip away and frowned. Nothing good would come from them joining their village; Asivaq had burned too many bridges, and she wouldn't dream of taking Meerkat and Njord down with her.
You do not want us in your village,she warned the other woman with a heavy sigh.
My husband and I are estranged from the sunshine people, and we follow the way of Tartok, which is much different. Because of us, you do not want the moonvillages to turn their backs on you. They are strong allies and ones that you must keep.
Especially my mother, Kukutux—she is a powerful woman.
January 28, 2024, 04:47 PM
Just as quickly as hope ballooned in her chest, Asivaq’s words of warning popped it. Meerkat’s lips parted as if to refute the woman’s opening remark, though she pressed them together and listened to the subsequent explanation. She agreed that Kukutux was a powerful figure, though the way Asivaq told it, it sounded as if Sialuk’s mother was a threat.
If you don’t mind my asking, what are these ways of Tartok? And what exactly is the nature of this estrangement?In case Asivaq didn’t feel inclined to share, Meerkat added,
I only ask so that I can make an informed judgment call of my own. It would not sit right with me to simply say, ‘Oh, okay,’ and walk away from Njord’s aiokotti and his pregnant wife.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
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I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
January 29, 2024, 11:27 AM
Our ways have been described as savage by the sunshine people,she began, taking a deep breath to steady her nerves.
Tartok is a family name for wolves from all over who share the same values and ideals. We live in branches and serve our main branch, which is very far from here, and we are fiercely loyal to our own; anybody can become a family member. It is a fresh start for whoever joins. Each branch is led by an issumatar—our equivalent of an alpha female. We are very protective of what is ours and are all trained warriors and wardens.
As for her family:
My family did not like my choice in Kigipigak as a mate, and I felt a lot of judgment for choosing him. It all came to a head at the women's circle, where a subordinate of mine mocked me and my decision, and I decided to leave the sunshine people behind—including my claim of Moonsong Village.This she regretted the most, and her tone was remorseful.
Kigipigak and I went north from there, where I went into training with a Tartok branch and have shed my prior name of Ariadne Nurik.That part of her was gone. Although there were things she wasn't proud to admit, they were a part of her history, and she would not hide them from Meerkat.
So that is why having us in your village is not a good idea. We come with too much baggage that could cause you issues with my family and the sunshine people.
January 29, 2024, 11:50 AM
(This post was last modified: January 29, 2024, 11:52 AM by Meerkat.)
Asivaq did not hesitate to elaborate. Meerkat remained mum, listening closely, though partway through the woman’s explanation, a light bulb went off in the back of her mind. She was technically part of a Tartok bloodline through Kaertok. She had not thought of her biological father in quite some time.
Meerkat focused, wondering just why Asivaq’s family hadn’t approved of Kigipigak. Hearing that she’d up and divorced her family as a result of a single incident surprised Meerkat, though still she remained quiet. She could hear the remorse in Asivaq’s voice, though rather than return and put things right, she’d leaned into her decision and even taken a new name.
When Asivaq fell silent, Meerkat mulled. What would Njord think of this? It was true they were on good terms with the Moon villages, though they were also set apart from them in many ways. The only one whose opinion truly mattered deeply to her was Sialuk’s, though Meerkat did not wish to invite anyone’s ire, nor mix her family up in drama that might negatively impact the copse.
Meerkat finally broke her contemplative silence to say,
Meerkat focused, wondering just why Asivaq’s family hadn’t approved of Kigipigak. Hearing that she’d up and divorced her family as a result of a single incident surprised Meerkat, though still she remained quiet. She could hear the remorse in Asivaq’s voice, though rather than return and put things right, she’d leaned into her decision and even taken a new name.
When Asivaq fell silent, Meerkat mulled. What would Njord think of this? It was true they were on good terms with the Moon villages, though they were also set apart from them in many ways. The only one whose opinion truly mattered deeply to her was Sialuk’s, though Meerkat did not wish to invite anyone’s ire, nor mix her family up in drama that might negatively impact the copse.
Meerkat finally broke her contemplative silence to say,
Thank you for telling me. You might be right. I still welcome you to pay a visit at the copse, if you like. I’m sure Njord would like to catch up with his aokatti.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
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I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
January 29, 2024, 12:15 PM
(This post was last modified: January 29, 2024, 12:16 PM by RIP Ariadne.)
When Meerkat mulled, Asivaq also considered all that’d been shared. Had it been too much? Probably, but it would’ve been unfair to accept an invitation without explaining the situation she’d recently been in. It wouldn’t have been fair to drag them into the problems that she’d caused.
“Thank you for telling me. You might be right. I still welcome you to pay a visit at the copse, if you like. I’m sure Njord would like to catch up with his aokatti.” Meerkat decided; Asivaq felt relief in hearing the other women’s decision.
“Thank you for telling me. You might be right. I still welcome you to pay a visit at the copse, if you like. I’m sure Njord would like to catch up with his aokatti.” Meerkat decided; Asivaq felt relief in hearing the other women’s decision.
We would love to,she said, knowing it’d be good for both of them. Then, she paused and chuckled to herself.
Where exactly is it?
January 29, 2024, 12:21 PM
It’s,Meerkat replied, turning to gaze northeastward, frowning as she thought of Njord surely worrying about her tonight,
past that mountain there. If you want to avoid the bog, just turn east in the forest at its foot. It’s called Golden Glade. Walk as far east as you can, then turn north. You can’t miss it.
She faced Asivaq again, pondering asking more about the most obvious point of contention: Kigipigak. What had he done to earn disapproval? Maybe Njord would find out, once he reunited with his brother-in-arms. In any case, she oughtn’t linger here and gossip.
I have to head back that way. I’m already going to be late coming home,Meerkat said.
You two can always follow my trail when it suits you. I look forward to meeting again, Asivaq. Until then, take care of yourselves.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
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I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
January 29, 2024, 12:46 PM
Meerkat's departure was understandably prompt. Asivaq looked towards the mountains, listened to the directions, and committed them to her memory.
Asivaq didn't like that she'd practically chased Meerkat away with all the information, and she felt her hormones flare as they exchanged farewells.
Tears fell from her eyes when she was alone again, and although she quickly tried to wipe them away, they kept coming. She allowed herself some time to cry before returning to the makeshift camp she and her husband had set up, knowing he would be concerned if he saw her upset. Instead, now that she was mostly composed, she explained the situation when she returned to him and urged them to visit so he could see his aiokotti.
I am sure that @Kigipigak will want to head that way as soon as he hears that Njord is in the area,she said with a laugh; whether it was genuine or forced was unclear.
Asivaq didn't like that she'd practically chased Meerkat away with all the information, and she felt her hormones flare as they exchanged farewells.
Safe travels,she said.
I look forward to it, too.
Tears fell from her eyes when she was alone again, and although she quickly tried to wipe them away, they kept coming. She allowed herself some time to cry before returning to the makeshift camp she and her husband had set up, knowing he would be concerned if he saw her upset. Instead, now that she was mostly composed, she explained the situation when she returned to him and urged them to visit so he could see his aiokotti.
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