Blackbeak Bluff Upside down, but it was a good life
823 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
All Welcome 
Medic thread for @Eloise if you still want one! Sorry this took so long <3 I can adjust any way necessary

Bridget had finally decided to chance the swim to the mainland. Initially it had been fine, but the final stretch was hell on her remaining legs. Fortunately, it was her latter half that was unbalanced, so keeping her head above water was less of an issue than properly propelling herself forward. Her back leg had to overcompensate and by the time she hit the shore, she stumbled only a little ways onto the sparse sand before flopping over. Fuuuuuuuuuck. She was winded and exhausted.

She wasn't even going to think about how she still had to go back. She would - no way she was going hitting halfway through. But right now the water was freezing and the sun was warm. She was good here.

When she wasn't gasping like a beached catfish anymore, Bridget pushed herself up to sitting and began gently testing her muscles, stretching so she wouldn't stiffen up. As she did, she looked around for the first time. She was on the edge of a cliff face that stretched southward and a forest, a ways down, that went north. None of it was familiar. She wondered if that was because she hadnt passed through it or if it was part of the trip that she didn't recall too well. Either way, maybe she'd get some exploring in before she threw herself back at it.
101 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
I've been eyeing this a couple days, I hope you also don't mind me ;_;

She couldn't believe who she was seeing.

Jasmine blinked, blinked again.

But the sun-touched wolf never disappeared. She lingered on the far fringe of her line of sight, visible and discernable. Hope pierced her heart like a fire, and the unruly child tore forward, unafraid.


Her shout slapped the air like a raucous wave, her own voice always a mix of colours. Often muddied and indiscernible, but today, the brown stirrings dripping with the ones she had once felt in her old packmate's songs. They strummed like nearly forgotten chords. Bright sunlight flooding through trees. The dappling of the forest floor. Sunspots in the corners of her vision.

Jasmine prayed she would hear these things when the woman returned her call.
823 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight

The cliffs were fairly desolate with the early spring. Whatever birds nested there had not returned yet, and Bridget was struck with how quiet it was even here. Nothing but the constant sound of the sea, similar to the island. She had grown to appreciate the waves but her mind drifted to the forest as well, like it often did.

Jasmine's voice cut through the silence like a ray. Her ears immediately shot up and Bridget spun around. Jasmine!!? What was she doing here?! How did she!?

Whatever space was left, she'd move forward to close it and pull her into a big hug. Oh my god, it's good to see you!! Where did you come from!? And are you off on your own now!?
101 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
Sunlight danced like gold through the airwaves. Jasmine felt her breath catch in her throat.

"BridgetBridgetBridgetBridget!" her whole body shook with every exclamation. That was her, this was her, this was her!

She couldn't say what passed between one second and the next. Only that the space between them felt like forever and nothing at all. Jasmine threw herself into her friend's embrace. Breathing in the familiarity of home, even though it was now intermingled with new scents - other wolves and saltwater.

"And I can't believe I've finally found you!!" Bridget's questions cascaded around her. Jasmine's emotions followed suit, "We lost you, so I looked for you! But then I didn't find you, and I couldn't just go back, and I was so scared! But now - now you're here and - and - and - " tears welled in her eyes and she blinked to clear her vision, but everything just got more blurry. She buried her face deeper into her friend's golden fur and let herself feel, everything. "Bridget I thought you died!"
823 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Bridget had figured that her disappearance would have an effect, but she was surprised and extremely touched by how emotional Jasmine was to be finding her. It was hard knowing her own stupid mistakes had caused this, and she returned the girl's hug fiercely. At least she was okay and hadn't been hurt in the process of looking for her. Bridget was damn sure she wasn't worth that.

I definitely didn't mean to disappear on you, and I wanted to get back home. Pretty sure I had a bad fall hunting, and the wolves who found me were a little too keen on me paying them back. As if. Bridget snorted, but didn't pull away or make any space. She couldn't believe Jasmine was here and had apparently been looking for her all this time. Did Brecheliant know!? And she was seriously all by herself?!

I made it out of there, but things are... complicated, now. That was a fucking understatement. She shifted self-consciously, but wasn't about to draw attention to it. She was in this mess because she hadn't taken care of things when she had the chance and she knew that. Now she just had to put in the work to move forward. I'm planning on coming back. I just have to be sure I can make it. I can't believe you're here.

She beamed, giving Jasmine another huge hug for good measure. You sure found me, and I'm definitely not dead. Sorry for making you worry. You're amazing, though, to have tracked me down all the way out here! I mean, wherever 'here' is, anyway. Bridget still hadn't managed to sort out where exactly they were in relation to landmarks she was familiar with. It would be easier if she could recall the way she'd come in order to arrive at the island, but with the state she'd been in at the time, no way that was happening.