![[Image: eyes_1f440.png]](https://emojipedia-us.s3.dualstack.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/thumbs/160/apple/81/eyes_1f440.png)
Mature Content Warning

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Suggestive language and sexual content
@Arielle forged a brisk path across the valley with Aventus eagerly in tow. With the look she gave him at the end there, she might as well have thrown a leash about his neck and led him away. He didn't know what had come over him lately, but he was not sorry about it. This dynamic was easier for him to navigate than the stilted nerves and uncertainty of before. From giggling, shy teens they blossomed into young, hungry adults, and though it would be some time yet before it was Arielle who perfumed the valley, he was more attracted to her than ever.
When they had put some distance between themselves and Merrick and Ash, Aventus surged forward with several quick, prancing steps to nip affectionately at the fur on her hip. A fond purling growl rose in his throat. Perhaps he was being a little too forward compared to his usual composed self, but so long as she accepted it, he was happy to see where they would go with it.
January 04, 2022, 09:29 PM
yes! i was actually about to get one up, so ty for starting <3
The farther she led them from Merrick and Ash, the faster her heart beat in her chest. And when she felt his teeth tug the fur of her hip, it felt as though her heart might explode. She had no idea what was making him so bold and she didn't really care; his confidence was rubbing off on her. It seemed before now they had just been dancing around the chemistry and tension, and all the built up feelings were bursting at the seams.
She slowed some and fell back to his side so that she could nip at his jaw and plant a soft, hesitant kiss to his cheek, and then a second and third. It was thrilling to finally do what she had only imagined doing before now.
Arielle offered the prince a teasing smirk just before dancing away from him. Just as much as she wanted to be near, she also wanted to play; she wanted him to catch her.
The Bruin-jaw accepted Arielle's touch with a pleased rumble and let his tail pick up a swift wag when she kissed him. He turned his muzzle into her cheek and nibbled and nuzzled into the fine hair. He reached for the back of her ear, the side of her throat, the plush fur on her crown, and savoured the flush of warmth through his veins to know his attention was not only wanted, but reciprocated.
Then she pulled away with a quirk of her lips. Aventus met it with a challenging look of his own, gathering his limber muscles in his hindquarters so that the moment she pranced away, he was hot in pursuit. His heart seemed to pulse in every part of his body as he grappled again with the compulsion to throw his arms around her.
He refrained from being quite that forward in favour of a prolonged chase to get the blood pumping for both of them. He streamed after her, snapping playfully for the tip of her tail before attempting to swing wide and flank her.
Then she pulled away with a quirk of her lips. Aventus met it with a challenging look of his own, gathering his limber muscles in his hindquarters so that the moment she pranced away, he was hot in pursuit. His heart seemed to pulse in every part of his body as he grappled again with the compulsion to throw his arms around her.
He refrained from being quite that forward in favour of a prolonged chase to get the blood pumping for both of them. He streamed after her, snapping playfully for the tip of her tail before attempting to swing wide and flank her.
January 04, 2022, 10:18 PM
To her complete delight, he wasted no time; she felt him nip at her tail, and it only made her move faster. All the places he had nipped and nuzzled before seemed to burn as if to persuade her to let him catch her, and eventually, she would; but she was enjoying this too much to give in just yet.
She saw him from the corner of her eye as he surged forward; it pulled soft laughter from her chest before she pushed ahead again. The thrill of playing with Aves battled with the longing for more of his affection, the latter eventually winning out. She slowed some and moved back within reach. Once she was close enough, she pushed her muzzle into the dark fur of his neck, his scent filling her lungs and heating her blood. She considered speeding up again, but everything in her wanted the opposite. For now, she stayed, too enraptured by the prince to move away again.
She saw him from the corner of her eye as he surged forward; it pulled soft laughter from her chest before she pushed ahead again. The thrill of playing with Aves battled with the longing for more of his affection, the latter eventually winning out. She slowed some and moved back within reach. Once she was close enough, she pushed her muzzle into the dark fur of his neck, his scent filling her lungs and heating her blood. She considered speeding up again, but everything in her wanted the opposite. For now, she stayed, too enraptured by the prince to move away again.
