Duck Lake To the ship, matey!
18 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
All Welcome 
Maybe @Arlette?

Ryon strolled through the valley, his black coat a stark contrast from dead grass beneath his paws. The cold wind tried to nip at his skin, but his thick double coat was no match for it yet. Maybe deeper into winter, but now he was simply enjoying the cooler weather. There was a mist among the wind, but he didn't much mind that, either. 

His paws took him to the edge of the lake. It looked like the very edges were threatening to produce ice, but not quite just yet. He lowered his body to the ground and his tongue quickly lapped at the cold water. He felt it all the way through to this stomach, a sign he needed to eat soon. 

He took his fill and then rose his upper body into a sitting position. The sun was setting on the west coast, though the clouds didn't allow for any brilliant sky this evening. His eyes search the area around him, though he didn't yet see any other wolves.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,171 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette needed to get out of the territory. The female just wanted to see some different scenery. The territory had been rather empty with the few wolves they had. She didn't really have a mission to get some herbs or plants. It was winter. It was rather refreshing that she didn't have a task. She moved outside of the territory and decided to head towards the lake. Perhaps something was interesting there. The quiet water might make for some ice on top. If it was frozen over, then she might take Cygnet there.

Arlette noticed when she arrived that there was a black wolf by the edge of the water. She was a little wary, mostly because she hadn't interacted with strangers that much lately. However, she could use a conversation with someone else. The female chuffed to let him know she was there. "Hi," she spoke, keeping some distance from him in case he might not be friendly.
18 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
It wasn't log until someone came along, and Ryon watched her. A chuff greeted his ears and he gave a brief wag of his tail to let her know he was friendly. He stood and began to walk towards her, but did keep several yards between them, as was the social expectations when meeting a stranger. 

He gave a dip of his maw in greeting. Hello, my name is Ryon, he said simply. His gaze raked over her, and he couldn't help but notice the scars that took up most of the right side of her head, and he wondered if they traveled down her neck. Her winter coat seemed to devour the scars as it thickened into her body. But, Ryon was not the type to be rude, and did not allow his gaze to linger long on the scars. Though, he did wonder what creature had caused them, and what a strong wolf it would have taken to survive such an attack.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,171 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
The male was almost like a living shadow. It was like the light was absorbed by his coat. The female watched at it curiously, with those yellow orbs looking at her. He seemed friendly by the tail wag, so Arlette relaxed a little. She sniffed and noticed that he didn't smell of a pack she knew. She was pretty sure he wasn't a local here. "I'm Arlette. Nice to meet you," she offered.

"You aren't from around here, I assume?," she curiously asked him. She had noticed that he took in her scars. She was better with that now, she didn't feel like hiding anymore, they were part of her, and frankly she was forgetting she had them. The skin didn't pull so much anymore.
18 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
He sat back on his haunches, a further indication he was no threat, but he could see that she had relaxed a little, and offered her own name. You, as well, he responded easily.

He nodded confirmation. You assume correctly, he said, a slight smile appearing on his maw. I've only recently come, but my brother, Void, has been here. I think he's off towards the coast right now, he explained. He wasn't exactly sure, though. The pack his brother had began disbanded, and as far as Ryon knew, he hadn't joined any other yet. 

As a cold breeze shifted, he was able to get a brief scent of her. She smelled of numerous wolves, no doubt a pack. How about you? he asked. While her scent spoke to him, he was the type to ask. He had learned it could give him an idea of who he could trust and who he couldn't, too.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,171 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette noticed the other went to sit down. She moved in a little closer, deciding that he was safe, and sat down as well. She dipped her head, pleased that she assumed correct. "The coast? That is a long travel from here," she commented. It had been quite far from her reach but she had other wolves of it, she had never found this big salty water they spoke of. "So in the meanwhile you are staying here?"

Arlette nodded. "I live at Swiftcurrent Creek, we live around the river," she pointed her muzzle over her shoulder. "Somewhat small, but we manage," she offered. 'I don't go that often outside of the borders. Though sometimes there are some medicinal items I might need. I'm their healer," she clarified, offering a light smile. In truth, now in winter, there was little to find.
18 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
He watched as she took some steps closer to him and sat down herself. He figured she must have decided he wasn't a danger. Which, he wasn't. He gave a nod. Yes, a few days travel, depending on the motivation to cross the lands, he replied. He had sort of meandered over with no real destination in mind, so it had taken him longer. But, he knew it could be done a lot faster. Sort of, he said. I have no real place that I'm staying, just kind of wandering around, exploring, he admitted. He liked to have no destination, no time limit, no place he had to be. It was one of the most freeing feelings to him. 

