Wheeling Gull Isle fumbling his confidence and wondering why the world has passed him by
i'm a stitch away from making it
and a scar away from falling apart
66 Posts
Ooc — suledin
he's been thinking lately — too much, probably. between fishing for the pack and avoiding all of his packmates save @Aiolos, he's found a dilemma wound tightly at the core of his being. he isn't what he's spent his whole life thinking he is — or, that's what he thinks. maybe. he spends more time fishing than thinking about it; the fishing is easier to figure out. but today, he's tired, and his leg is bothering him far more than usual. there isn't anything to distract himself from thinking, except staring blankly at the tide pool he'd meant to fish in. which is exactly what he's doing.
jaime is extremely expressive; other characters are welcome to notice any emotion referenced in his posts.
Daddy Moonglow
1,035 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Aiolos moved in a last gate through their island claim, as often usually he was found along the beachside and less so into the heart of the territory where the woodland and rocky slopes of the mini-mountain reside. After all, he still kept to the den called 'Ruo's rock' despite an obvious lack of Ruo herself.

He had meant to perhaps seek out @Huojin but firstly came to Jamie settled at the tide pools, staring blankly into the shallow waters, lost in thought. Deciding your gonna stick around for awhile, I hope? The fiery wolf spoke on behalf of Jamie's thought to be 'day-dreaming'. So many came and went, as often wolves stayed only for a short time before trailing elsewhere. But he was enjoying Jamie's company thus far (as he did @Hide) and so hoped he was enjoying his new home.
moonglow daddy