Mature Content Warning

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: conception, raunchiness throughout whole thread avert ur eyes kiddos
the season had begun to turn inji into someone else entirely.
she sweltered; her body sang with a chorus so undyingly fervent. she felt her pulse in her thighs and she felt as if she may stumble every time she took a step forward. and she was afraid of it.
not of herself, or of her body, or the one she had given her hand; no, but of others. of men who hold power in the courts. of men she feared she could not deny, even in bethrothal.
she would have to go to him before they could reach her.
in the yawning hours of evening, the dimglow of shimmering starlight cascading through the halls, she sought @Khusobek with a soft croon and a sweep of her tail over her heels.
she sweltered; her body sang with a chorus so undyingly fervent. she felt her pulse in her thighs and she felt as if she may stumble every time she took a step forward. and she was afraid of it.
not of herself, or of her body, or the one she had given her hand; no, but of others. of men who hold power in the courts. of men she feared she could not deny, even in bethrothal.
she would have to go to him before they could reach her.
in the yawning hours of evening, the dimglow of shimmering starlight cascading through the halls, she sought @Khusobek with a soft croon and a sweep of her tail over her heels.
January 15, 2024, 04:21 PM
they existed in a limbo, he and she.
permission all but granted; he still had not asked the fellahin to be his wife, wanting truly to find the words. they might only find rooms together and thus begin their marriage; she deserved more than this. a ceremony. a commitment of heart.
but the starshine brought her to him; he stood dry-mouthed in the corridor down which he had been searching, and watched inji scintillate beneath his eyes.
he knew, and he knew; he drew forward on trembling step and wound her close to his galloping heart with a sharp exhale.
permission all but granted; he still had not asked the fellahin to be his wife, wanting truly to find the words. they might only find rooms together and thus begin their marriage; she deserved more than this. a ceremony. a commitment of heart.
but the starshine brought her to him; he stood dry-mouthed in the corridor down which he had been searching, and watched inji scintillate beneath his eyes.
he knew, and he knew; he drew forward on trembling step and wound her close to his galloping heart with a sharp exhale.
January 15, 2024, 04:39 PM
never in a million years did inji think she would see herself the bride in a shotgun wedding, and yet that was what the universe wrote for her. decidedly, inji would not have wanted it any other way.
it would not be the glitz and glamor of a royal wedding, when the time came. it did not need to be. it was theirs; these children, too, would be theirs.
draped in pale robes, she wordlessly glides to meet him and buries herself in the leaping of his heart, the sandy smell of his pelt.
it would not be the glitz and glamor of a royal wedding, when the time came. it did not need to be. it was theirs; these children, too, would be theirs.
draped in pale robes, she wordlessly glides to meet him and buries herself in the leaping of his heart, the sandy smell of his pelt.
my room or yours?
January 15, 2024, 05:01 PM
he knew that his rooms were beautiful in the way that eset had designed them; but in sudden self-interest, in want to preserve the last space where he and the hebsut had existed, the mazoi found eartip and throat and collarbone with a roving mouth; his eyes darkened, and he did not need to say yours as he was already steering inji in that direction, pausing only to press her spine against the wall from time to time, her lovely face upturned toward his.
and in it, his salvation;
his pulse was stuttering; he did not think he could wait a moment longer. the hallway itself might ring with the sound of her voice if the entrance to her own chamber had not suddenly shown itself.
and in it, his salvation;
his pulse was stuttering; he did not think he could wait a moment longer. the hallway itself might ring with the sound of her voice if the entrance to her own chamber had not suddenly shown itself.
January 15, 2024, 05:50 PM
she led him in a hasty tangle to her quarters, quiet sounds and desperate clawing; unfurling atop her bedfurs, torn apart and stitched together anew. and in this time, she held him in the palm of her proverbial hand.
sated, for now, though the hunger still refused to be quelled entirely. she kisses the scruff of his chin and tucks her lanky limbs up close to his chest.
doubt began to shatter the heavy afterglow in a way she had not considered before, and her nerves leapt into the cataclysmic pounding of her heart. did he want this? was he sure? she inhales shakily as she finds him with a gaze filled with a love so tender it might bruise.
she led him in a hasty tangle to her quarters, quiet sounds and desperate clawing; unfurling atop her bedfurs, torn apart and stitched together anew. and in this time, she held him in the palm of her proverbial hand.
sated, for now, though the hunger still refused to be quelled entirely. she kisses the scruff of his chin and tucks her lanky limbs up close to his chest.
doubt began to shatter the heavy afterglow in a way she had not considered before, and her nerves leapt into the cataclysmic pounding of her heart. did he want this? was he sure? she inhales shakily as she finds him with a gaze filled with a love so tender it might bruise.
