Silverlight Terrace Track
110 Posts
Ooc — The System
All Welcome 
Astraios was tracking another herd. The kill that he and @Rodyn had made had fed him and his family for the last week, but now their bellies rumbled once more. The newly-made Greek called for his friend, hoping the Moonglow hunter would oblige.

The herd, elk this time, started at his call, but they weren't fool enough to flee just one wolf, even was as large as Astraios. The wolf snickered softly, eyeing each elk in turn, trying to pick out the best target.
"Common." · "Greek." · "Thieves' Cant"

Physical Health (100/100)

Astraios is healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Astraios is mentally well.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,362 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn had been nearby when a howl had rang out across the lands. It was a call for him, for action. To use the skills that he loved, and help out his neighbor friends family, Astraios. He grinned and loped towards the call.

Rodyn saw the pale wolf as he came near, and he smiled, and dipped his muzzle. His own gaze taking in the Elk Heard. There were a few small females, some younglings. He wouldn't like to take the younglings unless they were wounded. Only because they would grow into food as they got older.
110 Posts
Ooc — The System
Astraios took to circling the herd once Rodyn arrived. He could see them start nervously, looking between the two wolves. He snickered softly, then feinted a rush at the elk, to see which ones might run first — if they were lucky, it would be the injured, ill, or elderly.

Three elk began to flee; one was a young male, a yearling at most. Another was clearly an elderly female, but she did not look injured. Finally, there was a young calf. The latter would not feed many, so he turned his gaze to the others, beginning his chase. He looked to Rodyn, a question in his gaze — which should they pick?
"Common." · "Greek." · "Thieves' Cant"

Physical Health (100/100)

Astraios is healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Astraios is mentally well.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,362 Posts
Ooc — Danni
I used the tabletop to roll between 1 to 3. I got 1 so yearling it is

Rodyn followed his hunting partners lead, though he circled a different way. Eyes locked on the elk as they moved. A smile parted his maw, teeth glistening. This was going to be fun, and challenging, but mostly fun. His eyes landed on each of the three that Astraios had glanced at, determining, figuring.

Finally, he went after the young male. He was a yearling, healthy, spry, but he had the inexperience of age on his side. The elderly female, she would have been easier perhaps to catch, but she also would have known to stay in the middle of the herd, and to kick at key spots on their bodies. The yearling would be harder to take down and perhaps an injury, but if they were careful. They probably seperate him better, and the youngling, to sparce of food.
110 Posts
Ooc — The System
Rodyn went for the spike male, and Astraios changed course, aiming to place himself between the elk and its herd. By doing so, he could prevent it from returning, of course, but he placed himself in danger — elk protected each other better than deer did.

Astraios aimed a quick snap at the elk's ankles, injuring it slightly, only for the bull of the herd to rush him; he had to dodge quickly, and circle back around. If they were not careful, this could be dangerous.
"Common." · "Greek." · "Thieves' Cant"

Physical Health (100/100)

Astraios is healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Astraios is mentally well.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,362 Posts
Ooc — Danni
First roll failure to seperate 1, try one more time and see what 2nd roll does. 4. I did 1 to 6, 1 to 3 failure, 4 to 6 win

Rodyn's chest tightened, when his friend was rushed by the bull. He had hoped Astraios would allow him get between the young spike and the herd. Not because Astraios couldn't, but because Rodyn himself had no family. Astraios did. He attempted the same thing Astraios, had, but this time, he didn't even get a piece of fur before the bull Elk was chasing him while they ran.

He circled around as Astraios had and instead of going directly to the side, he ran between and snapped at the shoulder of the beast while he ran past. He wasn't quick enough for his tail rear to get smacked by the yearlings snout, but he managed to get him at least away from the bull Elk.
110 Posts
Ooc — The System
I rolled to break it's leg and succeeded.

As Rodyn went for the shoulder of the spike elk, Astraios went for its hindleg once more. Teeth snapped down, hard, and he knew he has broken its leg. At that point, the herd began to pull away from the hunting wolves, and even the bull seemed to give in — they knew, as Astraios knew, that the hunt would soon be over.
"Common." · "Greek." · "Thieves' Cant"

Physical Health (100/100)

Astraios is healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Astraios is mentally well.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,362 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rolled a 6. Rodyn will dispatch it while Astraios holds it's leg :D

Astraios caught the creatures leg in his maw, the audible snap loud in the air, and the scream that rent it next. It caused Rodyn to put his ears back to his skull. But he ran and grasped the creature's throat, silencing it.

