Fairspell Meadow this world is too much noise
seraphs sob at vermin fangs
695 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
All Welcome 
Following the insistence of Heda, Glaukos had not wasted any time. He left; he knew it was for the betterment of Rivenwood, and hoped that by doing so he could ensure the safety and security of Druid, as well as the children.

The storm followed him to the mountains, where it seemed as if the higher reaches caught the clouds. The rain lessened over the course of the night and through the next morning. Glaukos stopped to catch a few hours of agitated sleep where he could shelter himself, and was gone again.

It felt wrong to be so far from Rivenwood. It felt wrong to leave the Bearclaws without any warning, too. However, he would not bring danger to these people any longer.

By the time he registered the hunger in his belly he had marched a winding path through a meadow, and made himself stop to take stock of the terrain. Looking back, the grasses were bent from the bludgeon of his body through them. Above the sun glared at him, and Glaukos burned.
55 Posts
Ooc — Teo
I hope it's okay if I steal this! <3

The clouds had circled overhead, pelting the earth below with raindrops. The coolness on the wind had been a reprieve from the southern territories. The fresh water had soothed the yearling. Finding Qiao had repurposed him, giving him direction to follow, a familiar face to speak with.

On his patrol to the mesa, Stormchaser caught sight of the hulking wolf that trudged across the green grass meadow. Slinking into a hunter’s crouch, the young wolf followed the monstrous stranger. His gold tint eyes traced the outline of the figure ahead. The unknown wolf seemed to walk with purpose and it was this that kept Stormchaser tailing behind him.
seraphs sob at vermin fangs
695 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
omg I caught a Teo!!!

The meadow was a rolling expanse of greenery, but not the idyllic Windows XP desktop background kind of green—here the many spring plants had already given up their brightest buds, and many were struggling beneath the growing strength of the approaching summer's harsher sunlight. It was drab and tipping towards tired, a sort of murky yellowing to the grasses while tufts of wild grasses went to seed.

Some of the detritus had caught in the muddied tendrils of the soldier's furs. As he stood there baking beneath the noontime sun, he peered at everything and tried to come up with some sort of plan.

He knew he was not alone when a shuffling sound drew the twitch of his ear, and by then the man was on alert, hypervigilance rising as he surveyed for danger. Heda had warned he was a target and he hadn't fully believed her—but now he did, sensing this presence.

Glaukos was hard to miss on the best of days, and standing exposed here was not doing him any favors.
55 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Just like a Pokemon! >w<

The large stoneform wolf had paused and Stormchaser watched the man’s ear swivel to capture the sound of his pursuit in the tall grass.

Too close to scurry away and just far enough that he did not seem friendly. For a moment, the yearling lifted his head and blinked at the other figure. The glinting gold of his eyes traced the other wolf’s muscles, drawing lines down his frame and then wondering how often the beast had thrown his weight around to give him advantage in spars. Often enough to carry the weight of war on his back - even at a distance that trait was seen clearly.

No need to get your tail in a knot.

Stormchaser made himself apparent.

You’re a bit thick for my taste.
seraphs sob at vermin fangs
695 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
He readied himself to take action, should his follower make a move against him. Glaukos did not clue in to the other wolf being there until he heard movement and turned with a scowl to see—bright eyes, and a young face.

It was only a boy. They carried the scent of petrichor through the meadow which did not bode well, inferring they might have followed from as far as the Tarn; but as they spoke Glaukos had time to study them a little bit more.

If this was one of his would-be attackers, they weren't too skilled. His nimble body versus the bear-bulk of Glaukos? No contest. No, this was more likely a resident of the area.

Perhaps you should not stalk people you do not know, the man answered glumly, the undercurrent of a warning there.
55 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Gee, thanks. My dad never taught me manners. Real fortunate that you decided to share that wisdom with me. Might’ve saved my neck.

Sarcastic and sharp, the words snapped back to the older wolf.

Stormchaser blinked slowly, closing the short stretch of land between them until he could get a real look at the behemoth of a man. There wasn’t much that stood out except for his size. His eyes were sad, heavy with the weight of emotions that might have been caged too long in the beast’s soul. When he’d spoken, even the sullen sound of his voice suggested there was something wrong.

You come out here to sulk or something?

The boy eyed his companion with thinly veiled judgment.
seraphs sob at vermin fangs
695 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
My dad never taught me manners.