January 15, 2024, 07:05 PM
hers, and khusobek experienced what it was to be consumed in another way, dominated entire down to the epicenter of his marrow by every movement, every sound.
an automaton of love.
not emptied; but vulnerable; scorched by the touch of love in her eyes and unable to give back in words. only the tensing of his jawline, the softness of his blinking; it was in the way he traced down her breastbone to the hillock of ribcage and the flat belly.
hers, and the crocodile only had one language. she sated, and he sated, and still he ministered again to inji, wanting to wring her of every ekeing energetic iota in devoted, focused rejoinder to what her eyes had asked.
khusobek wanted this.
an automaton of love.
not emptied; but vulnerable; scorched by the touch of love in her eyes and unable to give back in words. only the tensing of his jawline, the softness of his blinking; it was in the way he traced down her breastbone to the hillock of ribcage and the flat belly.
hers, and the crocodile only had one language. she sated, and he sated, and still he ministered again to inji, wanting to wring her of every ekeing energetic iota in devoted, focused rejoinder to what her eyes had asked.
khusobek wanted this.
January 15, 2024, 07:37 PM
the servant girl felt her eyes flutter to a close beneath the burn of his own gaze. every touch stoked a wildfire within her; every atom within her begged to be one with his own in a way that would only ever belong to him. regardless of suitors, regardless of order!
i can't wait to marry you,it came out in a fluttering laugh, the violet of her eyes settling upon the curve of her belly which would soon grow round at his undoing. there was freedom in this; freedom in all of it.
January 16, 2024, 11:44 AM
he was touched; moved; he breathed soft warmth across the belly that maybe even now moved to conceive and looked up at inji from the crux of her own hip;
"after this, you do not think we are already married?" the crocodile teased, but in the next moment he kissed his way back to her chin, her forehead;
"i am ready for it too, inji," khusobek murmured at last, bringing his arm around one slender shoulder and cradling her velveteen cheek against the comfortable cadence of his heart. "tell me what you have dreamed."
"after this, you do not think we are already married?" the crocodile teased, but in the next moment he kissed his way back to her chin, her forehead;
"i am ready for it too, inji," khusobek murmured at last, bringing his arm around one slender shoulder and cradling her velveteen cheek against the comfortable cadence of his heart. "tell me what you have dreamed."
January 16, 2024, 02:31 PM
we could be,coy, enraptured, enamored; inji felt warmth blossom beneath her collarbones.
you could even take my last name.khusobek sha'arawi; a signal to all other women of the mesa territories that he belonged to her. she laughs again at the thought.
she wriggles so that she may fit perfectly nestled beside him, legs tangled, pulse ringing strong in her ears.
i dream of the life i never had as a kid,her voice is lowered, bashful, honey-sweet even as her mind trails to the far more grim life she left behind.
a home to raise our babies in. sons and daughters that can call you their dad. a strong and handsome husband. but two out of three of those are already true, aren't they?
she's such a cornball i'm so sorry
January 22, 2024, 10:01 AM
no i love ittt <33
her last name? the crocodilisk gave an interested grunt at that, settling inji deeper into his arms and kissing the round edge of her shoulder. her words were a song of praise that lifted his heart with pride and tightened his gut with fear.
how could he tell her he had already been father, and more than that, a failure to more than one?
but no. he would not replicate this here. not in muat-riya. not with her.
"it is a beautiful dream."
khusobek shifted.
"we could make it real."
how could he tell her he had already been father, and more than that, a failure to more than one?
but no. he would not replicate this here. not in muat-riya. not with her.
"it is a beautiful dream."
khusobek shifted.
"we could make it real."
January 22, 2024, 08:17 PM
why not?clueless, clueless to the life he held before; blissfully ignorant, and even still it would not have mattered. it was the past. things were different with him. he had ended up here with her for one reason or another.
she looks into the ice blue eyes and she sees the stars, and that to her was worth any and all the pain of both past and future.
the hunger was not sated for long. soon, inji dove toward his navel; nose against the soft skin of his belly, feeling the way his muscles tense. she sensed they would not be leaving her quarters for some time.
her dream was not so far from her reach.
fade? <3
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