Hushed Willows raindrops;spattering;ramps;chameleon;prairie;pods;
and i'm wondering who could be writing this song?
209 Posts
Ooc — mercury
All Welcome 
there were new little ones in the forest. mum had taken them to see, when they'd been born. minature versions of the three of them, just like how they'd used to look. cam wondered how big he would grow. big as lily? bigger, like khali? were there bigger wolves than khali? he thought it would take quite a long time to grow that large.

today, he waltzed over to the other whelping den, which wasn't too far from his own. the scents were easy enough to follow, anyway; there were always wolves heading to and fro, it seemed. he tried to get lana and ziggy to come with him, but they were engaged in their own little game, as always. sometimes he kind of felt left out of those games, but then, mostly he didn't want to play them, anyway.

cam let out a couple of soft little whuffs as he approached the other hollowed-out place, head cocked. 'llo? he tried in a quiet call, trying to mimic what he had heard when wolves greeted each other. 'llo? his stump of a tail wagged behind him; the small shadow headed toward the den, nose lifted, attempting to snatch a peek of the newborns.

for @Aliac, @Valiant, @Aeryn or @Sunny, or anyone else nearby! I will be slow with this though since I go on absence on the 5th -- sorry in advance!
276 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Aliac groggily lifted her head to peer out the opening of the den, she was exhausted. She constantly was moving the pups close to her. Their eyes had started to open and their curiously was peaked until they couldn’t get back and it was mom to the rescue. 

She heard the little ones called and quickly spotted the young one she was nervous that something might happen. “Hello.” She said sweetly.
"Some girls are full of heartache and poetry and those are the kind of girls who try to save wolves instead of running away from them" "Swahili" "Normal "  
and i'm wondering who could be writing this song?
209 Posts
Ooc — mercury
the pale wolf that poked her head out of the den seemed familiar; cam thought maybe he had seen her a couple times. she looked somewhat like khali but with a much lighter pelt. he blinked at her for a moment before nodding, head bobbling in awkward greeting. 'llo.

he shifted, looking past her into the darkness. erm, p-pups? he asked, echoing a word he'd heard before mentioned many times around the little things at her belly. cam shuffled on his paws, not sure how to continue. play? he offered, giving a tiny shrug. worth a shot, anyway.
276 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Aliac listened to the pup and it appeared to be one of Lily’s. She remembered seeing him when she visited. He then asked about the pups and play. The shewolf chuckled. “Not just yet. Soon.” She kinda was glad they were getting at least a little older she would greet the day they no longer had to nurse and then she could stretch her legs and possibly get more sleep.
"Some girls are full of heartache and poetry and those are the kind of girls who try to save wolves instead of running away from them" "Swahili" "Normal "  
and i'm wondering who could be writing this song?
209 Posts
Ooc — mercury
cam had yet to pick up on many words. he had even longer to go to understand nuance. the 'no' and the chuckle were at odds, and he only understood the latter. it was like mum's when she was watching them play. that was 'yes' enough for him, and so he bounded forward with a yip, coming within kissing distance of the woman's creamy legs. 

there they were, three of them. they were pretty quiet and still; they obviously didn't do much. cam, perplexed, turned to the bigger wolf, eyes narrowed in question.

play? he asked again, for it was obvious these lazy sluggards weren't going to move for anything.
268 Posts
Ooc — mutton
aeryn hadn’t been utilizing his sight as much as he could. and why should he? it hurt so much and there wasn’t really much to see. just the moving blobs that were his family and that blinding light at the end of the tunnel. the initial wonder of them faded and they became another normal part of life. but something new would come to the doorstep today.

mama had just gotten up, much to the boy’s displeasure. she did not get up often, but when she did a cold gust of air always swept over the trio. aeryn cried softly and wiggled to face the direction he assumed mother went. he waited for her return, but grew worried as the time rolled by. where was she? had she gone away forever? oh no, not his mama. she’d never do a thing like that! he could take a little peak into the world, just a quick one, to find her. so he did.

a form obstructed that light he hated so much. it was not only his mother, but a smaller thing too. not as big as aliac or sunny, but not as tiny as the trio. it looked like him too! would he grow to be that big one day?

oh he had to get a closer look! aeryn glanced at his siblings then back at the boy before scooting forward. crawling was a great way of transportation, well, that’s what he thought when his eyes were closed. but now he can see it was getting him nowhere. there had to be a more efficient way of getting around.

instinct and determination were an effective duo. with a lot of whining and even more face plants, aeryn managed to take two wobbly steps forward. it was the best thing he’s ever done in his life, even if it lasted for a second.
1,015 Posts
Ooc — Jay
Sunny had been exhausted. He had taken on the pups more often so Aliac could walk around when she wasnt nursing. It was fun and heart warming except when it was confusing and heart attack inducing and all the emotions and effort had worn him down. So he hadn't heard when Cam approached, only when he had entered and he startled, standing up warily at his little nephew's approach. He almost stepped in to say something when the presence of the older pup seemed to encourage Aeryn to wiggle harder and he watched with curiosity as Aeryn's little legs pushed him up and he took a very confident two step and flop. He snorted and chuckled softly before he moved forward and gently nudged Cam away "See kiddo, they can barely walk. No play yet" he said and then he bowed down in play fashion "Unless you wanna take me on?" his words were growled playfully as his hind end waggled hoping that he would be enough to distract Cam from Aeryn so the boy could right himself.
Birdcatcher: 4/10
w a y w a r d s o n
301 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Valiant's eyes were open now as well, but he could hear the other boy a lot better than he could see him. Still, once the strange voice had roused him enough, he lifted a pale, shaky head in Cam's direction with a sharp, "Rrrooo!" of greeting. The stark little bean began trying to wiggle toward the action on his little spaghetti legs, his small body quaking like a freshly slapped jello dome.