The sky was just starting to turn from impenetrable darkness to overcast daylight across the wintry mountainside, and the aroma of blood was heavy on its frost-bound air.
Bright red stained the overnight snow, trailing a deep set of frantic prints that traveled for miles along the base of the peak. The markings weaved through the trees and zigzagged across open fields; each step haunted by crimson tears. At times, the path would turn into a crater where the injured creature collapsed, and at least twice the scene seemed to turn violent as another set of tracks converged with the first, spilling more blood each bout.
Exousia spat out plasma and fur as the ailing buck tore away from her yet again. She watched in annoyance as it careened further into the woods.
She figured it would not be too much longer before the deer simply collapsed from exhaustion.
Bright red stained the overnight snow, trailing a deep set of frantic prints that traveled for miles along the base of the peak. The markings weaved through the trees and zigzagged across open fields; each step haunted by crimson tears. At times, the path would turn into a crater where the injured creature collapsed, and at least twice the scene seemed to turn violent as another set of tracks converged with the first, spilling more blood each bout.
Exousia spat out plasma and fur as the ailing buck tore away from her yet again. She watched in annoyance as it careened further into the woods.
Oh, just die already,she snarled, picking herself up and trotting after it once more. The chase had gone on like this for the better part of three hours, and though her tongue lolled with fatigue, the tenacious virago refused to give up on her prey now.
She figured it would not be too much longer before the deer simply collapsed from exhaustion.
January 12, 2023, 08:57 PM
what ever are timelines and travel times? playin' it fast and loose over here.
The smell of blood was something Phox could rarely pass up, especially when that blood belonged to an ungulate. He had been a tracker for more years than he could count, and tracking a fresh trail of blood was one of his favorite types. It splattered the snow like inky black when the sun was still under the horizon, then began to show itself bright red when the first rays of daylight attempted to make their way through the clouds.
"Oh, just die already," someone said, the speaker's body obscured by the trees. And that would be the other set of tracks that had gone before him. They must be the one who had injured the beast, running it down until it could no longer go on.
Not wanting to miss his chance, Phox kicked it into high gear (or as high as he could with only 3/4 of his legs) and did his best to catch up to the other hunter. Assuming he'd managed to reach her, he called out,
Hey! Need some help?
January 12, 2023, 09:55 PM
oops! i haven't written in so long i'm incapable of not rambling xD
Exousia immediately turned her head upon hearing something odd quickly approaching. The hackles at her nape bristled until she recognized the figure as a wolf, and it took only a beat longer of observing the dark meddler’s lopsided gait to realize why his advance sounded so off. Disgust at the imperfection rolled in her gut. For a long moment after his question, she simply stared at the place where his leg should be, then looked up at his face.
Good thing he was handsome.
The stormy wolf grimaced, but considered the wolf’s eagerness and the fact that he appeared to have every reason not to be doing this. Exousia sighed, relenting. Fresh legs on this chase, even if one was missing, was welcome to the loner.
I do not need your help, but I will use it all the same,she acquiesced with a terse nod.
He is almost at his end. Perhaps the two of us now will set his heart to burst. Come. We chase.
She turned without waiting, picking their pace with a renewed vigor and giving little to no leeway for her three-legged cohort.
January 12, 2023, 10:09 PM
It wasn't exactly a warm greeting, especially with the look she gave his empty hip, but could he blame her? Phox was obviously missing a piece of himself, and it was only rational for her to be doubtful of his abilities. Hell, he was doubtful of his abilities. He'd only been back to the real world for a little while, and he hadn't had much practice hunting anything besides the rabbit he'd gotten for the nameless skinny thing. Maybe practicing with a stranger would be less embarrassing if he messed it up. Besides, the deer was already injured; how bad could it be?
He nodded back as she barked directions, her slight accent not going unnoticed. It was endearing.
She shot off, and Phox realized he should probably hop to it (pun intended). It was still pretty difficult to move terribly fast, but he managed to barely keep up, his hind leg like a strange pogo stick behind him.
He nodded back as she barked directions, her slight accent not going unnoticed. It was endearing.
