Lake Rodney You were making fun of the way I drive
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Ooc — Teo
All Welcome 
Water splashed loudly, a wet streak of wolf jetted through it and churned water from either side of his lean frame. The lake muddied at the first touch from Pyramus. The fish that had swam close to the edge raced away when first contact had been made.

Pyramus had ventured out from the wood where he and Thisbe had been staying to search for other food. They’d feasted on several rabbits and a small fox that had been a stringy thing to fill their bellies with. When the daylight had struck, both Thisbe and Pyramus had been hungry beyond telling.

Pausing in the sloshing lake water, Pyramus squinted against the sun and searched the nearby terrain for signs of life.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,142 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay did not leave Brecheliant's Fen very often; he had never liked travel, and he wasn't about to start now that he was aging. The caretaker wanted to keep a bit of an eye on the territory between his fen and the Caldera, though. He was afraid he'd get rusty if he didn't leave his home at all. Even though there were others such as Teya, Bridget and Maia who liked to explore who could take over those sort of duties, as Auspex Eljay was still a little insecure that he was so afraid of the outside world. How would he able to make good choices for his pack when it came to threats from the outside when he knew so little of went on in the rest of the world?

When the caretaker drew nearer to the lake he saw another. A wolf, he thought, though there was something off about the other's appearance. There was something doggish there. Eljay stopped and observed; and it seemed that for now, the other wolf stopped and watched him in turn, as well.
25 Posts
Ooc — Teo
A figure who was draped in various shades of granite and steel drew near to the lake to observe. The wolfdog bounced through the water before his weary limbs pulled to shore. Pyramus shook his coat to free it of the drenching water. The wolf was curious, or shy, but the wolfdog had no such fears.

Pyramus waved his tail in a friendly gesture. The wolfdog reared back and barked a greeting. The lake lapped gently at his paws and the white socks that climbed up his limbs. Pyramus wondered if this wolf belonged to a pack, if he was the friendly sort, and if he might wish to join the wolfdog in the cool touch of water for a time.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,142 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
The other wolf's approach was a little odd to Eljay, as it seemed as though he noticed Eljay, then drew near to wave his tail, but didn't quite close the distance. No greetings whatsoever. Eljay hesitated, unsure what was up with the stranger. The strange wolf didn't seem shy, at the very least, which furthered the puzzle along. Eljay smiled and waved his tail, though a little bashfully so, clearly unsure what to make of the situation or the strange wolf in front of him.

After a moment, Eljay called out, Hiya. He wondered if the wolf was from around here, or was perhaps a new recruit at the Caldera? Eljay was very much not used to meeting strangers, since he rarely left his pack, so he wasn't sure what would be a good question to ask to break the ice. In the end he went with, Do you live around here?
25 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Relief rushed through the wolfdog’s frame, increasing the strong wave of his tail and the pleasant sway of his frame. Upon hearing the wolf’s voice, Pyramus felt his fear slip from him. The wolfdog trotted toward the other with a small amount of hesitancy. The friendliness was almost unmistakable, but Pyramus knew better than to judge an introduction on the first few words.

Hi, I’m Pyramus, he began with a nod.

The wolf had asked if Pyramus lived nearby. This caused the halfling’s body language to shift. His ears splayed slightly as he glanced to the wilderness around them. After having crossed paths with the sour little wolf Blueberry, he did not wish to upset any other natives.

I travel with Thisbe. We do not live near, not yet. We are seeking a wolf pack that will grant us a chance to prove ourselves. Pyramus offered a smile next.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,142 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay was relieved to see that the strange wolf looked less tense as he was greeted. It was always a bit tense to meet a stranger out in the wilds, and it was always a good moment to find out that the other wolf felt the same and just wanted a friendly encounter, themselves.

The stranger introduced himself as Pyramus, and Eljay nodded. I'm Eljay, from Brecheliant, he offered. It seemed his other question had brought up something or other in Pyramus, though it was hard for Eljay to gauge what it was exactly that was going on there. He mentioned travelling with Thisbe, presumably another wolf, and they were looking for a pack. Eljay nodded. He wondered if Thisbe was also a wolf, and what they were to this Pyramus, but it seemed way too personal a question to ask for now.

So instead, the caretaker offered, Brecheliant's located at a fen to the west. You could drop by sometime, if you wanted. If you're looking for a home, uhm, Eljay hesitated because he wasn't sure if that was the 'chance' that Pyramus mentioned, The Fen's very welcoming. The caretaker smiled encouragingly, omitting that he was Auspex there because he didn't think it mattered very much. He was curious where Pyramus and Thisbe had come from, but he also didn't want to pry too much, so for now he stayed his tongue.
25 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The wolf introduced himself as Eljay from a place called Brecheliant, which was a mouthful to say. Pyramus did not attempt it, afraid he might ruin the good air between them. Something about the name Eljay brought a fluttering of joy to the halfling.

Oh, yes, that would be-

Wonderful, amazing, the most spectacular thing that a poor halfling could have ever imagined. Oh, Pyramus was wiggling so fiercely that his hips seemed to all but turn him in a circle.

What’s a fen? Pyramus finally asked with a curious tilt of his head.