He thought she might run him until he was panting and stumbling to try to stay upright, as he knew she could, but Arielle was too good to him. She slowed and buried her face in his fur. This time, he hoped she could feel the way his pulse raced in response. And if not, then surely she would hear the possessive growl when he rubbed his muzzle down the side of her face.
Then he was pressing his body into hers, leaning heavily into her with a rapidly wagging tail. Aventus hesitated only a moment before swinging an arm across her shoulders. He pulled Arielle into something of a sideways hug, but before his body could take over and try to make something more of it, he shifted gears and attempted to wrestle her into the snow so he could comb the dark red fur on her chest with his teeth.
Then he was pressing his body into hers, leaning heavily into her with a rapidly wagging tail. Aventus hesitated only a moment before swinging an arm across her shoulders. He pulled Arielle into something of a sideways hug, but before his body could take over and try to make something more of it, he shifted gears and attempted to wrestle her into the snow so he could comb the dark red fur on her chest with his teeth.
January 04, 2022, 11:47 PM
Aves' growl rumbled through her and made her breath catch in her throat. It was a primal and possessive sound, and he had made it in response to her. She thought she might burst with excitement. Even though she couldn't imagine feeling this way for anyone else, she liked how it felt to know he wanted her only for himself.
The feeling only burned hotter in her chest when he leaned his entire body into hers. And then his arm was over her shoulders, and she willingly let him pull her closer. She also put up absolutely no fight when he took her to the ground. She landed beneath him and immediately nuzzled her face against his throat. The snow was cold against her back but it was easily forgotten when the rest of her was buried beneath his weight. She continued to nuzzle against him and breath deeply of his scent. She moved slowly up to his ear and nibbled at the silky fur at the base, hoping to elicit more possessive sounds from him.
The feeling only burned hotter in her chest when he leaned his entire body into hers. And then his arm was over her shoulders, and she willingly let him pull her closer. She also put up absolutely no fight when he took her to the ground. She landed beneath him and immediately nuzzled her face against his throat. The snow was cold against her back but it was easily forgotten when the rest of her was buried beneath his weight. She continued to nuzzle against him and breath deeply of his scent. She moved slowly up to his ear and nibbled at the silky fur at the base, hoping to elicit more possessive sounds from him.
I'ma slap the M tag on here for the suggestive language even if nothing else happens! <3
The lack of resistance encouraged Aventus. He draped himself down over Arielle so his upper half gently pinned her to the ground while his lower half lay alongside her in the snow. She nuzzled into his neck and his heart slammed against his ribs. The breeze swept by them, still carrying that hint of the tantalizing scent that drove him to behave in so forward a fashion toward her.
Arielle was working her own magic, though. All she had to do was nuzzle into his neck to set his nerves alight. His belly felt like it was simultaneously full of leaping frogs and boiling magma. He felt like he would vibrate out of his skin and buried his face in her fur once more to ground himself.
Alas, the clever Bruin-heart found just the right button to push. He shuddered lightly when she traced up the side of his face and lost it completely when she nibbled his earlobe. Aventus could not stop his hips from jerking when her breath curled into his ear anymore than he could stop the hoarse groan that crawled up his throat.
He pressed his chest more firmly against hers and lifted his head to seek her eyes. His were aflame with desire.
Arielle,he mumbled, then dove to cover her face in heated nips and licks.
January 05, 2022, 12:54 AM
The prince did not let her down. For every one of her touches, he released a sound that she swore she could feel course through her veins. Her skin burned so hot she thought they might melt through every bit of snow and land on the muddy earth below.
When he pressed his face into her fur, Arielle lifted her arms to pull him even closer and still it didn't feel like he was close enough.
When Aves lifted his head to look at her, what she saw in his eyes stole her breath. She hadn't even known until that moment how deeply she wanted him to look at her in that way. He would find devotion and need in her own gaze—a need she had never felt this intensely before.