She shot off, and Phox realized he should probably hop to it (pun intended). It was still pretty difficult to move terribly fast, but he managed to barely keep up, his hind leg like a strange pogo stick behind him.
January 13, 2023, 05:16 PM
She was pleasantly surprised at how well the charred tripod kept up behind her. It crossed her mind to speed up, just to see where his limits lie, but Exousia was hyperaware of her own impending overextension and the fact that she had already been on the chase for quite a while at this point. Perhaps it was for the best. She certainly would not make any allies by being her usual spiteful self; she had to keep in mind that her own arrogance had been the cause of her recent excommunication.
Her mind worked quickly to determine the role that was better suited for a wolf with his disability. Would he work best as an anchor to pull down their prey or as a preoccupation while she did the deed? She decided on the latter, under the (incorrect) assumption that he wouldn’t have the strength.
Ahead of them, the buck was slowing down considerably. Blood loss, on top of the unending flush of adrenaline, seemed to finally be catching up to the horned mark. At some point, he became aware that one pursuer had become two, and he grunted repeatedly in effort and desperation, attempting to charge through the agony.
Her mind worked quickly to determine the role that was better suited for a wolf with his disability. Would he work best as an anchor to pull down their prey or as a preoccupation while she did the deed? She decided on the latter, under the (incorrect) assumption that he wouldn’t have the strength.
Ahead of them, the buck was slowing down considerably. Blood loss, on top of the unending flush of adrenaline, seemed to finally be catching up to the horned mark. At some point, he became aware that one pursuer had become two, and he grunted repeatedly in effort and desperation, attempting to charge through the agony.
We have him!Exousia called in an excited, breathless shout over her shoulder.
Take the left and get his attention.She surged forward, to the right, angling herself like a whetted stone arrow towards a position where she could grab their quarry’s neck when his attention was diverted.
January 16, 2023, 04:08 PM
His whole body ached, especially his one bad front leg, but Phox pursued as quickly as he could, barely managing to keep pace with his four-legged companion. His tongue lolled out the side of his muzzle, and when his companion yelled out, he gathered the last of his energy and did as she commanded. He snapped at the creature's side, hoping to distract it long enough that the other wolf could get in the killing blow.
With the beast already worn down, bleeding, and exhausted, he felt they had a pretty good chance at actually catching it (and hopefully splitting the spoils of their effort).
With the beast already worn down, bleeding, and exhausted, he felt they had a pretty good chance at actually catching it (and hopefully splitting the spoils of their effort).
January 16, 2023, 08:51 PM
The ailing buck made a sharp turn, away from the deafening snaps of teeth on his left, veering straight into the waiting jaws of Exousia.
She grabbed him by the base of his throat but struggled to maintain her precarious grip. Suddenly, she disappeared in a whirlwind of upturned snow, falling beneath the buck as it trampled right over her and away from the two wolves. The fallen Exousia lay stunned in its wake, her eyes wide and chest heaving, her life having flashed before her very eyes.
The deer made it out of sight over the nearest snowdrift.
She grabbed him by the base of his throat but struggled to maintain her precarious grip. Suddenly, she disappeared in a whirlwind of upturned snow, falling beneath the buck as it trampled right over her and away from the two wolves. The fallen Exousia lay stunned in its wake, her eyes wide and chest heaving, her life having flashed before her very eyes.
The deer made it out of sight over the nearest snowdrift.
January 16, 2023, 09:06 PM
When the buck veered quickly away from him and on top of his hunting companion, Phox's eyes widened and he snarled at the hoofed beast. The hunter lay still on the ground, and he worried for a moment that she might be dead. He shuffled over to her, sniffing at her to make sure that she was indeed alive. Her chest moved, and that was enough confirmation for him.
Are you okay? Is anything broken?he asked, thinking of Meadow and wondering if she would be able to help in the event that his companion had somehow been injured.
I should have been looking out better.Always quick to put himself to blame. He glanced up, but the deer had already disappeared from view.