Glaukos was inclined to teach the boy exactly what was missing, and that phrase hung in his mind like a freshly built neon sign, turned on to blinding intensity.

He almost missed the question the boy posed and when he registered it, he began to march along again.

I'm not sulking, he sulked.

Hunting, checking this place out. Why? You thinking of kicking me off your turf? He looked at the boy again and didn't see a warrior; maybe a runner, someone quick but otherwise useless.

The words caused a pang of deeper emotion in Glaukos he did not know what to do with, so tried to ignore.
55 Posts
Ooc — Teo
I’m not sulking.


Stormchaser did not conceal the snide smirk that had curled his dark lips. The gold of his eyes shifted to the man’s paws - large, brutish things. He might have been closer to a bear than a wolf. Regardless of what made him, the yearling was not intimidated quite so easily.

When the stranger mentioned that he’d only been hunting and scouting, the younger of the two nodded his head. The next suggestion was enough to spark a loud laugh. Stormchaser couldn’t help but think it amusing that this land - this measly meadow - would belong to anyone.

Mine? No. I’d never pick a place like this for myself. Let alone defend it from such a bull of an intruder. The meadow wasn’t worth that much effort.

When the stoneform wolf moved, so did Stormchaser.
seraphs sob at vermin fangs
695 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Well, that was a good sign.

The longer they walked the more obvious it became that the yearling was sticking around, and Glaukos didn't want that. He didn't know what to do with that, rather. It would draw too much attention if he had company—but he also didn't want to allude to the danger he posed as a wanted man. That would result in questions Glaukos did not want to answer.

He remembered that Akashingo was further west from here and wondered aloud, Are you from the mesa then? Akashingo.

Glaukos had served his time there, back when Mereo was stronger. The days of being an Elitus felt so indescribably distant now.
55 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The gruffness of the man did not last long. He trudged forward and Stormchaser followed a small pace behind him, eyeing their surroundings with feigned curiosity. There wasn’t much to admire in the meadow. This led the boy to the distant territories ahead of the stoneform wolf. Was he keen on finding a place in the mountain? It seemed a suitable terrain for one like him.

My mother-figure is but I’m from- somewhere else.

A place that did not exist anymore, a family that had been shattered. It felt like a lifetime ago. Those faded memories no longer hurt the yearling. He’d grown and with his growth had come new understanding of what he was and who he was bound to.

Are you running from something? A shot in the dark, though he hoped it might stick. The question was just vague enough.
seraphs sob at vermin fangs
695 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Are you running from something?

Glaukos felt his paranoia spike; he withheld an answer, but grew tense, and continued to walk.

He let a silence be all the reply he would give to the boy. No need to rope him in to things.

As they progressed across the meadow, Glaukos spied the distant red structures of the stonework that heralded the steppe.

I'm looking for work. That wasn't the truth but it was an easy answer, and a habit he could swiftly return to now that he was fully disconnected.
55 Posts
Ooc — Teo
No answer was just as good as any other reply that might have been given. Stormchaser felt like he had unearthed something with it and that left him with a satisfied warmth that spread from within. 

They trekked on a few paces more before the stoneform man said that he was seeking work. This was vague. Wolves could do many things for work. Was he a mercenary? Did he sell his fangs as an answer to the common folk’s problems? It seemed the only fitting specialization for such a broad figure. It might add some reasoning to his cold silence. Mercenaries were not favored unless their skills were needed. 

Qiao might have work for you. 

The boy flashed a daring and toothy grin. 

Depending on your skillset… and willingness. 

The witch could do good work with a man like this one. If she did not clash too hard against the man’s stony nature.
seraphs sob at vermin fangs
695 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
The witch is your mother? He was surprised and it lit his words, although he lacked the intonation of any insult. Glaukos remembered meeting the woman Qiao long ago. A small note of surprise rumbled through him.

I was stationed in the palace for a time. As a — mazoi, I think the word was. For whatever that mattered.

Perhaps he could return there. It would be easy to find a use among the warriors there, and perhaps being among his own kind would be the best use of his abilities.

Plus, if anyone came looking... There could be something bartered.
55 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The witch is your mother? 

Something like that, yeah. 

What was a mother really? Qiao had taken care of him. She had also attempted to sacrifice him, but that had long since been forgotten by the yearling. When he had survived the attempt, she had taken him and made him into something better. It had been the only true structure he had ever known. She was the only one he trusted. 