He murmured her name and her heart jumped erratically in her chest. She tightened her arms around him as he planted kisses all over her face and paired them with nips that sent electricity across her skin. She closed her eyes and reveled in the affection.
I am yours,the bruin-heart whispered when she was able to. She had been for some time without even realizing it. But now, she knew the truth in the deepest reaches of her soul.
Arielle's whispered words sent a thrill zinging through his belly and up to the tip of his tail.
With Merrick and Astara for parents, it was no wonder he never really learned how to share his emotions in a form that wasn't primal and protective. Merrick would potentially view it as a weakness, and Astara... Well, it was hard to show a son how to bare his feelings when you were nonverbal. He thought Arielle knew, though. He hoped fervently that she felt it in the rapid thumping of his heart and the fiery sparks popping off in his stomach.
Aves was nearly undone by the light in her eyes. His turn now to brush his lips over the wispy hairs at the base of her ear with a husky murmur of,
He wanted nothing more than to lead her somewhere more secluded and private where he hoped, a little selfishly, that she would allow him to fulfill her every want and desire in a more amorous fashion.
Mine,he crooned with a cheeky grin and a hearty thump of his tail. Aventus had no proclivity for romantics, unfortunately, or now might have been the proper time to bear his heart and share his feelings. They had been there from the very first in the form of admiration — always, he had known Arielle was bound for great things in Ursus — but he could never have predicted how quickly they would catch fire and roar into an inferno for her.
With Merrick and Astara for parents, it was no wonder he never really learned how to share his emotions in a form that wasn't primal and protective. Merrick would potentially view it as a weakness, and Astara... Well, it was hard to show a son how to bare his feelings when you were nonverbal. He thought Arielle knew, though. He hoped fervently that she felt it in the rapid thumping of his heart and the fiery sparks popping off in his stomach.
Aves was nearly undone by the light in her eyes. His turn now to brush his lips over the wispy hairs at the base of her ear with a husky murmur of,
come with me.He lingered a moment longer to mouth at the tip of her ear with a breathless chuckle, then reluctantly rose to his paws with a playful wag of his tail. He smacked the ground with his forepaws and jogged several steps away before dipping his front half in a play bow.
He wanted nothing more than to lead her somewhere more secluded and private where he hoped, a little selfishly, that she would allow him to fulfill her every want and desire in a more amorous fashion.
January 05, 2022, 08:37 PM
His response was perfectly Aves, and it was all she needed to hear. Arielle wanted to be his more than she had wanted anything else in her life. She knew what was in his heart. She saw it in his silver, moonlit gaze and she felt it in the beating of his heart against the place where his chest pressed against hers.
As it was the bruin-jaw's turn to brush his lips against the base of her ear, it was hers to shiver with delight. And the heat of his breath against her skin as he whispered his invitation was somehow felt in her heart and her stomach. His gentle nibble on the tip of her ear and the way his chuckle made her stomach tighten had her drawing in a sharp breath.
But then he was gone, and for a moment she felt like he had stolen her breath. The healer quickly recovered, though, because she couldn't resist the urge to jump up and run over to him. She practically leaped to close the distance between them and then lowered her front half to nip playfully at the side of the prince's neck. Her tail waved behind her, and excitement rushed through her. She would follow him wherever he went. And every part of her wanted to be his in every single way. She wasn't sure quite how to put the need into words, probably because it really didn't require words.
As it was the bruin-jaw's turn to brush his lips against the base of her ear, it was hers to shiver with delight. And the heat of his breath against her skin as he whispered his invitation was somehow felt in her heart and her stomach. His gentle nibble on the tip of her ear and the way his chuckle made her stomach tighten had her drawing in a sharp breath.
But then he was gone, and for a moment she felt like he had stolen her breath. The healer quickly recovered, though, because she couldn't resist the urge to jump up and run over to him. She practically leaped to close the distance between them and then lowered her front half to nip playfully at the side of the prince's neck. Her tail waved behind her, and excitement rushed through her. She would follow him wherever he went. And every part of her wanted to be his in every single way. She wasn't sure quite how to put the need into words, probably because it really didn't require words.
