Firefly Glen [PHE] There is a place for you
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
765 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
So much excitement. Amalia helped where she could. She butchered and carried furs and bones. She ran messages. She hunted small game. Now she slowly moved around the glen.

Green eyes bounced from one camp to the the next. The scout in her wanting to talk to anyone and everyone. But honestly she was unsure where to start. She wasn't much of a trader like her brother
585 Posts
Ooc — mercury
The dark-furred, green-eyed visage of Amalia was a sight for sore eyes. Killdeer sent a bark her way and then trotted forward, tail wagging happily behind him as he greeted his old packmate with a broad grin.

Long time, no see, he told her. She appeared to be in fine health and spirits; he was happy for her in that regard. How are you?

He'd gotten to know her brother a fair bit in Moonspear, but the sight of him had always made Killdeer miss his old friend. To see her here wasn't a surprise, but it was an added treat.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
765 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia had missed Killdeer, but she knew he was being a proper dad. And she was super proud and happy of him and for him.

A bark scattered her thoughts and tail sweeped in greeting. Hey you! I'm just fine. Helping out where I can. How sre you? How's dad life? Are you as amazing as I thought you'd be?

She had seen Alaric just a few minutes ago and the scamp had taken her snack. The pilferer and then left laughing.
585 Posts
Ooc — mercury
As wild as you'd expect, Killdeer laughed. They're a handful—but they're so sweet, too. Plus, they don't have any bad influences on them like Caracal was for me. 

Ah, Cal—just one of many topics he'd word-vomited at Amalia's paws. He vowed to keep his emotions in check this time, so as not to do it again.

Anything interesting going on in Brecheliant? he asked instead. I saw Chickadee the other day—she says things are well. But maybe you've got more juicy gossip, Killer added with a wink.

As if. The caldera was idyllic; trouble seemed to move around it like a stream 'round a log in the current. But hey, maybe things had changed.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
765 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia listened with deep interest. Her tail wagging a smile on her face and lighting up the green of her eyes.

I would expect nothing less from littles. I'm so glad you get to be there for them. That's just great.

Amalia gave him a searching look. Are you doing okay now with Caracal? She knew that one hurt him.

She laughed and shook her head. Absolutely nothing.
585 Posts
Ooc — mercury
There it was again—that little twinge of grief, like he'd felt talking to Bridget about his Dad. It was still there, but undoubtedly smaller; he was healing. That was good.

I'm a lot better, 'Mal, Killdeer told her softly, with a wistful smile. But thank you. For asking, and for helping. Your friendship still means a lot to me, you know.

Off that serious note, he let out a pfft at her (very true) assessment of Brecheliant and shook his head. C'mon, there's gotta be something, he prodded her. Are Maia and Eljay grandparents yet? I feel like I've seen little ones around. That oughta be fun for them.

He couldn't think of a pair better suited for overseeing a third generation.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
765 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia smiled at his gentle nickname and the way he was sad, but he was healing. She could see it in the way his eyes showed grief but also lightened in happy memory. It was nice to see. It was a shame when you lost those you loved.

Well of course, our frienship is just the bees knees!

She tossed her head in delight and laughter peeked out of green depths. She tapped a paw to her muzzle at his questioning look.

She nodded. Yes Chickadee and Kivaluk had 4! We had a mud fight, it was awesome!
585 Posts
Ooc — mercury
The bees' knees. He couldn't help but grin like an idiot at the saying, even if he didn't really know what it meant—did bees have knees, anyway? Just one of the many cute things about Amalia—


"We had a mud fight!" she declared, but Killdeer wasn't paying much attention to the words. He found himself lost in those dancing emerald eyes, and the way her emotions flitted freely over her face. How kind she was—had always been.

Of course. Why hadn't he seen it before?

The man shook himself, coming out of the brief reverie with a wistful smile. That sounds awesome, he replied, but the words were faint, abstracted. He held her gaze for perhaps far too long, and then tore it away, suddenly sheepish.

I should go, Killdeer said. Leave you to your business. Maybe I'll see you around? he added in query.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
765 Posts
Ooc — Danni
[quote="Killdeer" pid='636901' dateline='1730141207']
Amalia wasn't quite sure what the Bee's knees meant herself except that it meant something grand or great. She had heard her grandparents use it regularly. And her mother. But she liked how it sounded.

It was! I wish you coulda been there. But I would have beat you just so you know. I went easy on the littles, cause littles.

She grinned and panted alittle her excitement leaving her short of breath. Suddenly he was cold and closed off and she blinked surprised. She moved her paw as if to follow, but instead nodded her head.

Of course you will. Then she watched him with an unsettled feeling in the pit of her stomach until his coat of many colors was out of view.