You’ve got the look for it. I’ve heard the Mazoi are strong. Whatever you have biting at your heels would have a challenge getting through. That was the least of it. Akashingo had made a name for itself. Causing trouble for one of their esteemed fighters would mean war, would it not? It had to be tempting enough to lure the stoneform into the mesa.
seraphs sob at vermin fangs
695 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
The boy seemed to have the ability to peer in to Glaukos' mind; in reality that was an easy jump, to assume a kingdom with warriors was a good place to lay low. He had experience with them as well, so... There was really no choice there for him. Akashingo could prove to be an invaluable asset to the soldier.

The path of the man and the boy would inevitably spit them out near the mesa, anyway. Glaukos was silent as he considered his best course of action, and knew that he'd hit the proverbial nail on the head already. As much as he focused on the reality of his world, there was a certain level of superstition within Glaukos that could not be shaken.

Why had he gone to Bearclaw in the first place?

Why had he unearthed the dead altars?

Now that he had need for shelter, a witch's familiar had come to him.

You said Qiao might have a use for me. What do you think she would offer? Perhaps it would be good to be rooted to one place like the palace, but maybe the witch would want him only as an escort to more dangerous places. Being on the move might be a stronger option.
55 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The silence indicated that he was thinking it over. There was no outright denial of the offer, which boded well for the young witch’s apprentice. The silence didn’t bother him either. While they continued on their path, Stormchaser observed the other man. He cut a powerful figure, seemingly carved from the mountain’s roughest peaks. What more could they ask for? 

At the mention of Qiao, the yearling’s ears perked. The stoneform wished to know what kind of work she might offer. Stormchaser wasn’t keen on giving specifics. He knew better than to speak for the old crone. She’d have his tongue if he made promises without her consent. It was tricky navigating this, so the boy offered to leave it vague. Perhaps mystery could entice the other man. 

She’s always got need for something. Can’t say what exactly. Work’s always good and rewarding, if you’re worried about that. 

A small shrug was given. The stoneform could take it for what it was.
seraphs sob at vermin fangs
695 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
He grunts and then gives a nod.

I will go to Akashingo and see her. Maybe we can strike a deal, As that was the life he held before Rivenwood, before he saw he could make his own choices rather than follow orders; but has he ever managed to exert his will over others? This contract might be the best option—or maybe the palace could put him to work.

The meadow sprawled, dead or dying grass underheel as the man marched, and the boy slid alongside him like a lost shadow.
55 Posts
Ooc — Teo
I’ll go with you.

It wasn’t offered as a suggestion, more as a statement. Stormchaser wasn’t one to waver. He carried stubbornness that had been crafted inside of him by the very woman who he served. The young wolf was firmly set in his ways and he cared little for the consequences of such a personality trait.

Do you have a name? Or a title you like?

The yearling’s goldstone eyes glittered fiendishly.

seraphs sob at vermin fangs
695 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
It did not bother him to be followed by this boy; although he would remain alert, as the soldier's training had never learned to switch off.

The query towards his name presented a dilemma. He had been fond of the name Glaukos as he had chosen it for himself after serving so many causes (unaware that this was not a choice either, but some remembrance deeply embedded).

But to be safe, he knew he could not carry on as himself.

Myrmidon. It was as far from any of his previous names as he could imagine. What were the chances anyone would connect him to a name like that?
55 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Myrmidon was both strange and somehow fitting of the man. While the yearling had no knowledge of what a name like that could mean, he had heard many similar. It felt strange to think of himself, his own name, and the name of his father and sister. They were so faint in his mind that he struggled to recall.

Storm and Shadow - the young wolf wondered if he might ever see his sibling, or if he would recognize her at all. It had been too long and he had been young still, just a fledgling when Qiao had taken him from the woods and into the wild world.

It’s a bit of a mouthful, he commented on the stoneform’s name. A cheeky smirk found his lips before he offered his own. I’m Stormchaser.
seraphs sob at vermin fangs
695 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
It was good enough.

The boy's name was a curious thing; had he made it up on the spot? Had he crossed the tarn behind them, seeking the storm which birthed Myrmidon? It was an amusing thought, but the man did not laugh or smile. He merely grunted, and carried on towards the mesa while the shadow followed.