January 06, 2022, 12:50 AM
If Arielle would go along with this, we can fade this with your next post or time skip it if you want to continue the thread! If she wouldn't we can continue normally!
With Pharaoh's fellahin, Aventus had experienced two kinds of lust, with bloodlust threatening to win out. Something about the smaller coyotes incited it in him, a need to thrash and spill blood. The affair had been short enough that the fellahin came to no harm, in the end. Since then, he worried how he might react to another in the same situation.
But he marveled, as he led Arielle with goading nibbles and adoring prods of his nose, his side pressed to hers as often and closely as possible, that he felt none of that need with her. Only burning desire and a care that verged on tender, if one of Ursus stock could be such a thing.
They arrived at Mosskeep. Aventus felt it was the perfect place. Evien's old medicine cave was spacious, clean, and well isolated. The only better place might have been Stillrift, but coming here with Arielle felt like coming home. He led her up the gentle slope and into the dry, dark interior, where he wasted no time plying her neck and shoulders with tongue and teeth alike. His touch was more heated than before, more urgent and daring. When he felt a little bolder, he ventured to her flanks and did little to hide the ragged quality of his breathing.
When the time felt right, when he thought she might be ready, Aventus sought to gently draw Arielle into the circle of his arms and share with her the primal dance of all beasts.
January 06, 2022, 01:47 AM
time skip sounds good!
Arielle hardly even paid attention to where he led them; she was way too caught up in the moment. The bruin-jaw showered her with affection, and she reveled in every second of it. When she could, she would nip his jaw or nuzzle under his chin. Occasionally, she would run her nose through the fur of his neck and breath deeply of his scent.
It wasn't until they neared the former healer's den that she realized where they were. She hadn't had a chance yet to start cleaning it out, but when they were both inside, she realized the cleaning had already been done. She had a feeling Aves had something to do with it, and she was touched. She would mention it later when she wasn't so distracted by his teeth and warm breath against the skin of her neck and shoulders. Her stomach fluttered and her heart started its erratic beating again. Her own breathing was as rough as his when he turned his attention to her flanks. By now, there was no doubt that the prince wanted the same thing she did. She was surprised to feel nerves bubble in her stomach considering how much she wanted this.
When he finally pulled her into his arms, the nerves quickly turned into searing heat and tightened muscles. He would get no protest from the bruin-heart, only fervent willingness to give him everything he wanted.
She didn't remember falling asleep, but at some point she had, and she had no idea for how long. When she stirred and opened her eyes, she was curled into Aves' side, using his shoulder as pillow. From there, she could hear the steady beat of his heart and feel his chest rise and fall with each breath. Something about it made warm contentment spread through her. Arielle pressed her face into his fur and nuzzled further into him. As far as she was concerned, they could just stay there forever.
January 08, 2022, 11:42 PM
In the aftermath, Aventus dozed. He was too energized to fall asleep for real, so he lay there with his eyes closed, suspended somewhere in disbelief. Was this really happening, or was this just another dream? He certainly had enough of them about her in particular that went a lot like this.
Then Arielle stirred and pulled him back to the present. His veins were awash with a warm glow and his heart beat slowly now, relaxed but strong. The urgency and nerves from before had vanished, replaced by a tender affection. Oh, he would do that all day with her if that was what she wanted, but was content to bask in her presence now, the security of knowing they both felt the same.
Then Arielle stirred and pulled him back to the present. His veins were awash with a warm glow and his heart beat slowly now, relaxed but strong. The urgency and nerves from before had vanished, replaced by a tender affection. Oh, he would do that all day with her if that was what she wanted, but was content to bask in her presence now, the security of knowing they both felt the same.
My Arielle,Aves sighed, turning his head to preen the mussed fur on her cheek with a keen little smile. He wagged his tail a few times before draping it over her hip.
My Bruin-heart. You are something else.
January 09, 2022, 02:28 AM
My Arielle.
