Starglow Basin there was nothing inside
1 Posts
Ooc —
there is nothing familiar about this place; and not simply because all of these lands were foreign.

from the red painted sand to the prickly flora and the twisted trees in between, arasaka draws no familiarity and thus no comfort from the alienness of this place.

it is because of this that he does not stray too far in the territory; worried he will not find his way out.

the morning sun had just begun it's climb in the horizon, but this, once a joy he had shared with his cherry blossom princess holds nothing but bitterness and the string of rejection until he turns away from it; letting it's golden light touch upon his back; scowling.
767 Posts
Ooc — Me
Dwin had spent the better half of her life in the southernmost area of the Great bear wilderness and had thought to know it like inside of her pocket (had she possessed one). But today she found out that beyond the woods, where ghosts and beasts of the darkness roamed and which up until recently had been backed up by a massive wall of mountains, there was more land to explore. She had no reason really besides genuine curiousity to tread on, but she reasoned that her having a cold required her to distance from the rest of the pack. And what better way to combine the useful and the interesting. 

She was very careful, when she first set foot in the lands that looked nothing like she had seen before. There instead of forests, green grass, mountains and lakes were miles and miles of red sand and alien plants. Even the air smelled different, though at this time of the year even the desert grows cold and unwelcoming. She walked along the edge of a meadow, tracking a small herd of deer that had walked there earlier and then turned to the sound of rushing water, thinking that between the waterway and seeing the distant mountain range, which marked the direction of her home, was a foolproof way of ensuring that she would not get lost. 

This would be a great place to explore with Frolic. She thought to herself, as she walked onwards, glad that now there would be an easy way of keeping her promise. This strange wonderland was just the right distance away from home. And then she caught sight of a lonely figure she would have otherwise not paid attention to at all. Thinking that the wolf might have seen her too and that it would be impolite now to turn around and go, she approached the man, stopped at a safe distance and asked: "Are you lost?"