Two Eyes Cenote help me, i'm out of breath again
143 Posts
Ooc — Twin
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up until now, inji hadn't known for certain. her life carried on once she knew her season had dwindled, and she returned to working. her days were a haze of writing songs and tending the flame of muat-riya, preparing meals; emptying stores for the oncoming spring harvest. and in the evenings, whenever she was able, she slept at the side of khusobek.
it was this morning, however, hours before the sun was set to filter through the halls that she noticed something; a feeling. a hunch. a chill ravaged her spine, and along with it came a tingling in her limbs.
lying atop her bedfurs, she found herself staring down at the soft curvature of her belly and wondering if it would soon change.
723 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Medic
it was a particular irony that a servant had flowered before their young pharaoh. and under another reign, this might have been devastating for inji.

but this was toula's kingdom, and it was one of kind acceptance.

the sesh kept an eye on the young girl set to marry the guard — a waste! — and today she found inji rather unnaturally still, staring at her own flank as she announced herself at the door.

"i've come to check on you, if that's all right," tavina intoned.
143 Posts
Ooc — Twin
the sesh! a welcome surprise to the tired girl, who now turns to straighten her back and form a gracious smile. tavina, she greets. of course.
there was reason for this visit; tavina knew just as well as inji did. she hid her displeasure well from the maidservant, who looks upon her now with dazzled, but nervous eyes. i think maybe i'll need your help with floral arrangements for the wedding, she laughs. i mean, i could probably do it, but, that's kinda boring, isn't it? and-- you know things about flowers.
twitching anxiously now, inji rises to her feet and stretches her rangy limbs out in front of her. how-- um, a glance toward the doorway, cautious, ever fearful, even if the whole palace surely knew by now; how do you know if you're pregnant?
723 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Medic
there it was. "typically food cravings. new meal aversions. nausea. vomiting. breast tenderness. you will have to pee a lot."

flowers! flowers indeed!

"i am good at color schemes," she murmured. "gucci is the one to consult for finery, and nazli too might have an eye for it. i will help you in any way you need, inji. i am just not so creative."

she looked directly at the young servant. "how long ago was your cycle?" the sesh knew. she wanted to see if inji was aware.
143 Posts
Ooc — Twin
gucci and nazli. i'll have to see them, then, inji's smile brightens, so much so that her eyes crinkle at the corners. i'll have a whole party, won't i? man, i've got a lot of invites to send out. assuming, of course, that those between the two palaces would care to attend the wedding of two lessers. it was a nice dream, at least, as it always was.
how long ago was her cycle? the girl pauses, swishing air around in her mouth before she speaks again. about a week ago, maybe? ten days? i don't know, had she noticed any of those symptoms? now she began to worry, batty ears flicking outward to the sides of her head. it was not as if she had ever done this before. how was she to know what to look for? i mean, i guess i've been more-- tired, lately. really tired. but i'm trying to stay on top of things anyway. and, y'know, i'm kinda hungry now, actually. hm.
do you think it's still too early? she asks. i'm just, um, i'm hopeful. i really-- i've wanted this for a long time.
723 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Medic
tavina, who was less than impressed with the mazoi, favored inji with a level, warm look. but it was all she could muster. "it's sure to be beautiful," she agreed in genuine tone, however. inji would be a very lovely pride.

shoving all thoughts of nala as a bride aside, nala as a wife — tavina listened with the practiced ear of a doctor. "i think you're pregnant, inji, especially if you were quite active with your intended. you're young and healthy. there's no reason to think you haven't already conceived. just the same," tavina went on, "i am going to start you on a regimen of spearmint for your gut now. morning sickness is no joke. and closer to your delivery, we'll do chamomile, to relax your muscles for it."

she peered now at inji, wondering if the girl would quail at this direct reference to the pain that awaited her.
143 Posts
Ooc — Twin
you really think so? inji crows, gaze darting back down to the curve of her stomach; smooth, thin, pleasing to the eye. there could be children in there, children that were hers; children that would belong only to she and khusobek. something no one could ever take from them.
a bitter bite of fear began to clutch her at the mention of morning sickness. oh, jeez, her eyes grow to the size of dinner plates, but through the etchings of nervousness is a sparkling nugget of gratitude for tavina. it's all worth it though, isn't it? i'm just glad i'm not gonna be doing this alone. my mom always used to tell me about how hard it was to travel when she was pregnant with my brother and i.
723 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Medic
"it's true. you shouldn't be traveling at all. in the beginning it can be dangerous. in the middle, your balance changes, and at the end, you are far too uncomfortable to consider a long walk at all."

but the purpled eyes were pleasant. "from what i hear, it is very worth it. and your children will grow up alongside that of pharaoh."

in service, no doubt, but not the sort which had eventually marked the end of ramesses, and which his daughters had ended.