She could hardly believe she heard those words from the prince's mouth. A serene smile curved her lips as she felt his touch against her cheek. She would never tire of hearing that she was his. And his praise had her shifting her face so that she could look at him, the devotion from before returning to her gaze. For a few moments she was at a loss for words. Her heart was so full that it stunned her and stole her ability to speak.
Finally, she gave a soft kiss to his cheek.
She could hardly believe she heard those words from the prince's mouth. A serene smile curved her lips as she felt his touch against her cheek. She would never tire of hearing that she was his. And his praise had her shifting her face so that she could look at him, the devotion from before returning to her gaze. For a few moments she was at a loss for words. Her heart was so full that it stunned her and stole her ability to speak.
Finally, she gave a soft kiss to his cheek.
I have wanted to be yours for a while,she quietly admitted, suddenly feeling a little silly for keeping it to herself for so long. She delivered a nibble to his jaw.
And now, I will never let you go.Her tone was slightly teasing, but the words were a promise. No one would ever be Aves; only he and the bear would ever own her heart.
January 09, 2022, 11:07 AM
(This post was last modified: January 09, 2022, 11:08 AM by Aventus.)
Arielle's admission was sweet. If Aventus looked back and truly paid attention, then it was obvious. His attraction to her was hardly contained as well. There had been something there in the river that day, and even before then, when Arielle accompanied them to Akashingo without question to seek vengeance for Astara, and when she remained with Ursus all this time even when others turned away with disgust.
All that time. The very first time they met, he felt a draw to her that had rapidly grown since then.
All that time. The very first time they met, he felt a draw to her that had rapidly grown since then.
I said I wasn't going anywhere,he replied, employing the same teasing tone as he leaned his face into her ministrations and curled more tightly around her.
I meant every word.
I thought...It was his turn to grow quiet now, pensive, thinking back on that tiny hollow under the tree. If he had only been straightforward about it then, that whole episode might have been a lot less awkward.
Under that tree, you remember? You seemed uncomfortable.She had eventually nuzzled into him. At the time, he took it for a platonic affection. Oh, what a numbskulled boy he was.
January 09, 2022, 03:38 PM
He tightened around her and leaned into her affection. As he gave his promise to her again, she softly brushed her nose along his cheek.
His tone shifted as he spoke again, and she pulled back slightly to study the lines of his handsome face. A frown formed on her own as she waited for him to finish.
He mentioned the day under the tree and her face heated. He had noticed her discomfort but clearly had misinterpreted it. Arielle smiled a bit shyly.
I know you did,the bruin-heart softly assured him.
I trust your word as though it came directly from the bear.Maybe it had. She knew she could trust him wholly. The prince never said anything he didn't mean.
His tone shifted as he spoke again, and she pulled back slightly to study the lines of his handsome face. A frown formed on her own as she waited for him to finish.
He mentioned the day under the tree and her face heated. He had noticed her discomfort but clearly had misinterpreted it. Arielle smiled a bit shyly.
That was when I first started to understand how I actually felt about you,she explained.
I had never felt that way before, and I didn't know if you felt the same.She kissed his cheek.
I'm sorry I confused you; I just wasn't sure what to do with my feelings at first.She had been insecure but now, she realized just how stupid that was.
January 09, 2022, 06:17 PM
(This post was last modified: January 09, 2022, 06:24 PM by Aventus.)
Arielle wasn’t the only one. Aventus hadn’t known what to do that day either. He could have tried to be more bold. If he had, maybe they would have remained in that hollow a while longer, but then they may have been too late to discover the Saints. Tuur may have moved on from the canyon by then. All things happened for a reason.
No one had prepared him to feel this way about someone else. He thought of his parents, their ardent savagery and elegant butchery.
He looked away, his face radiating his embarrassment.
You should have told me,he said, but his voice suggested amusement rather than regret.
I nearly dared you to kiss me.It seemed so juvenile now, both the intended dare and his hesitation about it. What was a little kiss? They were connected on another level now. For the first time since his mother’s death and Merrick’s transformation into a fanatic, Aventus felt somewhat at peace.
