Redtail Rise LXXI
Redtail Rise
708 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 
with @Moon Runner sick and @Saturdays Sunrise watching over her, mountain boulder moved the younger children with @New Snow.

their rendezvous would be the expansive burned place, misted as always with green.

@Tuesdays Dawn ranged ahead, followed by @Tuesday Afternoon, and lastly, Tuesdays Twilight (@Vairë).

from time to time, mountain boulder paused. he had not gone to visit thorn caller, but understood that the former redtail had made her home nearby with hunting grounds that overlapped. the concept of a sister-pack was foreign to the ulfhedinn, which unfortunately gave him more reason to worry that reclamation of this land might occur.

he had found wolves in the red-sap forest, which he did not like, but that place was too close to the rise and now to the spine.

it was not a joyous move, spurred by his own silent anxieties and instinctive need to keep the young from illness. he did not call out to anyone; he only guarded his pups and his mate as they came to the scorched land.
Redtail Rise
16 Posts
Ooc — twin
the dawn boy grew with each passing day. by now he was a rangy shade of brimming graphite, lightening more and more with pale sunflecks while his baby blues began to shift toward a muted silvery-yellow. set with the strong, stern face of his father, he led his little pack through the reeds, hopping over tall plants and bravely clearing the path.
clueless as to what troubled his father, but sensing some form of distress, the cub begins to grow anxious as they near their stopping point. he ropes back around to meet him alongside his siblings, snuffling at his legs before leaping up to try and bump against his face.
Redtail Rise
331 Posts
Ooc — ???
Having heard of the sickness, she remained close to her young. She will not risk them or herself but to hunt, and she does not stray far. But now she wished to, if only to outrun the thing that had come too close. 

New Snow ranged with her mate, her eyes on their cubs and her ears listening to all that surrounded them. Her nose heeded what the wind told her, and she looked to the worried visage of her man. 

She moves to nip at his cheek to dispel the tension that lived in them both. And she woofs a laugh as she watches their young son make his move upon his father! Indiscreet as he was, New Snow slid into a playbow before him and became an obstacle, a wolfish grin on her lips.
Redtail Rise
708 Posts
Ooc — ebony
for a while, they romped and played, setting all else aside for the good and pure pleasure of wolfish company.

their bond renewed, mountain boulder led them in a sprightly run around the rendezvous and down into the center of the beautiful wild rise.