Lion Head Mesa felidae
10 Posts
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@Rashepses @Senmut @Toula for visibility!

Mmm, no. Thinks too much with his lower head.

Her fellow guard wheezed a chuff out of a half laughing mouth, though the panting was inspired by their continued dehydration rather than anything else.

Quiet in the back! The merchant had enough of their game, apparently, and Mayet twitched an ear to show she’d heard, but not acknowledged, what was said. The heat poured into her paws, burning against her pads as they padded out of the desert and up a series of steppes.

The merchant halted the caravan outside the borders of this new kingdom among the Mesa and the cat rolled her eyes, settling down in the fitful shade of a nearby rock formation as the merchant exchanged heated, fast words with one of the guardsman. Another bust, she was sure. They had nothing at all to trade, even if the kingdom let them stay out of the goodness of their hearts.
22 Posts
Ooc — Decay
hope you don't mind mazoi interception! ^^

another day at the borders. and much like recent, they had yet another visitor. 

making haste to the scene, Akhen paused just a few short feet from the small entourage. he took each face into account, before settling his sights on the woman at the center.

you have come to Akashingo, palace of the red sands. speak your purpose here. he commands in a low rumble, posture set firm, and hard gaze never faltering.
— golden kingsgaurd of the sands —
10 Posts
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Not at all!

Mayet raises a brow at the eye on her, but she doesn’t comment, merely shuffling her weight in a bored, disaffected manner. The merchant, himself a flustered chicken of a man, squawks without the attention on him and bustles over to the man.

I am here to trade, with your leaders! His voice rises to a piercing degree that makes the cat squint, her ears traveling back.

The hell did they have to trade? Wishes and dreams? What did that boy’s ba see at night? Fanciful parties?

This was the real world. Mayet’s tongue slithered over her nose. Whether the noble liked it or not.
22 Posts
Ooc — Decay
from one, to another he looks, brows furrowing. 

you travel not as one trader, but a group? he had not seen this often, especially in Ta-Sanet. and what do you bring to trade? 

the kingsguard adopts a tone of skepticism now, muscles tense with apprehension.
— golden kingsgaurd of the sands —
10 Posts
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The merchant huffs, swinging his paw wildly back and forth. As if trying to rid himself of a fly. Mayet snorted her amusement, ignoring the stink eye she received in favor of looking out over the lake to the distance.

Ignore that group, they’re just bodyguards. He stiffened himself, trying to plaster as much bluster onto himself as the man before them all, but only succeeded in looking like a peacock.

Something very special. That I request to tell to your leaders and your leaders alone. Again, skeptical, Mayet whipped her head around to eye the boy from the corner of her eye. They had nothing on their persons, what could they have in the slightest that would interest royalty?

Her frown deepened, her head swiveling to glare a hole into the back of the merchant’s head. If he could, the man would have broken into a sweat, but he just stiffened further, guiltily.
22 Posts
Ooc — Decay
the request only made the man grumble in displeasure. this merchant was being was felt more secretive then sincere, and Akhen didn't like it one bit. 

I will call for our semer-wati, consort and husband of our pharaoh. none shall enter the palace, unless he deems you worthy. for the safety of all inhabitants was his sole priority. 

as promised, he did indeed call for the man in question. moving a pace or two from the small group, he lifted his head high and requested that his brother, @Rashepses, join them. there was much to uncover, it seemed.
— golden kingsgaurd of the sands —
252 Posts
Ooc — Anonymous
Semer-wati descended like black silk to the foothills of the mesa, parting the throng of red guardsmen and servants . He stood tall and silent beneath the illustrious proclamation of his titles, then stepped forward to greet his kingsguard and stare down a pointed nose at the hodgepodge assembly. There was a judicial gleam to the king’s desert-lit eyes, but his mouth curved nonetheless with a pleasant grin. His gaze flicked to address the man in front whose appearance deemed him a travelling vendor with limited wares.

“For what purpose have you come to Akashingo, merchant?”
10 Posts
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The black silken coat of the man approaching caught her eye for a single second, before Mayet was no longer paying attention. Her maw opened around a lazy yawn in the heat of midday.

I have a contract, for a powerful guardswoman. I’d like to sell it to you, for the goods to return home.

Now she brought her head around again, so fast the vertebrae in her neck popped with the movement. Her heartbeat rabbited in her chest, every breath a heave. You treacherous snake!, the words bubbled, but none came. She stared, incredulous, at the merchant who waved her way.

She’s crass but she’s an excellent fighter. I’ve witnessed it myself. She’s well worth the price.

Her teeth ground together, and it was only the fellows around her who suddenly looked ready to leap at her that stilled her path after the merchant.
22 Posts
Ooc — Decay
he can be skippable from here, unless addressed!

upon Rashepses arrival, the kingsguard nodded once in acknowledgement, before taking a step back. 

he remained close, a shield for the semer-wati, should it be needed.
— golden kingsgaurd of the sands —
252 Posts
Ooc — Anonymous

All attention was suddenly upon a woman adorned in ruby-red tones. The royal’s gaze slid over her fine musculature and long legs, squaring over the compelling color in her eyes.

“Step forward, guardswoman,” he commanded. A sentry with a coarse tongue was hardly disagreeable. Gracious soldiers were a precious few. Nevertheless, there was a code of conduct adhered to by the two kingdom’s esteemed infantry. Rashepses was a King. Zaahira was jodai. Neither one a shepherd for cattle.

“Are you prepared to commit your allegiance to Akashingo?” The man asked, his deep voice lifting over the gathered faces.
10 Posts
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Her eyes glittered hard upon the merchant as she stepped forward, enduring the inspection with a clenched jaw and squared shoulders. Glittering like jewels, or maybe broken glass, before she tore them away to stare at the consort in front of her.

Her life was a series of “guess this would be better than this” so she grunted first, enduring inspection beneath the swelter of sun before her hard gaze twisted back to the merchant.


Sure, why not. Better than flaying this fucking idiot open, or dying in the desert somewhere because he can’t tell his ass from a hole in the ground, or that we’ve been circling the same damn cactus for two days in a row.
252 Posts
Ooc — Anonymous
“We have a deal. Bring the trader and his men dried meat, pouches of drink, medicinal herbs and berries from the storehouse,” Rashepses called for the servants then turned to address his kingsguard with one last directive.

@Akhenaten, show our guardswoman to the wellspring.” He gave her a short look, clearly indicating she was to bathe before anything else. Then the consort was ascending the steps to the palace, flanked by servants.
22 Posts
Ooc — Decay
nodding firmly in acknowledgement of the order, Akhen chuffed once to the woman, then turned.

expecting her to follow in the direction, he led her off to the wellspring to bathe. and when done there, he'd show her to the mazoi quarters to await further instructions of the semer-wati.
— golden kingsgaurd of the sands —
10 Posts
Ooc — box
Last from me!

She boiled beneath her skin. She wanted to scream. She wanted to lunge at the bastard merchant who smiled all big, as if this was a great victory.

Instead, Mayet ground her teeth together, feeling the enamel groan together, before she sharply nodded, and marched after the man with a sharp, angry step.