No one had prepared him to feel this way about someone else. He thought of his parents, their ardent savagery and elegant butchery.
My family name is Melonii but father always called us Bearclaw, after this place,he said, trying to ignore the heat that began to climb his neck into his cheeks. His stomach tumbled with nerves.
I… Um… Think it would sound good on you.Butterflies exploded in his gut.
He looked away, his face radiating his embarrassment.
Someday. When... If you wanted.
January 09, 2022, 06:48 PM
Arielle chuckled. She wondered what she even would have done if he actually had dared her to kiss him.
He started to talk of his family, his mother's name and the one given to him by his father. The bruin-jaw went on to tell her he thought it would sound good as her own name. Her breath caught in her throat and her heart felt like it might explode. The hint of tears stung her eyes.
But he looked away, as if he was embarrassed at having said the words to her. Then he gave her an out if she wanted it. How could he not understand just how deeply she felt for him? Arielle swallowed against the overwhelming feeling in her chest and then nuzzled her head under his chin.
I think it was meant to happen now,she told him, unknowingly mirroring his own thoughts.
But I likely would have kissed you if you did,she added with another kiss to his cheek. She would never feel like she had kissed him enough.
He started to talk of his family, his mother's name and the one given to him by his father. The bruin-jaw went on to tell her he thought it would sound good as her own name. Her breath caught in her throat and her heart felt like it might explode. The hint of tears stung her eyes.
But he looked away, as if he was embarrassed at having said the words to her. Then he gave her an out if she wanted it. How could he not understand just how deeply she felt for him? Arielle swallowed against the overwhelming feeling in her chest and then nuzzled her head under his chin.
Of course I want that.There was no doubt or fear in her tone.
I want to be yours in every way possible.She didn't need time to think about it.
January 09, 2022, 07:41 PM
(This post was last modified: January 09, 2022, 07:42 PM by Aventus.)
His lack of confidence in this matter stood in contrast to his self-assured mien of norm. Aventus hid a good many of his thoughts and feelings beneath a poised veneer, but that’s all it was. He had many coping mechanisms and survival strategies for the life he lived. Merrick had not always been a charitable father. In many ways, he was as put together as a businessman in a five piece suit.
But he was unable to hide his insecurity about asking Arielle to be his mate and take his name. Suppose she said no, or thought he was moving things too quickly? He rarely had occasion to show it, but under the surface, he was an incredibly passionate wolf. It came from his parents. They were not the romantic sort, but channeled their passion into bloodletting and pain. Aventus, until now, had lacked something to drive him to the same fervor. Now that Arielle was here, it burned bright in him. For her, he would rend the entire world.
Aves felt her head under his chin again before his brain processed her acceptance.
But he was unable to hide his insecurity about asking Arielle to be his mate and take his name. Suppose she said no, or thought he was moving things too quickly? He rarely had occasion to show it, but under the surface, he was an incredibly passionate wolf. It came from his parents. They were not the romantic sort, but channeled their passion into bloodletting and pain. Aventus, until now, had lacked something to drive him to the same fervor. Now that Arielle was here, it burned bright in him. For her, he would rend the entire world.
Aves felt her head under his chin again before his brain processed her acceptance.
You mean it?he asked, reaching to pepper her dark brow with licks, tracing the edge of her red mask with his lips. When he reached the corner of her eye, he rumbled low in his throat and rubbed the crown of his head along her cheek and down her neck like a cat. By the time Aventus was finished with her, every inch of Arielle would smell like him, and he like her, and there would be no doubt to whom he belonged.
January 09, 2022, 08:16 PM
Arielle closed her eyes and relished his gentle affection.
She nuzzled against his cheek, and drew in his scent—ice and flowers and stone, things that you wouldn't think go together, but they mixed perfectly in his coat. Now it would mix with her own and she would be reminded of him even when they were apart. Her chest tightened and she searched for his gaze.
Yes.He needed her reassurance, and she eagerly obliged.
I want to be your wife, and for you to be my husband; I want it more than anything.Now they would wear each other's scents; the thought satisfied the possessive need for others to know he was hers.