His gaze went to the direction she gestured to for a moment, before returning back to Arlette, as she explained she was her pack's healer. Why don't you go outside the territory often? he asked, curious. From his point of view, staying within the pack lands must have been a very small world. Then again, as a wanderer, he would think that. Are you looking for herbs now? I could help, if you like, he offered. A benefit of having no plans was that he had time to offer his help, should she need it.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,171 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette nodded in confirmation. She had heard that as well, though perhaps for her and her traveling skills it might take a little longer? He did speak the truth with how motivated someone was that traveling would go quicker. She had experienced that herself too. "Oh, are you looking for a place? Or are you more of a wanderer type?" Some might not like it to be stuck in the same pack lands all the time.

'No reason," she commented to the male. Literally, there was no specific reason. "I have no need to leave, unless for herbs that might not grow in our territory." She also had to watch Cygnet and there was a lot to do within the pack lands. "No, not today. During the winter there aren't that many plants growing, and roots are often frozen within the hard ground. It is actually the quietest time of the year," she told him with a little smile. "Perhaps I merely found myself here out of habit, and a little change of scenery perhaps," she admitted to him.
18 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
He thought a moment at her question. Yes, he replied at first before adding, And no. He gave a short chuckle before elaborating. My brother and his mate were trying to form a pack. And they did for a short time, but unfortunately it did not last long, he explained. If he finds enough wolves to make his pack again, I will likely join him. Ryon wanted to help @Void succeed in his pack, and would be there for him if he was needed. 

It seemed Arlette didn't have a reason not to go outside the borders very often. Just a homebody, he stated with a half smile, his voice warm to make sure she knew he didn't mean that in a bad way. She explained that she wasn't looking today, as winter was harder to find and get them in, and he nodded in understanding. A change of scenery can do one good, he commented.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,171 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette perked up her ears when the other explained his situation. "How fascinating!" she commented. She never really considered starting a pack but it made sense that some wolves would be interested in doing so. It made sense that this wolf would show loyalty to his brother. "Does he already know where he wants to settle? Or is that why he is exploring the coast?" she asked curiously.

Arlette flushed a little and then dipped her muzzle. "Yes," she admitted. She could be really social but tended to be a little be more on the cautious side of things. "I agree. Though most things look white at the moment," she chuckled.
18 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
She seemed interested in the subject of his brother founding a pack, and Ryon found her attention a bit fascinating. With a slight shrug, and a half smile, he responded, I don't actually know, he chuckled out. I need to check in with him, he admitted, and see exactly what he might have in mind. Whether he might settle on the coast, or elsewhere, Ryon simply didn't know. I'd be happy to report back, if you like, he added. Might be a good idea to have an ally on their side.

She flushed and dipped her muzzle and his heart sank, worried that he had offended her. Quickly, he added, It isn't a bad thing! I promise! He raised a leg to touch her shoulder, trying to be comforting. He thought it was interesting about her, but not in the least bad. He hoped she understood that. 

His gaze shifted around them before going back to her. Yes, it is, he replied. Sure makes me stand out, doesn't it? he said with a chuckle. Sometimes it was harder for him to hunt. He would cover himself in snow on occasion to blend in.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,171 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
So sorry for the delay!!!

Arlette angled her head a little. She figured they would have at least talked about it. Though, they were also men, and she had realized over the years they didn't really talk about stuff like that it seemed. Or perhaps they just didn't have the chance yet, or not that far in the process. She shouldn't be judgemental. "Well perhaps they could become allies of my pack, but I am not really in charge so I am not one to make those decisions," she commented. They could always use allies.

Arlette hadn't been offended at all, it had just been the case with her that she stayed close to the pack. She had to chuckle when he said that he stuck out. "Yes," she agreed with a smile. "You caught my eye instantly," she spoke, and then realized that that might come across as really flirty which was not what she intended. "Do you experience difficulty hunting?," she quickly asked.