The Sunspire we made it. but we didn't
the fire fae
423 Posts
Ooc —
All Welcome 
set to 2.19.2020

She had a goal, and had made that goal. Ontop of it all, a beautiful slope to stare at the heavens above- yet so quiet. Her gaze that was like a garden, stared above the gray sky as snow drizzled down to the dim fire-wolf. The sounds of the fairies talking and engaging still lingered within her ear, alas, she would hear them no more. A guardian was not a guardian without something to protect, and what was she to protect? The rocks! Their sprites gone, a fire had lit by itself.

Angered, Orlaith kicked a rock off to the side, watching fall to the endless earth. She knew so well they meant good, because who else would survive so easily as herself? The remains of her hunted bird laid behind, finished to the bone as she narrowed in fury. However, showing confidence, showing strength, what did that lead to? To be sent to leave!

Betrayed by her own fairies!
[Image: dbsjoiy-a0dc5a12-726e-4fc9-9f6e-325ac868...sKmYWTqVa4]
850 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
hmmm I think we can do this and not break things, heyo!


She'd thought she caught her scent in the lower mountains, but Bridget hadn't dared hope until she'd gotten closer and confirmed it.  Finally a familiar face!  The wolves the fae had met so far hadn't been bad, but she missed the family of the court terribly.

Orlaaiiiiith!!!!  She had no clear notion that some hadn't chosen to leave as she had. She'd left before their decisions were made. There was therefore nothing but frank overjoyed welcome in her lavender eyes when she finally crested the climb, huffing a little.  Oh.... you have no.....  idea.  How good it is to see you.  She took a deep breathe, then grinned.  Isn't this place amazing!  Sure, it was lonely, but they certainly didn't make mountains like this back home.
the fire fae
423 Posts
Ooc —
A pale dandelion bursted forward, energetic as ever remembered. She came running at the fire-wolf, and of course, she smiled brightly, "Bridget!" she wondered if the other heard her scream, happening moments after tripping the rock. Though the disarrayed feelings were pushed aside by the friendlier fae, unlike the one's who casted her outside. A moodswing of emotions, but those of spunk can always bring her a smile. She doubted the other would know what had happened, as she had left her own accord, rather then the banishment Orlaith faced, "hey!"

She was excited of this land, a land the fire-wolf did not look to close by. She simply nodded, "It sure is. We don't have this back in the realms," she cackled,  "It seemed fate led us here, eh?" Orlaith never thought to see more fairies outside. Though how could she forget some left by their own accord.
[Image: dbsjoiy-a0dc5a12-726e-4fc9-9f6e-325ac868...sKmYWTqVa4]
850 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
I knew it would be amazing out here!! I didn't expect it to be so quiet,  but it isn't the worst.  Bridget laughed, remembering how full the court was when she'd decided to part.  Her curiosity to see the world outside had been growing for months and the court was doing the same.  After a while, leaving just made sense.

For her.  She'd had friends, but her role hadn't exactly been important.  Orlaith was a guardian; what was she doing here?  Fate, definitely.  But are you on a task, or did you leave too? Bridget asked.  If it was a task, she'd happily help, though she would not be going back.  There was way too much for her to see here still.
the fire fae
423 Posts
Ooc —
Another rock was kicked with fury, an anger within her olives. She was not a fire-wolf without reason, for a blaze was raised within, "you knew how large it was," Orlaith hissed, "I was casted out due to their overpopulation." She was so happy to see Bridget, but the cheer couldn't outlive what had been happened, and brought up. Orlaith only wished that instead she was sent on a task, perhaps to seek the fae's who had left, like Bridget and others. 

Orlaith wished she had done the same as Bridget before she had been hurt, but she was so comfortable guarding like her father had done, that the thought never came. She was honored, to call herself their warrior. No more, could she claim that.
[Image: dbsjoiy-a0dc5a12-726e-4fc9-9f6e-325ac868...sKmYWTqVa4]
850 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Oh.  Well, that took the winds out of her sails.  They did what!?  How could they do that to the guardian?!  She'd known the place was crowded but she'd never considered something needed done.  That was just the way it was.