She nuzzled against his cheek, and drew in his scent—ice and flowers and stone, things that you wouldn't think go together, but they mixed perfectly in his coat. Now it would mix with her own and she would be reminded of him even when they were apart. Her chest tightened and she searched for his gaze.
Mine,she said softly, purposely repeating what he had told her before they shared themselves with each other.
January 09, 2022, 11:44 PM
Her confirmation settled the last of Aventus’ nerves, granting him serenity and bliss alone. There was nothing they couldn’t do together. It felt like coming home after a long time at sea, and in Mosskeep of all places.
Evien had never approved of the ruthless nature of Merrick and Ursus, but cared so greatly for those within these walls. Would that he were alive now to see love blossom in the valley instead of violence.
Arielle repeated his possessive claim back. Hearing it in her voice made that familiar heat bloom in Aventus’ stomach and sent fingers of desire spiderwebbing along his veins. Hers, now and forever.
Evien had never approved of the ruthless nature of Merrick and Ursus, but cared so greatly for those within these walls. Would that he were alive now to see love blossom in the valley instead of violence.
Arielle repeated his possessive claim back. Hearing it in her voice made that familiar heat bloom in Aventus’ stomach and sent fingers of desire spiderwebbing along his veins. Hers, now and forever.
Mmmm,he crooned.
I like the sound of that.He gave the fur along her nape a quick, cheeky tug.
I have dreamt many nights of you,he whispered in her ear, abandoning the last vestiges of his insecurity and uncertainty.
January 10, 2022, 01:03 AM
Good,she told him. Her stomach tightened at the playful grab of her nape; she couldn't help but be reminded of when the prince held her there for a different reason. How was she to ever leave this place? She wouldn't think about that now; instead, she buried her face in his fur and pushed all other thoughts away.
Arielle felt his lips against her ear as he whispered that he had dreamt of her. The bruin-heart shivered and pulled back to look at him. To know that he had felt this way, so deeply that she was in his sleeping moments as well—she felt the overwhelming warmth in her chest again.
What were these dreams about?she asked, nipping at his jaw. She could most likely assume, but she wanted to here it from him. She liked that his dreams were hers too.
January 25, 2022, 04:26 PM
We can probably fade in the next couple posts if you like! <3
A lazy grin lifted the corners of his lips. He leaned his jaw into her nibbling teeth and practically purred, lingering there a short time and relishing Arielle’s attention. Then he began to get to his paws with a salacious lash of his tongue across her cheek.
What if I show you?he whispered, pillaring her coyly between his legs and leaning down to pluck fondly at her fur. He hoped she would humour him further — he had not had enough of her, not nearly enough — but left it up to her what she wanted to do next.
January 26, 2022, 02:14 PM
sounds good <3
She loved how Aves reacted to her affection and if allowed, she felt like she might just shower him with it indefinitely.
But he stood, and she peered up at him with confusion just as he delivered a kiss to her cheek that promised a repeat of earlier. Arielle's face smoothed out and a devilish grin slowly spread across her face.
His whispered words made her shiver as he moved to stand over her. Her thoughts were aligned with his; she wanted more of him, too, and she felt like her hunger would never be sated.
Even better,she told boldly told him, tilting her head back to brush her lips across his cheek.
She would stay here and share herself with the prince for as long as he wanted.
February 05, 2022, 10:53 PM
It seemed so silly now that in the river and the hollow and even the medicine den at Silvertip, Aventus had not said anything of how he felt and even tried to hide the way his body came alive at her mere touch. He feared her discomfort and rejection, he feared the wrongness of his body behaving the way it did since Akashingo, but her easy acceptance now made him feel a fool. How long had he been oblivious to her own feelings?
Aventus growled his approval and his need and guided Arielle to her feet, leading her deeper into Mosskeep to play out all their fantasies until she grew tired of him or they both grew too tired to continue.
Aventus growled his approval and his need and guided Arielle to her feet, leading her deeper into Mosskeep to play out all their fantasies until she grew tired of him or they both grew too tired to continue.
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