The wolfdog was much more at ease with Eljay, at least he appeared incredibly friendly to the man from Brecheliant. Instinct urged him forward so that the wolf did not have to speak loudly. Pyramus still did what he could to keep a respectful distance between their two bodies.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,142 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Though the strange wolf didn't finish his sentence, it was clear that he was overjoyed at the thought of joining up with the Fen. Eljay was a little mystified, considering he hadn't even told much about Brecheliant the pack yet. Then again, thinking back to his time out alone when he was two years old, it had been very scary and if a pack had shown up and told him he could join, he would've been overjoyed and very relieved, himself. Perhaps this wolf, too, was afraid for the winter to come and really needed a place. Or perhaps he had bad experience elsewhere.

Eljay explained upon the question, Oh, uh, it's a — kind of like — Do you like water? It's quite, uhm, wet. But it also has some hills and trees and all that. It's quite diverse, really. Eljay felt flustered as he couldn't quite find the words and wrestled with them until he settled on this.
25 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Wet, yes, wet was enjoyable. Pyramus nodded his head, enthusiasm hanging on each eager bob. The wolfdog’s ears perked sharply so that he could listen to the description of the fen. It was a wetland where they had settled their pack. It had hills and trees, Eljay had done quite a fine job of describing what the terrain was like. In fact, if the halfling tried hard enough, he could all but picture himself standing upon it.

You’re sure that it’s okay for a halfling? Pyramus opted in question, wanting to know if his hopes were simply carrying him out of the realm of reasonability. Eljay had been nothing but patient, understanding, even friendly. The wolfdog had not anticipated it would be such an easy discussion to have.

Wolves hunt. Pyramus realized this was an odd place to cease talking after he had allowed a stretch of silence to fill the space after. Besides, he could hunt too, only not as well. What do you hunt in a fen? he inquired, tilting his head curiously.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,142 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay'd never heard the word 'halfling' and so he inquired with a puzzled expression, A — halfling? He immediately wondered if it was something to do with the wolf's rather unique appearance. Eljay hadn't even been sure he was a wolf in the beginning. Now he looked inquiringly at Pyramus, wondering what exactly a halfling was.

In return to the question about hunting, Eljay said, We have some uhm, higher areas with deer and moose. And there's ducks at the fen. He remembered Teya mentioning duck hunting, though he himself had not gotten into it very much. Then he said, And other smaller things in the water, if you like those. Fish, otters, frogs, uhm — that kind of stuff. Not enough to sustain wolves, of course, but thankfully the deer and moose made sure they could. Speaking of the fen kept a smile on his face; it truly made him happy to think about.
25 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The wolf was perplexed by the term that had been so carelessly offered.

Pyramus laughed softly, nervously, and looked his own feet. He had not intended to confuse the other man, only to make positive that he did not risk being chased away for his impurities. The wolfdog had experienced a small dose of prejudice in his life, and he was not fond of it.

Yes, uh- well you see, I’m a half wolf. Half of a wolf and half- Pyramus frowned thoughtfully, tilting his head from one side to the other until he landed clumsily on, -half something else. Then he smiled quickly to Eljay so that he might spare himself some questioning looks. Did these wild folk know of dogs and farms? It was a safer bet to assume that they did not.

Your fen sounds quite nice. I love chasing ducks! I’ve even caught a few of them. Do you think I could visit sometime? Your home?
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,142 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay had met half-wolves before, but never consciously so. Not that he remembered, anyway. So when Pyramus said he was half something else, Eljay looked absolutely baffled. Half what else? he blurted out, and then he looked a little bashful immediately after for being so forward about it. He didn't usually respond that way, but found himself infinitely curious. It did explain why he looked different. Eljay'd met other 'different' wolves in his life, he just hadn't really thought of them as half anything else. Just... well, different.

When Pyramus responded enthusiastically to the invitation, Eljay nodded. Yes, of course! The invitation still stands. At the Fen, it doesn't matter if you're only, uh — half. Eljay smiled, a little sheepishly at that, but clearly with good intentions.
25 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Oh, well-

Pyramus grew bashful and lowered his head toward his paws.

Half dog. Half of a farm dog, he told himself internally. It felt like a terrible confession that he might make to a wolf of the wild. Eljay had been so friendly, the halfling couldn’t help but feel as though he owed the man a response, and a proper one.

It didn’t seem as though this was an issue, however. Eljay reiterated that the fen would welcome any who visited, even those who were only half. Pyramus smiled warmly at the man, hope swelled within his heart.

There was a chance that he and Thisbe could have a real life together, away from judgment and scrutiny.

Eljay, thank you! I promise I’ll visit. I promise! I just need to get Thisbe, the wolfdog exclaimed with joy upon his tongue. His tail flagged eagerly behind him as he shuffled backwards, snapping twigs and kicking rocks haphazardly as he went. Pyramus believed that he would be able to find his other half and lead them toward the Fen without error – hope would guide him.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,142 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay still did not entirely understand what it meant to be half dog, or half anything that wasn't wolf. He had never met a dog, after all (not that he remembered anyway). Oh, he just said, accepting it as a fact even though he did not understand much of it.

Then Pyramus excitedly said that he would get Thisbe, and Eljay smiled. Alright, see you later then! he said with a smile, and as Pyramus shuffled off, Eljay finally leaned own to the lake to take a sip of water before he would head back to Brecheliant's safety.