Overture Downs I can hold my own hand
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,168 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
All Welcome 
*Shakes the dust of Arlette*

She had returned. Once again back in the familiar homelands of Teekon. Here she was born and raised. She had gained first, to then lose everything. Her regrets, the death of her chosen sister. Her family she lost, the mother she couldn't say goodbye to. The father she never had. But then to gain a new family, and have her own. They were grown now. She was almost five seasons old. She was older than the age as her mother was when she had her, while leading a pack. She was different than her mother she realized. She had come to accept that that was okay. It had taken her awhile.

Arlette took in the plains that lead to the hollow. She knew across from there was Stone Circle. The place she had cursed for so long. She had promised Adlartok that they would go back here, and she had broken that promise. There was a lot of hurt that came with this place. She wasn't sure if she was ready to face it. She didn't know what she would expect. Was someone living there? Was there still Easthollow? Or was it abandoned and inhabited by ghosts? The female had traveled for awhile, and decided that perhaps a little rest was better than to go into that territory tired and emotional.

She wasn't sure if she was going to see or find anyone she knew. She had the feeling that most wolves she loved had died. Perhaps a little pessimistic, there was a hope that she might be surprised. Arlette wasn't sure what this trip would bring her, but she was hoping for some closure.
11 Posts
Ooc — Van
The foreigner Shea continued south in search of his family; a half-brother with a wife and kids, a niece and nephews he had never met. He had not given up on his quest, but he was fast losing faith. He had only discovered a single pack since leaving the borders of Sapphique and no territory he had crossed lately held any sign of his kin or strangers aside.

Still, he was a ranger at heart. He would search and scour these lands until defeat turned to victory. It did occur to him that this might not be possible, but Shea would not give up without assuring himself that he had sniffed every mile and exhausted all possible avenues, else he would never be satisfied.

Ahead, amongst the hilly landscape, the traveler spotted a pale figure. His crooked, copper tail lifted and wagged, eagerly displaying his interest in the prospect of scratching a social itch. Hullo! he called out for the other’s attention in his distinguished Scottish brogue, looking for a reaction as he waited to see if he should come closer or stay away.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,168 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette had considered her options. Perhaps she was a little of an overthinker. Luckily for her there was someone that pulled her from her thoughts. The pale female turned to the voice. He was first met with the unscarred part of her face, to then have the scarred side face him too. Her red eyes took in the male. He was a large athletic male, agouti in coloring, though his tail. It looked like it was hanging at a different angle, and like her sported some scars too.

The male seemed friendly the way the tail was wagging. It reassured her. Not that she lived in fear. The female offered him a friendly smile. "Hello," she returned and moved closer, her tail gently going over her hocks. She didn't smell a clear pack indicator right away, so she assumed he was also traveling. "A fellow traveler I assume?" she asked.
11 Posts
Ooc — Van
As the two of them came closer to one another, Shea began to notice that the darker parts of her countenance – which appeared to be simple markings from afar – were actually a bevy of scars, licked like paint strokes across a blank canvas. But rather than being greeted by some shy, bitten creature, as one might expect from a survivor of such trauma(s), he was instead met with a cheerful, upfront wolf, not self-conscious in the least.

It reminded him a bit of himself.

Aye, he answered, looking somewhat proud. Love tae range. Been wanderin’ aboot soon as Ah could feed maself. Shea chuckled. Name’s Shea. This yer neck o’ tha woods?
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,168 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette dipped her head in greeting when he confirmed he was a lone traveler as well. "Well met," she returned. This wolf seemed to have quite a heavy accent. Arlette's ears twitched for a moment in effort to understand him better. "Oh, a nomad," she returned. He seemed like he could take care of himself.

"Hi Shea. I'm Arlette," she introduced. "Traveling back..." She paused. Traveling back home? It hadn't been her home. Not anymore. But she was back in Teekon after the goodbye of Fury. It had hit her hard, to loose another. To have her family fall apart. "Well, to see what is left of what I know," she admitted to him, perhaps a little more quietly.

Arlette usually went with honesty. It worked best for her. "Do you travel with a purpose or do you just wander and see where you end up?," she asked curiously. As a homebody herself, lately she had traveled the most she ever had.
11 Posts
Ooc — Van
"Nomad" didn't feel quite right but the lonesome wolf wasn't one to complain.


Shea softened at her somewhat quiet admittance. His crooked tail swayed. Tch, say naw more. Reckon Ah ken a wee bit aboot tha'. He was never quite certain that the Loch would still be his home every time he returned to it, but he kept faith. Even still, it was nerve-wracking at times, so he imagined that it felt much the same for her just now. How long've ye been away?

To her question, he said, always wit' purpose. Ah'm a scout an' messenger by trade. But these days Ah'm jus' on th' lookoot fer mah brother. It was good to feel that she was just as curious about him as he was of her. He was happy to answer, after all. Scout Shea did often miss the comforts of consistent companionship. Ye widnae happen tae know onyone tha' talks like me perchance?
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,168 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette dipped her head in thanks. It seemed this male understood and that was a comforting feeling. "Not too long, about two seasons," she admitted. Though perhaps still too long if she was very critical of herself, mostly because she felt that she failed as a mother. However, that she wasn't sharing with the male. Her eyes were caught by the crooked tail wagging. It made her smile, in a good way.

The male said some very interesting things, after she managed to translate the words a little in her head. A messenger. That sounded interesting. But also that he was on the look out for his bother. Arlette looked at him with recognition. She also wouldn't mind to find her bother or any family, her children."I am afraid I have not met anyone with your accent before. I will keep my ears on alert,"she promised kindly. "Did you have to relay some interesting messages lately?," she asked curiously. "Anywhere in particular where you need to travel now? If you don't mind the company perhaps we can travel together if you go in the same direction?"