Redsand Canyon opposing
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the sun was setting. he had finished a patrol and had moved towards a cache that had recently been replenished.

usually he did not mind a hunt, tonight he sought something simple.

perhaps an easy meal to bring home to @Towhee and the children. his thoughts often circled around them! even more so now with the return of towhee's position and the children growing like weeds. of course, their uncle often helped too. they had plenty of family here...

still, he could not help but dwell on them constantly.

maybe it was time for that family trip soon! a sigh of nearly of whimsy as he clutched a goat leg into his mouth and continued his path towards the dens.

learing ptero from towhee. words that are signed will be portrayed -like this-
369 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
going to handwave and call this present day (ish) <3

Her daddy had promised her a trip to the coast and was supposed to have come. They would have only been gone a week, but when she went to check, they'd said he left a while ago. Where was he?

Surely he hadn't forgotten her. And surely nothing bad had happened, right? So it had to be something else. Maybe he'd been sidetracked by someone needing help, like when she'd found Sybol. Or maybe he was caught by brigands, but he didn't want them to know about his daughter. So to protect her, he was leading them astray, forced to cooperate with them until he could make his daring escape. She liked that one the best, though in it, Reyes was the hero. Heroes always turned out okay in the end.

She knew her mom wouldn't want to hear it, and her siblings were nowhere to be found. She could tell Sybol, but she liked the way he saw her now. If she complained about her daddy not coming, that would totally ruin the whole thing she had running.

So she kept it to herself and remained steadfastly positive. He would come, when he could. He just needed a little time was all.

Tierra had been on the borders lingering, watching, but she passed Maxim on her way back. She hadn't made a huge effort to get to know the guy, mostly because he was her mom's... something? Tierra didn't really know. But he was also a cutie, and not an option, so kind of a waste of her time. Is that for mom? Tierra asked, cocking her head and looking at him. No better way to keep her mind off of her dad than by talking to her mom's new flame, right?
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works for me! :D

his eyes and ears turned to focus on his newfound company. tierra. he realized he should probably get to know her better too. would she want to come with them on a trip? seemed...maybe bad to suggest without towhee and germanicus' input. she was a soldier of mereo as much as him.

it is. he then had a bit of an idea. do you want to come with? there's enough for both of you.

learing ptero from towhee. words that are signed will be portrayed -like this-
369 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Sure! She didn't have anything else to do, and hanging with them sounded way better than hanging alone.

So, you and my mom. Are you, like, a thing? Officially? They had kids, but that didn't really mean anything for sure. It wasn't like Towhee was still with her dad, or any of the ones before.
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it should be expected, he thought. tierra was one of towhee's kids. still the part of him that was dedicated as soldier found it odd to discuss these things with another soldier. he knew that love was not the focus of mereo, but it had found him all the same.

we are. he offered her a glance. are you...okay with this?

he wondered if he should have checked in sooner.

learing ptero from towhee. words that are signed will be portrayed -like this-
369 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Yeah, I guess. Tierra shrugged, glancing at him. I mean, it's a little weird. I figured she didn't want that stuff after dad, especially since she's kinda old. And her mom. There were some things she really didn't ever need to imagine or think about.

But if you like her and junk, and she likes you, that's how it goes. Right? She spoke as if she knew, but her mind went to Sybol. She liked him, but he was different than Maxim. Different than all of the other soldiers. Maybe that was what made it so special. He didn't pretend not to feel what he felt, at least not in a way that Tierra couldn't see through.

Maybe she did get it, a little. Even if it was still weird.
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i guess never seemed to be the start of a good thing. but all in all, it sounded like a nearly expected teenager answer.


he did his best not to roll his eyes or snort something that tierra would likely not want to hear!

yeah. that's how it goes. his tail offered a bit of a wave. what about you? any, uh, eye candy? a term he had probably picked up from towhee somewhere.

regardless, he picked back up the meat and motioned for her to come along if she still wanted to.

learing ptero from towhee. words that are signed will be portrayed -like this-
369 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Eye candy? Really? Tierra gave him a look and rolled her eyes at the term. It was so dated and awkward. Now I get why she likes you. Ugh. She said that with a smile though, unable to completely sound disgusted. Did he sound like her mom before they got together, or was that a new thing? Thank god it wasn't hereditary.

And maybe. I don't know. She added cryptically. Not because she felt like she needed to hide it, she just wasn't sure she would consider Sybol 'eye candy'. Not like she usually did, or like she might have Maxim before now when it was definitely too weird.

I might like someone, but it's just, like... he listens. And he isn't all uptight, or stuck up. It was easier to say it to someone who wasn't an option, but Tierra started growing self-conscious as she said more. He's kinda hopeless though. Like, fighting wise. It's whatever.
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he smiled wide for this! pleased that he had nailed towhee lingo enough to (playfully) upset tierra. this was a new level of dad-ness he had not anticipated, nor expected to enjoy so much.

although when she started to up, he settled himself some. far more inclined to give her proper attention and listen along.

he is not hopeless if you like him. maxim was sincere in these words. and he does not need to be a fighter. there are plebians in mereo.

learing ptero from towhee. words that are signed will be portrayed -like this-
369 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
lost track of this one!

Tierra shrugged nonchalantly, as if she didn't really care one way or the other about what he said. Sure, I guess. He's nice enough, anyway. Worth having as a friend.

It was more than that. She knew it and she likely wouldn't fool him, but she still couldn't admit it. It was still too weird to think about.

What do plebians do all day, anyway. We have to train, but it seems like they don't really have to do anything.
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483 Posts
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he said nothing more. having no interest in pressuring the girl to discuss things she may not want to!

some of them are healers. we once had one who was a housekeeper, had tierra ever met tamar? they support the soldiers with the things they do. we may miss the things they do because we are busy training. he laughed warmly, as they neared the housing the redhawk couple had made.

learing ptero from towhee. words that are signed will be portrayed -like this-
369 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Tierra wrinkled her nose at the entire idea of housekeeping. Cleaning up after other wolves, sick or no, sounded awful. She knew she was right kicking that title to the curb! Anyone willing to do that was totally crazy.

If they don't come around us, then I guess it doesn't matter anyway. Healing's cool, I guess, but I don't ever plan on needing their help. That just means I lost, right?! Tierra grinned at him in a way that was supposed to be a little cheeky. Sure, she knew there was no chance she'd never get hurt. But a little confidence never hurt anyone. I'm actually going back to train some later, and if you wanted, we could spar. See how long it takes you to get a hit on me. She was getting quicker.

I just wanted to stop in and say hi to mom first. She couldn't wait to maybe spar with Towhee again when she wasn't busy or whatever.

fine to fade this if you like!! Took me a bit to get this in <3
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