Rodyn lifted his muzzle in a triiumphant howl this time. A blood grin on his face, as he looked to his friend, and hunting partner. They made a good team.
110 Posts
Ooc — The System
It was over swiftly, but what else would be said of the two strong hunters? Astraios pulled away as their quarry fell and was silence. He was the clean one, this time, with no blood on him at all. He grinned lazily at Rodyn, then loosed his own deep howl.

He looked down to the kill. "You will show me how to work the pelt, yes?"
"Common." · "Greek." · "Thieves' Cant"

Physical Health (100/100)

Astraios is healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Astraios is mentally well.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,362 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn nodded his head. And motioned for Astraios to move closer. You want to split it at it's legs first. Right above it's feet. He used his claw to make cuts along the hooves of the elk.

Rodyn showed him with claws that you then went up the legs to the creatures hindquarters, he clawed around the tail and rear of teh elk, long thing stripes in the fur, the blood, slipping into the white of the elk's tail. Rodyn was getting bloody, this was bloody work, but he didn't mind, this would be a grand prize for his friend to gift his wife.

He worked his teeth and claws gently under now and after another few cuts along the belly line, he slowly worked the pelt off, he pulled and tugged it towards the head. He carefully made small slits around the ears, nose etc and with a sharp tug he pulled it the rest of the way off. He tugged it towards the ground, and stood panting.

Once you do all that. You want to take it to a river. Stretch it out, and press it down, down into the river, Put rocks on it, to weight it. The fish will eat the flesh from it. It will stay for five hours, he held up a paw. Five rotations around your territory. Once you pull it, it must be put outside to dry, again keep it stretched with rocks. Once it dries. Use sharp bone to take any left over flesh off, then gift it to your wife.

Rodyn smiled. It's a lot of work, but makes for soft bedding for her and any current and future pups.
110 Posts
Ooc — The System
It definitely was a lot of work, and Astraios watched closely, almost entranced as Rodyn skinned the elk. It would make a beautiful, luxurious fur for Themis and their children. He grinned broadly, then bumped Rodyn's shoulder with his snout. "You have my thanks, friend." He was itching to get at it. "I'll go and do that now. I can't wait to give this to her." He felt like a puppy, young, dumb, and in love.
"Common." · "Greek." · "Thieves' Cant"

Physical Health (100/100)

Astraios is healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Astraios is mentally well.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,362 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn smiled. I'm glad I can share this with you. Do you want me to carry some meat to your claim? Since the pelt will be large and bulky or I can help you with both at least to your border line.

Suddenly Rodyn shook his head as he remembered. My leader asked to meet with you an Themis, to share a meal, as neighbors. I told her I would pass the message on.

Rodyn looked at their kill and then smiled back at his new friend. We did good again.
110 Posts
Ooc — The System
Last from me, ty for the hunting thread again <3

"Help would be appreciated," Astraios said with a small smile. "But, I've a better idea." He spread out the elk skin, fur side down, and began to cut and pile large meat chunks onto the skin. Once he had enough, he could grab two corners of the skin in his mouth, to make sure he could hold it. It would be heavy, but together they could bring it back to the weald.

"I'll let her know, and we'll plan on visiting." Getting to know the locals... he felt better about it now, now that he was no longer Vorilye Cruor. Astraios looked back down to the pelt. "Ready?" It was time to head home.
"Common." · "Greek." · "Thieves' Cant"

Physical Health (100/100)

Astraios is healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Astraios is mentally well.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,362 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Of course <3 I like their frienship/broship what is it.

Rodyn's yellow eyes glimmered with interest. He quickly saw what Astraios was doing and bent to the task of helping. When it was full, he answered quickly before he grasped his own edges.

I'll let Moonwoman know. He bent to the task of pulling his own edges into his teeth and bearing a blood grin, skin clenched tight, he was ready to go.