January 18, 2023, 10:23 PM
Her fur folded and flexed under her hunting partner’s snuffling nose. She continued to lie there, dazed for a moment longer before gathering the means to respond. He blamed himself, and Exousia did not have the disposition to disagree.
She pushed herself up into a stand, huffing as she gave her snow-dragged pelt a good shake.
You mean you were not giving it your best? Are you blind, too?she groaned, rolling from her side into a sphinx position.
Nothing is broken but my pride, sýntrofos. Do not worry for me.
She pushed herself up into a stand, huffing as she gave her snow-dragged pelt a good shake.
We shall go on,she stated, then turned to him, checking his amber-fire gaze for any resolve.
Do you wish to go on?
January 18, 2023, 10:28 PM
Only in one eye,he replied matter-of-factly, a wee bit dumbfounded by her apparent lack of gratitude for his help or concern. He certainly would not worry for her with that attitude.
You friggin' serious, lady? I mean, I was willing to entertain the idea, but after that, I think we may not be the best team for the job.Phox stared, incredulous that she would think to continue.
You could have been killed. You do know there are smaller, easier food sources out there, right?
January 18, 2023, 10:49 PM
(This post was last modified: January 18, 2023, 10:50 PM by Exousia.)
Despite her obvious single-mindedness for the hunt, Exousia had the presence of mind to look somewhat shocked at the revelation that the wolf was, in fact, partly blind. She openly stared at him, nearly missing his complaints but not at all missing his new tone, which may have come largely from feeling unappreciated.
But she was who she was; he would receive no gratitude from her until the job was finished – and not a second before. If he could barely keep up after a wounded deer, then smaller, faster prey was certainly out of the question.
She shook her head, her expression falling somewhere between skeptical and exasperated. Had his physical losses drained him of all his mettle? Had he ever had it?
She forged ahead with or without his accompanying limp. Still, despite her outward aloofness, a part of her somewhere deep inside hoped that he wished to trust her.
But she was who she was; he would receive no gratitude from her until the job was finished – and not a second before. If he could barely keep up after a wounded deer, then smaller, faster prey was certainly out of the question.
She shook her head, her expression falling somewhere between skeptical and exasperated. Had his physical losses drained him of all his mettle? Had he ever had it?
We can do it,she assured him, doubtless in her conviction.
All four hooves missed me, yes? That is a good omen. We must continue this path. But if you want to give up, then go. I can do it alone.
She forged ahead with or without his accompanying limp. Still, despite her outward aloofness, a part of her somewhere deep inside hoped that he wished to trust her.
January 23, 2023, 12:43 PM
She seemed bound and determined to continue the hunt. Maybe she was young. Certainly inexperienced at best. Phox shook his head at her insistence.
Maybe if I had a few less years and another leg,he said with a shrug. His lungs hurt already, as did his bad front leg, and he really couldn’t keep going like this. He really must be getting old.
Don’t worry, I won’t come and steal it from you or anything like that,he assured her. He wouldn’t be able to if he tried.
January 23, 2023, 03:54 PM
The stranger, without the physical or mental fortitude to go on, let Exousia proceed alone. She would not stop for him. And why would she be worried that such a poor excuse for a deerchaser could take anything from her? (It didn’t occur to her that he had a pack supporting him.) She had worked hard for this meal, as she had with so many others like it, and there was nothing in her mind that said to give up now – not when victory felt close at hand.
As the relentless terminator crested the snowy rise her quarry had disappeared behind, she looked down to see why she had felt so sure of herself. The buck lay crumpled at the base of the mound, its heart having given out mere seconds after it was out of view.
Her tail lifted, waving like a proud banner, as she laughed, feeling both relieved and somewhat vindicated. Exousia vanished behind the snowdrift, eager to rip into the fresh meat below.
As the relentless terminator crested the snowy rise her quarry had disappeared behind, she looked down to see why she had felt so sure of herself. The buck lay crumpled at the base of the mound, its heart having given out mere seconds after it was out of view.
Her tail lifted, waving like a proud banner, as she laughed, feeling both relieved and somewhat vindicated. Exousia vanished behind the snowdrift, eager to rip into the fresh meat below.
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