Whitefish River hey, it's a (pizza) party and you're invited
46 Posts
Ooc — Lackadaisy
All Welcome 
why? cause daisy is getting pizza tonight

Dorian was beyond excitement. He was more along the lines of floating all the goddamn way through his new place of residence. Feeling light on his feet, he pranced around like a deer. His chest was puffed out and he looked smug. First test? Passed! Flying colors, pumpkin stickers all around. 

The man wanted to meet everyone he saw. Running after them all would scare the shit out of them, but he didn't... Okay, a lie. He did care. He wanted to be liked. He wanted to settle here. Ma would be so proud a wolf pack took him in, despite his mixed heritage.

"Hello, beautiful world" he utters with a deep and dramatic sigh. "I'm here. You're here. Let's have some fun." Fun would find him in the form of another pack mate though. He spun on the spot, looking at them with a wide grin. His tail swayed happily, waiting for them to say something.
i’ve been the archer, i’ve been the prey
449 Posts
Ooc — Chan
"What kind of fun?"

Eshe had been trying to rouse herself from a nap when she gathered the telltale signs that another packmate was nearby. She'd been up far too late the night before, watching the stars sparkling between the clouds and flakes of snow that glittered to the ground, wondering about her brother and all the rest of her family. It had been a restless sleep once it had come, and thus a nap had been in order.

When she'd noticed she wasn't along in the area, she'd dragged herself out of sleep with a yawn and stood. She heard him speaking before she saw him and, intrigued, had decided to play the role of the world and give him an answer. She spotted him as the word fun left her lips, and she paused to cant her head, wondering if he'd turn around and spot her or if she would be given the opportunity to continue her ruse.
46 Posts
Ooc — Lackadaisy
He didn't turn around, but a telling smirk crossed his lips. Dorian wasn't so ignorant to believe he'd be alone, oh no. Now that he was a pack coywolf, he'd have to get used to company. Not that he was complaining. The girl's voice made him tilt his head to the side in a questioning manner, but again, he didn't turn around to face her. He let her keep the ruse going, amused that she'd play his game.

"Maybe I'll find a live mouse and put it in someone's den" he crafted immediately "while they're sleeping. And count how long before they notice it" Then again, hunting down one singular mouse and carrying it all the way back to the den sites... "or find some itchy plant and do that instead?" He was open to suggestions though.

"Or!" he cawed, chuckling "maybe I'll teach a nosy girl a lesson about interrupting my talk with the world!" Dorian spun around at last, mischief in his eyes "impersonating my lover, in my own love affair. How rude!" he playfully crounched, tail bristling and wagging. He opened the floor to a reaction, gleefully waiting.
i’ve been the archer, i’ve been the prey
449 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Eshe was surprised when he didn't turn right away, even though she'd been somewhat hoping to keep playing her game. She watched and listened as he replied, a smile curling across her lips. Once again, she'd found a wolf of Kaistleoki with a sense of humor. This definitely boded well on her hopes for the rest of them. 

The Frostfur jumped a little when he spun suddenly and revealed his speckled face to her. She laughed at herself in the next moment and shook her head. "I apologize," she replied, "I didn't realize the depth of the relationship you and the world share. I would never knowingly intrude on such an intimate moment."
46 Posts
Ooc — Lackadaisy
Dorian tilts his head as she apologizes, a wicked smile still gracing his lips. "You need more than pretty words to escape my wrath" he rises, more or less leaping in a strange display of bouncing up and down as he neared his new pack mate. He was a bouncy dude, what could he say? "c'mon! En garde!" he barks to the girl - what sort of girl didn't like to play? 

"I shall defend Lady Gaia's honor!" the man states now, his voice rising but full of shit. He didn't intend to harm the other wolf. He wanted to damn well play. This pack wasn't stuffy. It was full of good wolves. Kind wolves. Wolves like Hiero who he felt a kinship to already. But Dorian would back off if the girl wasn't up to it. He bounces closer, wiggling excitably.
i’ve been the archer, i’ve been the prey
449 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Eshe smiled, watching this odd boy bounce around in front of her. She could tell he was trying to entice her into a romp. It seemed a little wrong to her at first, to be gallivanting and having fun when there was so much else to be done. Her mind to her brother. She still had no leads for where he had gone. She ought to be looking for him, or at least asking after him. Perhaps this very wolf knew something?

"Now, no tears allowed when I stomp you into the dirt," Eshe warned in the moment before she pounced. Wherever Tiarnach was, she could do nothing for him now but hope for his health. Perhaps he too had found a pack to Winter with, and maybe he was at that very moment making a new friend, just like her.
46 Posts
Ooc — Lackadaisy
He huffs, amused. "Please - a pretty girl stomping me into the dirt is all I need outta life!" How he managed to say that before being cut off was beyond anyone. In a whirl with gray fur in his vision, he growls playfully as the girl pounces. Finally!

He was starting to think everyone in this pack had a stick up their arse except Hiero. It did the heart good to see that they were willing to tussle with a newcomer. Ah... he could almost cry. Dorian's paws raised to catch the girl, gripping her shoulders in an awkward dance.

He laughs, couldn't help it, as he awaits her next move.
i’ve been the archer, i’ve been the prey
449 Posts
Ooc — Chan
She quickly found herself locked in her packmate's arms. So much for stomping him in the dirt, at least right away. "You say that now," she retorted as she wriggled against him, twisting until she could try to latch her jaws on the side of his neck, shoving her rather minimal weight against him to try and knock him off balance.
46 Posts
Ooc — Lackadaisy
He let her have her fun. Dorian could put up a good fight when backed into a corner, but this wasn't a corner. It wasn't even a wall. He wanted to play, not hurt or harm. He continues to laugh breathlessly as she shoves her weight against him. He's a coywolf, a bit less sturdy than a full blood... so it does knock him around a bit.

He tumbles sideway, his paws slipping off her shoulders but he's prepared. Dorian ducks and aims his jaws at any of her legs, trying to grab onto one gently. If he succeeded, he pulls the girls' leg to the side and attempts to topple her. He's not going to let his face be shoved into the dirt so easily! Expect a fight, get a stubborn coywolf.
i’ve been the archer, i’ve been the prey
449 Posts
Ooc — Chan
In a real fight, Eshe may have tried harder. But she was well aware that this was play and she wasn't too competitive by nature. So, she fell easily when he snagged her leg with a little laugh. Her eyes narrowed as she rolled onto her side and began to kick at him with her remaining free paws, tail beating against the ground as she did so. Her jaws were parted and poised, waiting for an opportunity to grab at him if one presented itself.
46 Posts
Ooc — Lackadaisy
Serious or not, it was always important to practice the basics. For someone who hadn't before had an ounch of defensive or offensive mind, Dorian was aware the playing would help. He couldn't help his own shit-eating grin as the girl rolled and battered him with her legs.

He wasn't winded but the force would probably make him bruise a bit tomorrow. She waited for an oportunity and the coywolf gave her one. He launched himself at her, trying to wrap his careful teeth around the front of her scruff and pin her there.
i’ve been the archer, i’ve been the prey
449 Posts
Ooc — Chan
The opportunity came, but though Eshe felt her jaws close briefly on fur, it quickly slipped from her grasp as he crushed into her again. She laughed as he collided and let herself fall beneath him. She felt teeth close on her scruff and, with her legs beneath her this time and her lungs a bit winded, she felt it was likely time to admit defeat. At least in this round.

"Alright, alright, you win," Eshe said as she panted, "I'll never interrupt your flirtations with mother earth again."