Bet I know a few who didn't get shoved, she muttered, a little anger flaring up on Orlaith's behalf.  They hadn't been close but they'd been friends.  Sorry, Or.  Least here there's room to breathe though.  It fell flat and she knew it.  How could they?
the fire fae
423 Posts
Ooc —
Personally, Orlaith would never say outloud, but while she considered 'friends,' in reality the fire-wolf kept most at a paw-length away. She preferred to work alone, but enjoyed the chatter of others, and the presence of them. Complicated, really, for her mind. Though she couldn't recall any deep-talking, and simple talks or business inquired, "They wouldn't throw out the weak- so they threw me out."

A change of subject, she was getting angry thinking of it and held from grinding her teeth, "you having fun out here?"
[Image: dbsjoiy-a0dc5a12-726e-4fc9-9f6e-325ac868...sKmYWTqVa4]
850 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She was obviously still fuming on Orlaith's behalf, but she let the subject drop.  It didn't help that Bridget's opinion of a few of the "respected" elders in the Faerie Court wasn't the highest.  She was pre-disposed to be on the warrior's side after butting heads with them quite often in her own youth (and young adulthood).

So far.  I want to explore a little more.  She looked off at the patchwork of forests and rivers below them.  But I don't think I want to wander too long without finding a home.  She was too lonely out here.

What about you?  What are your plans?  If Orlaith didn't have the wanderlust that she did, she might be looking to do the latter sooner than later.  And if she was, Bridget was keen to keep that in mind as an option.
the fire fae
423 Posts
Ooc —
"I don't know," but she laughed, "suppose I should leave all my anger up here, aye?" The wolf threw down her rocks and screamed her heart out- but she still felt hollow. The feelings were left within her dimmed heart, for she knew the spunky gal would but all over to cheer the fire-wolf up. Orlaith was grateful, but didn't want to worry the other any longer.

"Thought about headin' down east." Maybe there'd be something, on the flatter-lands.
[Image: dbsjoiy-a0dc5a12-726e-4fc9-9f6e-325ac868...sKmYWTqVa4]
850 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maybe not all of it, but most, Bridget responded amicably.  A little anger could be useful sometimes.  She still held some herself, but that didn't mean on the quiet nights she didn't miss the place.  Home would always be home.

I was going to follow the coast, she said, glancing behind.  But maybe after I'll come find you? If you don't mind some company.  She added, both because she didn't want to seem too eager and because she wanted to be sure.  Orlaith seemed friendly but that might just be appearances.
the fire fae
423 Posts
Ooc —
"I'll seek you out," Orlaith nodded. However emotions still felt like a raging flame, and she felt it needed to be casted out. Her olives looked high, toward the peaks of the mountain top. It was the highest of all around, and was the perfect place to be free.

"I'll always protect the fairies." She smiled brightly, insisting it was her duty to do so. Even if all had fallen, the fire wolf would always take the reigns of protection. Though Bridget was free to do as she liked, just as she wished in another direction. After it was all done, a hope to reunite somewhere, perhaps with others awaiting.
[Image: dbsjoiy-a0dc5a12-726e-4fc9-9f6e-325ac868...sKmYWTqVa4]
850 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Bridget grinned.  She didn't particularly think she needed protection - she had enough vive to make her own way, by her estimation.  But she wasn't going to argue if that was the logic that got her some company later.  Cool.  Before I go, want to see if we can find something to eat?  I'm starving.  Not literally, but she could definitely eat.  Could even make a game of it?  

There was a glint of competition in her eyes as she said this, challenging the other woman to a fun test of skill.  If she could make something a challenge, she was going to.

wrap this one up with yours? I need to bring her to the faeries this week <3
the fire fae
423 Posts
Ooc —
sorry for the wait very inactive with her !!

"Always." It'd help seep out of the depression- a way to call off what had happened. However, there was still a determination to completely cast it off later, but for now, Orlatih appreciate Bridget's company. A friendly game of hunt should do, especially hungry for the trip that had been taken. A natural born fighter as well, could never deny a challenge once it had been given!

So the two would find a small game, and eventually part. Maybe they'd meet again in the future.
[Image: dbsjoiy-a0dc5a12-726e-4fc9-9f6e-325ac868...sKmYWTqVa4]